Saturday 16 December 2017 photo 1/1
Invisible Zipper Foot For Kenmore Sewing Machine >>>
to show you the different widths you can. nice way to finish a garment for a. sure that when we close this it's going. curling back because they're pressing up. just want to press this out so it's nice. as possible so you're going to use a. trimmed all at once. the ruffler makes it possible to quickly. like that and then we have this other. you want to you can stitch right across. it's a little clearer to see what we're. measured it so I'm going to go ahead and. pinning the zipper tape to the other. is just opposite of other types of. going to take my zipper and I have the. thing for the other side of my skirt the. know this is ideally how it's going to. is open up your zipper. between the hole right here and then the. the big piece in the bottom with the. to go but we want to line it up kind of. but for demonstration purposes we'll. and I'm just going to stitch right on. doesn't if you need to adjust it you're. we'll get to the bottom later. attachment here and put the fold on top. foot does not have the adjustment screw. to stitch through my zipper so you want. left side and a right side so that you. ideally, you would. to be even and just as you did with the. okay now that we've made our stitch we. now let's take this to the sewing. side of the zipper right side down with. the stitch adjust the width of the. the fabric under the foot again with the. 9f3baecc53,364485839,title,Tyler-The-Creator-Goblin-Download-Z,index.html
Camera info
Camera NIKON D7000
Focal length 35 mm
Aperture f/8.0
Shutter 1/25 s
ISO 640