Thursday 12 November 2009 photo 1/1
My head is shifting, drifting from a view to another
Dreaming constantly, not pleasantly but I don't care
Doing by impulse but not with a feeling
Sensing my doom, but too far ahead to grab wit right now
Since there's no meaning and bearing that in mind
I'll save you the moans and gather what's left
Ironically that's when you realize what it has come to
Either sad, mad or glad I'll forfeit my resurrection
All depending on your view and sentence
And if I'm lucky enough to seize your eager embrace
I promise you that I will swallow my pride
But for now; fuck you all, I love you
My head is shifting, drifting from a view to another
Dreaming constantly, not pleasantly but I don't care
Doing by impulse but not with a feeling
Sensing my doom, but too far ahead to grab wit right now
Since there's no meaning and bearing that in mind
I'll save you the moans and gather what's left
Ironically that's when you realize what it has come to
Either sad, mad or glad I'll forfeit my resurrection
All depending on your view and sentence
And if I'm lucky enough to seize your eager embrace
I promise you that I will swallow my pride
But for now; fuck you all, I love you
Comment the photo
Vi kan ju sitta på mitt lilla loft å köra nålen i varandra nån dag.. skulle va trevligt. de va ju inte igår man tog en sil senast. jag har typ 4 hg heroin... men vafan, det räcker ju ett litet tag iaf.
Skulle du vara intresserad av att köpa min bil? det är en lysande grön bil (lysande bokstavligt talat) årsmodell 75, köpte den direkt från tjernobyl, mår lite dåligt av den..... tror att jag är allergisk eller nått. vad säger du? men vi behöver ju inte gå in så detaljerat på det här... eller? knulla nån dag?
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