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Facebook Places For Iphone ->>->>->>
"See where your friends are and share where you are" is the message that greets users when they first open up Facebook for iPhone. Has been up about 2 weeks in the us. All rights reserved. Home About wikiHow Jobs Terms of Use RSS Site map Log In Mobile view All text shared under a Creative Commons License. Tap add to proceed. Though the App Store update alert hasnt kicked in yet, if you go to the actual page and redownload it, it should be the latest version (version 3.2). Facebook wants to make sure their servers can handle the load that is inevitably coming so it will be a roll out over the next day or two Im told. Stick to public places, such as restaurants, hotels, etc. Help answer questions Learn more . 6 Tap your location in the list that comes up, or search for your location. Share This Page Tweet Your user name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. For your iPhone, simply visit the App store > search for Facebook and install (or re-install) the Facebook app. One thing thats oddly tricky is actually checking-in yourself. Now you are helping others, just by visiting wikiHow. Simply use the Check In function to start sharing your location. Checking in lets your friends know where you are. iPhone France probes Apple over iPhone planned obsolescencecomplaint Apples $29 iPhone battery replacements are available startingtoday Crunch Report Apple Apologizes for Slowing DowniPhones Browse more. We were told it may be a while before the full funtionality rolls out to the app, so perhaps Facebook is holding some small element back for the time being. new versions of Safari, Firefox or Chrome) and a device capable of supporting geolocation. Be careful about adding a place such as "home" or "Sarah's house." Anyone in the vicinity will be able to locate your house based on the map. Lemme know what Im missing. And to make room for Places, the Notes element of the app has been moved on to the second page. Again, you can find the latest version of the app here sadly, its only available for U.S. TechCrunch News Video Events Crunchbase TechCrunch Store About Staff Contact Us Advertise With Us Event & Editorial Calendar Send Us A Tip Activations Blog International China Europe Japan Follow TechCrunch Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Youtube Pinterest Tumblr Instagram StumbleUpon Feed TechCrunch Apps iOS Android Windows 8 Subscribe to The Daily Crunch Latest headlines delivered to you daily Subscribe to Subscribe to The Daily Crunch Enter Email Address Subscribe 2013-2018 Oath Tech Network. This feature is US based as of August 2010, although it is expected to be gradually rolled out internationally. A notice will pop up warning you that places are public. If you dont see the Share functionality yet, dont worry its coming! Facebookfacebook for ipadfacebook for iphonefacebook placesfacebook places iphoneget facebook places on ipadget facebook places on your iphonehow to share facebook placeshow to share your location with facebook placeshow to use facebook placesipad facebook placesiphone facebook Phill Yay, foursquare is finaly dead! Anonymous very slowe pag &un ableactive run Be Social My Friend Follow SocialMediaSEO Social Media SEO Get SMSEO daily via email: Recent Posts Social Media. Clicking on those friends shows more details about the place they are at. Tap on the privacy icon (see photo above). To ensure your safety, don't check in anywhere while on vacation - you can add your location to photos and status updates when you return. Reporting a place (that is offensive, violates your privacy, etc.) can be done at the base of the page of the place in question on the web page, or in the top right hand corner of the iPhone app when looking at the place. Sep 16, 2010 #3 sakumaxp Member Joined: Aug 8, 2010 Messages: 528 Likes Received: 4 Trophy Points: 18 Location: SO CAL if not just get the foursquare app, and link it to facebook its basically the same thing Sep 18, 2010 #4 chazzw New Member Joined: Aug 5, 2010 Messages: 210 Likes Received: 1 Trophy Points: 0 Location: UK Because I was curious I upgraded to 4.1 today and hey presto! Places is now working on my iPhone. Search tags for this page facebook iphone4 places error, facebook nearby not working iphone 4, facebook nearby places not working, facebook places error, facebook places for iphone, facebook places iphone4, facebook places not working on iphone 4, iphone 4 facebook places error, nearby places facebook not working, nearby places not working on iphone . This article will show you how to share your location with your friends, while staying hidden to the public to stay safe. Maura posted Jan 8, 2018 at 12:50 PM Loading. The checking-in process is still a bit buggy though (I can't refresh the page with all of my friends' checkins), and for some users the option to check in or add new places won't be available until Facebook completes the rollout of its new geolocation product. Let it all out. 8 Edit your privacy 5a02188284