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Gnuradio 3.7.2
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Welcome to GNU Radio! For details about GNU Radio and using it, please see the main project page. Other information about the project and discussion about GNU Radio, software radio, and communication theory in general can be found at the GNU Radio blog. Dependencies. The list of GNU Radio dependencies and the minimum required versions, if any, to build the various GNU Radio components. Most of these components do not need to be individually compiled or installed. Instead, rely on your operating system's package manager or binary installation process (the apt-get. File in gnuradio/gr-digital/include/gnuradio, Includes file in gnuradio/gr-blocks. digital / costas_loop_cc.h · include / gnuradio / blocks / control_loop.h · digital / fll_band_edge_cc.h · include / gnuradio / blocks / control_loop.h · gnuradio · gr-digital · include · gnuradio; Generated on Mon Sep 22 2014 16:09:10 for GNU Radio. ... 3.7.2 C++ API. GNU Radio 3.7.2 C++ API. gnuradio-runtime Directory Reference. Directory dependency graph for gnuradio-runtime: gnuradio-runtime. Directories. directory, include. directory, swig · gnuradio · gnuradio-runtime; Generated on Mon Sep 22 2014 16:09:10 for GNU Radio 3.7.2 C++ API by doxygen 1.8.6. Detailed Description. All C++ blocks that can be used in GR graphs are listed here or in the subcategories below. Sorry, at this time the Python hierarchical blocks are not included in this index. Generated on Mon Sep 22 2014 16:09:01 for GNU Radio 3.7.2 C++ API by doxygen 1.8.6. GNU Radio 3.7.2 C++ API. Classes | Functions. Packet/Frame Operators. GNU Radio C++ Signal Processing Blocks. Collaboration diagram for Packet/Frame Operators:. Classes. class, gr::blocks::annotator_1to1. 1-to-1 stream annotator testing block. FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. More... class, gr::blocks::annotator_alltoall. All-to-all stream annotator testing block. FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. More... class, gr::blocks::annotator_raw. raw stream annotator testing block. More. Hi have updated the source to be installed in gnuradio 3.7 tested in ubuntu 14.04.. Upgrade to GnuRadio 3.7 #2. Open. dadopap wants to merge.. You need to find out where gnuradio keeps its modules (just run "locate blocks |grep grc" or something similar), usually it is in /usr/local/share/gnuradio/blocks. Then copy the. Hi have updated the source to be installed in gnuradio 3.7 tested in ubuntu 14.04. GNU Radio is the leading free software package for working with software-defined radio (SDR). The project released its latest update, version 3.7.2, in December of 2013, but despite the minor-sounding version number, the update incorporates several noteworthy improvements. Description of problem: "yum install gr-osmosdr" responds with : Error: Package: gr-osmosdr-0.1.1-5.20130729git9dfe3a63.fc20.i686 (updates) Requires: whereas gnuradio supplies /usr/lib/ Version-Release number of selected component. Also If you Google your error other people are having that problem as well, so it's not Gnuradio related but something with pyopengl on certain windows systems. I'd say try installing an older version of pyopengl. > I must admit to getting extremely frustrated with Gnuradio and its lack or usability for those of us who are not. adep: libuhd-dev (>= 3.7.2): universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products. adep: libasound2-dev: shared library for ALSA applications -- development files. adep: libjack-jackd2-dev: JACK Audio Connection Kit (development files). adep: portaudio19-dev: Portable audio I/O - development files. adep: libxi-dev: X11. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello George, two things: 1. generally, ubuntu packages of GNU Radio become outdated, and it's preferable to install things yourself, e.g. from source using pybombs; but for now, you're likely to have GNU Radio 3.7.2, which is modern "enough", though. amd64 build of gnuradio 3.7.5-gqrx~utopic1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE. Gpredict releases; amd64 build of gnuradio 3.7.5-gqrx~ut... created on 2014-11-27. Build status. [MANUALDEPWAIT] Dependency wait on lgw01-10. Missing build dependencies: libuhd-dev (>= 3.7.2); Started on 2014-11-27; Finished on 2014-11-27. ... boost-devel as requirement for gnuradio-devel Resolves: rhbz#1002148 * Mon Dec 02 2013 Jaroslav Å karvada - - New version Resolves: rhbz#1036554 * Mon Nov 18 2013 Jaroslav Å karvada> - 3.7.2-1 - New version Resolves: rhbz#1030865. Thu Nov 23 2017 tv 3.7.2-0.rc1.10.mga7 + Revision: 1178960 - bump release - rebuild for boost 1.65 + barjac - rebuild for boost 1.65 * Sat Oct 14 2017 barjac 3.7.2-0.rc1.7.mga7 + Revision: 1171774 - rebuild for boost and gnuradio * Tue Aug 08 2017 daviddavid 3.7.2-0.rc1.6.mga7 +. File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/analog/", line 22, in swig_import_helper _mod = imp.load_module('_analog_swig', fp, pathname, description) ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: volk_32f_invsqrt_32f_a. Clearly I've got things. Linux PC with multicore processor, • USRPB210 (Software Defined Radio platform), • 2 vert900 antennas, • UHD driver, • GNU Radio 3.7.2 or higher, • USB port 3.0. The USRPB210 is an RF hardware which provides a platform for Software Defined Radio. The USRP B210 works with Linux PC with the help of USRP. I got GnuRadio 3.7.2. I have confirmed my radio connects to the computer, but I have yet to actually receive any signals. I tried to install the RTL2832 blocks from GrOsmoSDR as described here, but I get this error consistently: By not providing "FindGnuradio.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Gnuradio" (requested version 3.7.2) with any of the following names: GnuradioConfig.cmake gnuradio-config.cmake. Add the installation prefix of "Gnuradio" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "Gnuradio_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above. Description: When upgrading to gnuradio, all files in /usr/lib/python2.7/gnuradio/wxgui disappear and all gr-wxgui funtionality is lost. This happens on both x86_64 and arch7h. Additional info: * package version(s) * config and/or log files etc. Steps to reproduce: Install pre- version of gnuradio with. i removed gnuradio with purge and then autoremove so there was nothing left afterwards. everything went fine till i needed to install gr-osmosdr. There were some unmet dependencies. osmosdr needs libgnuradio-osmosdr0.1.3 and libgnuradio-uhd3.7.5 which in turn needs libuhd003 (>= 3.7.2) and so on. 15 minXem video mới GNU Radio Tutorials: Part 1 GRC, Sources, Sinks, Audio & GUI Blocks. In the readme file, testing configuration is required as following: - Intel Core i5-2557M - Ubuntu 12.04 - GNU Radio 3.7.2 - GrOsmoSDR 0.1.1 - rtl-sdr 0.5 - UHD 3.6.0-1 - HackRF 0.2 - bladeRF 0.9.0 I have one pc with i5 core and ubuntu OS, but i am not familiar with the left configuration highlighted in red. I search them in. To learn openlte well and do some contribution if i can in future, i want to build one test environment firstly. In the readme file, testing configuration is required as following: - Intel Core i5-2557M - Ubuntu 12.04 - GNU Radio 3.7.2 - GrOsmoSDR 0.1.1 - rtl-sdr 0.5 - UHD 3.6.0-1 - HackRF 0.2 - bladeRF 0.9.0 I have one pc with i5. Viewing messages in thread '[Discuss-gnuradio] Gnuradio 3.7.2 adn WX GUI Waterfall Sink with only blue screen output'. Viewing messages in list gnuradio-discuss · - 2018-03-01 - 2018-04-01 (143 messages). 1. 2013-11-28 Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnuradio 3.7.2 adn WX GUI Wate gnuradio- Ben Z en de rest 2. ... COMPONENTS system) set(GR_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS RUNTIME ANALOG AUDIO) find_package(Gnuradio "3.7.2" REQUIRED). include_directories(${GNURADIO_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS}). add_executable(dialtone target_link_libraries(dialtone ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${GNURADIO_ALL_LIBRARIES}). comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by michaelld (Michael Dickens). Resolution set to worksforme; Status changed from new to closed. GNU Radio is at 3.7.1 (almost 3.7.2, and, really, the issue is that py*-scipy is not +universal yet (I'm working on that too). I'm closing this ticket; if you feel otherwise, please reopen it and add. Hi Simon, I hate to contradict you, but the most recent version in that repository is UHD 3.7.2, which lacks several important bug fixes related to B210. So I'd recommend getting 3.8.2 from our repository, and building GNU radio from source, linking against that, or building both UHD and GNU radio from.
Gnu radio 3.7.2 対応のサンプルを作成しました。 R820T を前提とした周波数範囲 30~1300MHz NFM-AM 切り替え可能。 必要最小限のブロック構成、入門用として最適?と思います。 サンプルは下記にて公開しています。 Re: Taller 2 - GNU Radio. de Federico "Larroca" La Rocca - viernes, 3 de junio de 2016, 15:31. Hola,. Estaba buscando a partir de qué versión está el QT GUI Number Sink, pero se ve que es posterior a la 3.7.2. Lo más fácil es usar cualquier otro bloque que te deje "ver" el número que sale del log10(BER). What version of UHD does the LiveDVD include? Just FYI, the GNU Radio LiveDVD has Ettus Research UHD 3.7.0 on it, with all the equivalent firmware files pre-downloaded into the correct images directory. We're working on a new DVD for release before GRCON which will hopefully have UHD 3.7.2. -- Johnathan Corgan. "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/gnuradio/qtgui/", line 22, in swig_import_helper _mod = imp.load_module('_qtgui_swig', fp, pathname, description) ImportError: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZN7QwtPlot17legendItemClickedEv. The gnuradio app doesn't. dep: libgnuradio-runtime3.7.2.1: gnuradio core runtime. dep: libqt4-network (>= 4:4.5.3): Qt 4 network module. dep: libqtcore4 (>= 4:4.7.0~beta1): Qt 4 core module. dep: libqtgui4 (>= 4:4.6.1): Qt 4 GUI module. dep: libstdc++6 (>= 4.6): GNU Standard C++ Library v3. dep: libvolk0.0.0 (>= 3.7.2): gnuradio vector optimized. I have on my system llvm-3.6 but I want to use the most recent version (3.7 or newer). Because I am trying to develop a pass using CMake. How can I replace the old one. I had installed it using "sudo. 14.04 software-installation compiling cmake. asked Nov 9 '15 at 16:39. Vemulo. 6617. 1. vote. 1answer. 102 views. $sudo apt-get install gnuradio. Al ejecutar este comando, el sistema iniciará con la descarga e instalación de la aplicación solicitada y al finalizar, se habrá instalado la versión 3.7.2. Con la versión mencionada se pueden realizar las actividades desarrolladas en el documento sin inconvenientes; sin embargo, el usuario. N. The set of natural numbers {0, 1,...}. N⋆. The set of natural numbers, without 0: {1, 2,...}. Z. The set of integers {..., −2, −1, 0, 1, 2,...}. R. The set of real numbers. C. The set of complex numbers. R[x]. The set of univariate polynomials with real coefficients. Rn[x]. The set of univariate polynomials with real. So, how did you get on Ubuntu 14.04? you say apt-get, but >>>> Canonical's repos only carry 3.7.2 for 14.04; since this might really be a >>>> binary compatibility problem, this is my main focus. >>>> >>>> Cheers, >>>> >>>> Marcus >>>> >>>> On 08/10/2017 05:54 PM, Ruediger Bauernschmitt. I got a new XU4 yesterday and have a question about compiling gnuradio. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 (because of some dependency issues, and crankiness with wx3 on later versions). The apt package is 3.7.2 and gr-osmosdr required 3.7.8. I went ahead and downloaded the tarball and started the build. ... Å karvada - - Added boost-devel as requirement for gnuradio-devel Resolves: rhbz#1002148 * Mon Dec 02 2013 Jaroslav Å karvada - - New version Resolves: rhbz#1036554 * Mon Nov 18 2013 Jaroslav Å karvada - 3.7.2-1. ganglia-gmond-python, Applications/Internet, 3.7.2-2.el7, Ganglia Monitor daemon python DSO and metric modules. ganglia-web, Applications/Internet, 3.7.1-2.el7.... gr-fcdproplus, Applications/Communications, 0-0.7.20140920git1edbe523.el7, GNURadio support for FUNcube Dongle Pro+. gr-fcdproplus, Applications/. LTE IMSI LTE IMSI catcher Read more about mobile, imsi, rnti, rogue, protocol and encryption. 3.7.2 Reconfiguration Decision Making Operations . . . . . . . . . 96.... examples of these packages include the open source GNU Radio project [82], the.... platform to use in combination with communication system simulations developed in GnuRadio [82]. Ettus Research has since developed a library called the USRP. gqrx Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt, 2.10. gr-fcdproplus GNURadio support for FUNcube Dongle Pro+, 3.7.2. gr-fcdproplus-doc Documentation files for gr-fcdproplus, 3.7.2. gr-iqbal GNURadio block for suppressing IQ imbalance, 0.37.2. gr-iqbal-doc Documentation files for gr-iqbal, 0.37.2. ... ganglia-gmond-python-3.7.2-11.fc23.armv7hl.rpm 02-Oct-2016 15:00 123986 ganglia-web-3.7.2-11.fc23.armv7hl.rpm 02-Oct-2016 15:00 657158.... 08-Nov-2015 02:42 642386 gnuradio-doc- 08-Nov-2015 02:44 162762670 gnuradio-examples- ... 10-Jan-2018 03:23 1.6M [ ] ganglia-debuginfo-3.7.2-2.el7.ppc64.rpm 14-Oct-2015 06:30 468K [ ] garcon-debuginfo-0.4.0-3.el7.ppc64.rpm 19-Apr-2016 17:44 184K [ ]... gnulib-debuginfo-0-14.20150325git.el7.ppc64.rpm 27-Mar-2015 19:59 149K [ ] gnuradio-debuginfo-3.7.11-6.el7.ppc64.rpm 05-Oct-2017 21:08 58M [ ]. applications (i.e. IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n standards). 3.7.2 Software component. Identification of spectrum opportunities is performed by both a hardware platform (i.e. USRP) and a software component. GNU Radio is the toolkit considered as the software component. It is a software for learning. audacious, 3.9, 23, 3.918, 3.8.27 3.8.2-gtk3 3.8.1 3.84 3.7.24 3.7.13 3.7 3.6.23 3.6 3.5.2 3.52 3.4.32 3.4.1 3.3 3.2.4 3.2.1 3.1, 9999 2015.10.10.... gnuradio,, 17, 3.7.1116, 3.7.10 3.7.9 3.7.8 3.7.52 3.7.3, 20180218 9999 3.8.9999 3.7.9999. ganglia-3.7.2-10.fc23.src.rpm, 25-Aug-2016 14:28, 1.9M. [ ], gap-4.7.9-1.fc23.src.rpm, 03-Dec-2015 21:28, 239M. [ ], gap-pkg-aclib-1.2-3.fc23.src.rpm... 24-Aug-2016 15:31, 5.3M. [ ], gnuradio-, 08-Nov-2015 07:44, 3.8M. [ ], gnurobbo-0.68-1.20151113svn415.fc23.src.rpm, 14-Nov-2015 02:19, 627K.
The following extra packages will be installed: adduser bsdmainutils debhelper file fontconfig fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core freeglut3 gcc-4.9-base gettext gettext-base gnuradio gnuradio-dev gr-osmosdr groff-base icu-devtools intltool-debian libasound2 libasound2-data libasound2-dev libasprintf0c2. including WARP [29], DARPA WNaN, USRP/USRP2 GNU radio [30], WiNC2R software radio [31], and KU radio. These cognitive radio hardware platforms are flexible and support high performance cognitive radio capabilities like different modulation schemes, MAC and. PHY functionalities. Commercially. ... gnuradio-fcdproplus-3.7.5-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig · gnuradio-iqbal-0.37.2-27-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz · gnuradio-iqbal-0.37.2-27-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig · gnuradio-osmosdr-0.1.4-25-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz · gnuradio-osmosdr-0.1.4-25-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig · gnurl-7.58.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz · gnurl-7.58.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig. ganglia-gmond-python-3.7.2-2.el7.x86_64.rpm, 2015-Oct-13 22:30:23, 116.3K, application/octet-stream. ganglia-web-3.7.1-2.el7.x86_64.rpm, 2015-Oct-13 22:30:.... gnuradio-doc-3.7.11-6.el7.noarch.rpm, 2017-Oct-05 13:08:48, 159.8M, application/octet-stream. gnuradio-examples-3.7.11-6.el7.x86_64.rpm, 2017-Oct-05. ganglia-3.7.2-2.mga7.src.rpm, 2017-12-28 22:04, 1.3M. [ ], ganglia-web-3.7.2-1.mga6.src.rpm, 2017-04-26 07:13, 697K. [ ], ganttproject-2.5.4-8.mga6.src.rpm, 2016-02-14 19:49, 10M.... gnuradio-3.7.11-7.mga7.src.rpm, 2017-12-26 20:33, 4.1M. [ ], gnustep-base-1.24.8-5.mga7.src.rpm, 2017-12-29 16:42, 3.3M. gnuplot-5.0.2nb1 gnu-pw-mgr-1.5 gnuradio- gnuradio-atsc- gnuradio-channels- gnuradio-companion- gnuradio-core- py27-sympy- py27-sysctl-0.1nb1 py27-syslog-ng-3.7.2 py27-table-0.8.3anb4 py27-tabular-0.1 py27-Tempita-0.5.2 py27-terminator-0.98 py27-test-2.9.2 ganglia-devel-3.7.2-21.fc29.x86_64.rpm 2018-02-28 17:51 23K [ ] ganglia-gmetad-3.7.2-21.fc29.x86_64.rpm 2018-02-28 17:51 64K [ ] ganglia-gmond-3.7.2-21.fc29.x86_64.rpm 2018-02-28 17:51 94K [ ] ganglia-web-3.7.2-21.fc29.x86_64.rpm 2018-02-28 17:51 643K [ ] ganyremote-7.0-3.fc28.noarch.rpm 2018-02-20 10:45. 05-Mar-2015 01:46 261176 autocorr-af- 23-Oct-2015 13:09 67264 autocorr-bg- 03-Feb-2015 19:42 1278168 gnuradio- 03-Feb-2015 19:42 1300728 gnuradio-devel-3.7.5-3.fc21_3.7.5.1-2.fc21.i686. ganglia-core-3.7.2-2.mga7.i586.rpm, 103700, 28-Dec-2017 20:04. ganglia-gmetad-3.7.2-2.mga7.i586.rpm. ganglia-web-3.7.2-1.mga6.noarch.rpm, 613738, 26-Apr-2017 06:13. ganttproject-2.5.4-8.mga6.i586.rpm.... 417812, 26-Dec-2017 18:33. gnuradio-doc-3.7.11-7.mga7.noarch.rpm, 161334468, 26-Dec-2017 18:33. 8249-clamav-unofficial-sigs-3.7.2-1.el7/, 2016-03-18 08:55, -. [DIR], 8250-cl-asdf-20101028-8.el7/, 2016-03-18 08:59, -.... 8851-globus-xio-pipe-driver-3.7-2.el7/, 2016-03-27 23:02, -. [DIR], 8852-globus-xio-popen-driver-3.5-2.el7/. 8878-gnuradio-, 2016-06-20 18:10, -. [DIR], 8879-gnu-smalltalk-3.2.5-3.el7/. esto y tal vez de los más conocidos son: GNU-Radio, Simu-Link, Matlab, entre otros. 1.8 COMPARANDO RADIOS BASADAS EN HARDWARE CON RADIOS. BASADAS EN SOFTWARE. Se continuará el desarrollo de este trabajo final comparando puntos específicos e importantes de cada una de las tecnologías,. ... 20-Aug-2017 16:42 3035302 ganglia-3.7.2-13.fc25.src.rpm 26-Jan-2017 19:28 2025568 gap-4.8.8-1.fc25.src.rpm 06-Sep-2017 16:23 275870798... gnuplot-5.0.5-1.fc25.src.rpm 19-Oct-2016 14:57 5106046 gnuradio- 23-Nov-2016 15:34 4281861 gnutls-3.5.15-1.fc25.src.rpm. ... 13:51 543408 gnunet-gtk-0.10.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig 10-Apr-2014 13:51 543 gnuradio-3.7.11-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 01-Jan-2018 01:09 12470260.... 01-Jul-2014 13:30 543 netsurf-3.7-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 05-Nov-2017 13:30 1062140 netsurf-3.7-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig 05-Nov-2017 13:30 310. dev-java, swt, 3.7.2, GTK based SWT Library. dev-lang, lua, 5.1.5.... net-wireless, gnuradio, 3.6.3, Toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. net-wireless, gr-baz. net-wireless, gr-air-modes, 9999, This module implements a complete Mode S and ADS-B receiver for Gnuradio. net-wireless. In this section, we describe the results from our experiments performed on the GNU radio.... the receiver side, we use the GNURadio for signal processing... 3.7.2 Results. Next, we describe the results from our trace-driven simulations. • Total Throughput across all clients: Throughput increases for all algorithms as. ganglia-web-3.7.2-1.1.src.rpm 2017-11-04 00:33 697K Anonymous FTP Server Project [ ] gap-4.8.8-1.3.src.rpm 2018-01-11 16:01 38M Anonymous FTP Server.... gnuradio-3.7.11-3.2.src.rpm 2018-01-18 09:13 4.1M Anonymous FTP Server Project [ ] gnuserv-3.12.6-274.1.src.rpm 2017-11-14 21:21 103K Anonymous FTP. SlackBuild patches/enable_only_aac_plugin.diff slack-desc SLACKBUILD VERSION: 3.7.2 SLACKBUILD DOWNLOAD: SLACKBUILD DOWNLOAD_x86_64: SLACKBUILD MD5SUM: 6ae2f17885897e717b8bbafc32858e2f. dugong 3.7.2, 1, A HTTP 1.1 client module supporting asynchronous IO, pipelining and `Expect: 100-continue`. Designed for RESTful protocols. dummy_package 0.2.0, 1, Python library.... software from source, or whatever the local package manager is. Designed for easy install of source trees for the GNU Radio project. bes-3.7.2-3.fc12.src..> 2009-10-03 15:18, 4.8M. [ ], bespin-0.1-0.2.20090..> 2009-10-03 14:26, 2.0M. [ ], beteckna-fonts-0.3-5..> 2009-08-12 09:46, 187K.... gnuradio-3.2.2-1.fc1..> 2009-08-08 13:32, 6.4M. [ ], gnurobots-1.2.0-7.fc..> 2009-08-12 10:16, 179K. [ ], gnusim8085-1.3.5-5.f..> 2009-08-08 13:09, 281K. ... 05:52 208K al-anvar-0.5.0-2.mga3.src.rpm 28-Apr-2013 14:21 4M alacarte-3.7.2-2.mga3.src.rpm 11-Jan-2013 12:22 193K alien-8.87-3.mga3.src.rpm.... 4M gnuplot-4.6.1-4.mga3.src.rpm 26-Jan-2013 23:58 5M gnupod-0.99.8-6.mga3.src.rpm 12-Jan-2013 04:51 207K gnuradio- ... 1768497 ganglia-3.7.2-2.3.src.rpm 06-Feb-2018 19:40 1312465 ganglia-web-3.7.2-1.3.src.rpm 06-Feb-2018 13:27 714529 gap-4.8.10-1.1.src.rpm.... gnuradio-3.7.11-3.4.src.rpm 01-Feb-2018 04:17 4336124 gnuserv-3.12.6-274.2.src.rpm 01-Feb-2018 04:40 105652 gnusocialshell-1.2.0-1.4.src.rpm. cistrome-MACS, Academic, 1.4.2, 14.1. ckermit, Network, 9.0.302, 14.1. ckmame, Games, 0.11, 14.1. cksfv, Misc, 1.3.14, 14.1. clalsadrv, Libraries, 2.0.0, 14.1. clam, Audio, r15456, 14.1. clam_annotator, Audio, 0.5.0, 14.1. clam_voice2midi, Audio, 0.3.10, 14.1. clamav, System, 0.99, 14.1. clamav-unofficial-sigs, Network, 3.7.2. ... repo/oss/suse/i586/ganglia-gmetad-3.7.2-2.1.i586.rpm repo/oss/suse/i586/ganglia-gmetad-skip-bcheck-3.7.2-2.1.i586.rpm.... repo/oss/suse/i586/gnuradio-examples-3.7.11-3.1.i586.rpm repo/oss/suse/i586/gnuradio-examples-wxgui-3.7.11-3.1.i586.rpm. cmake-qtgui-3.7.2-3...> 2017-06-09 02:47, 1.4M. [ ], cmake-rpm-macros-3.7..> 2017-06-09 02:47, 12K. [ ], cmsuper-0.3.3-16.mga..> 2016-02-08 10:49, 59M.... gnuradio-utils-3.7.1..> 2017-02-25 11:58, 289K. [ ], gnustep-base-1.24.8-..> 2017-03-19 20:28, 597K. [ ], gnustep-base-devel-1..> 2017-03-19 20:28, 229K. ... 7.0M, application/x-gtar-compressed. cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz, 2017-Jan-16 15:08:41, 7.0M, application/x-gtar-compressed.... application/x-gtar-compressed. gnuradio-3.7.5.tar.gz, 2015-Mar-13 23:03:59, 3.3M, application/x-gtar-compressed. gnuradio-, 2016-Mar-05 15:04:52, 4.6M, application/x-gtar-compressed. SERVICE.init clamd.logrotate clamd.scan.upstart clamd.sysconfig clamd@.service clamd@scan.service daily-21723.cvd freshclam-sleep freshclam.sysconfig llvm-glibc.patch main-57.cvd clamav-unofficial-sigs-3.7.2.tar.gz clamav-unofficial-sigs.spec clamsmtp-1.10.tar.gz clamsmtp-clamd.conf clamsmtp-clamd.logrotate. eclipse-gef-3.7.2.txz 10-Jul-2013 21:22 5.7M [ ] eclipse-gef-examples-3.0_6.txz 10-Jul-2013 21:25 479K [ ] eclipse-hibernatetools-3.2.3.g_2.txz 10-Jul-2013 21:25.... gnuplot-4.6.3.txz 10-Jul-2013 21:18 3.1M [ ] gnupod-0.99.8.txz 10-Jul-2013 21:16 111K [ ] gnuradio-3.6.5.txz 10-Jul-2013 21:23 153M [ ] gnurobbo-0.66_2.txz. LOCAL: only remote: 0ad-0.0.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: 0ad-data-0.0.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: 0install-2.6.1-2.fc21 same: local and remote: 0xFFFF-0.3.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: 2048-cli-0.9-5.git20141214.723738c.fc23 same: local and remote:. ... Let gmond service start after network is ready (bz#585891) - Rebuilt for - ganglia 3.7.2 - fix for apache.... new gnuradio - Initial release - Added isa to devel package requirement - Rebuilt for new gnuradio - Rebuilt for new gnuradio - Fixed pkgconfig version string. ... memcache support - ganglia 3.7.2 - fix for apache 2.4.16 - ganglia-web 3.7.1 - Rebuilt for - Rebuilt for.... longer building with usrp - drop patch 2 - fixed upstream - new upstream release - remove gnuradio dependency as we do not require it - drop temporary patch. Software Packages in "chromodoris". 0ad (0.0.17-1): Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare; 0ad-data (0.0.17-1): Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare (data files); 0ad-data-common (0.0.17-1): Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare (common data files); 0ad-dbg (0.0.17-1): Real-time strategy game of ancient., NOTFOUND, 3.7.2-0ubuntu6, PTS BTS changes buildlog · p.u.c LP bugs builds changes., NOTFOUND, 3.11.2-0ubuntu4, PTS BTS changes buildlog · p.u.c LP bugs builds changes., NOTFOUND, 3.7.1-0ubuntu1, PTS BTS changes buildlog. ... 13:51 543408 gnunet-gtk-0.10.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig 10-Apr-2014 13:51 543 gnuradio-3.7.11-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 11-Sep-2017 04:06 12484156.... 01-Jul-2014 13:30 543 netsurf-3.7-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 05-Nov-2017 13:30 1062140 netsurf-3.7-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sig 05-Nov-2017 13:30 310. Roundup is an open-source issue or bug tracking system featuring a command-line, web and e-mail interface. It is written in Python and designed to be highly customizable.The primary user interface is the web interface. A so-called classic tracker template is distributed as the standard template and data structure set, but. ... 13-Mar-2016 21:20 100804 cfengine-masterfiles36-3.6.6.txz 13-Mar-2016 20:18 93084 cfengine-masterfiles37-3.7.2.txz 14-Mar-2016 05:58 107652.... 13-Mar-2016 23:43 121884 gnuradio-3.7.8.txz 13-Mar-2016 06:41 12648444 gnurobbo-0.68.txz 14-Mar-2016 05:29 1806704 gnurobots-1.2.0_10.txz. Fedora Project BSD Fedora Project Development/Debug ganglia-3.7.2-6.fc22.src.rpm.... gnuradio-debuginfo x86_64 1e7635927f5adeb6ef94c10a9e3c51482330f0efd0ab1b5e330ad8e09c803113 Debug information for package gnuradio This package. ... 2018-01-01 22:59 85K [ ] gammu-doc-1.39.0-1.1.noarch.rpm 2018-02-01 02:34 540K [ ] ganglia-web-3.7.2-1.1.noarch.rpm 2017-11-03 16:33 588K [ ].... gnuplot-doc-5.2.2-3.1.noarch.rpm 2018-02-17 00:34 3.8M [ ] gnuradio-doc-3.7.11-3.3.noarch.rpm 2018-01-30 22:00 5.6M [ ] go-for-it-lang-1.6.3-1.1.noarch.rpm. ... qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7.tar.gz gammu-1.36.8.tar.gz gammu.spec conf.php ganglia-3.7.2-apache.patch ganglia-3.7.2.tar.gz ganglia-httpd.conf.d... gnupg-2.1.9.tar.bz2 gnupg-2.1.9.tar.bz2.sig gnupg2.spec gnuradio- gnuradio-3.7.8.rc1-size_t.patch gnuradio.spec gnurobbo-0.68svn415.tar.xz. Moving libusrp to gnuradio package - Upstream release - Modification of gnuradio-3.1.2-gcc34.patch to the new release - Moving usrp header files to usrp-devel.... (#496149) - Rebuilt for - 3.7.2-3 - fix crash in fancy plugin (#515373) - 3.7.3-1 - version upgrade - new. ... 09:24:25. 450254, Applications, yamakuzure, UNCONFIRMED, [seden overlay] dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.7.1-r7: slot conflicts with dev-java/swt-3.7.2:3.7, 2013-01-09 07:27:10.... 430996, Ebuilds, radio, UNCONFIRMED, net-wireless/gnuradio-3.6.1-r1 does not byte-compile grc_gnuradio package, 2012-08-12 11:35:18.