Friday 21 September 2018 photo 2/2
Two Of Hearts Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p
Immortal Katherine's village was decimated 700 years ago at the orders of another Immortal. Now she and her mortal lover are finally in a position to take revenge.
The producers knew that season 6 was the last season of Highlander, and a spin-off was going to be done, so several pre-pilot episodes were done with female immortals to try out several formats and character story lines to see which had the best chance of success.
"Two of Hearts" is one of those pre-pilot episodes, and IMHO, the worst.
I just didn't buy into Claudia Christian's acting or her character. Her fighting moves were a bit weak and she just didn't have the screen presence to pull-off an action series about an immortal. That, plus the boy-girl bad guy fighting duo theme is something that is old-hat and been done to death.
As we know, eventually they went with the Amanda character & the Raven series, but stuck her with that old boy-girl team-up thing, which quickly got boring.
Season 6 was an unnecessary agony for this otherwise enjoyable show. It is obvious that Paul wanted out of the show after season 5, as it clearly drops in quality (it's probably the worst season) and Paul barely shows up in season 6 episodes culminating with this episode when he is completely absent. Duncan is no longer the main character in most episodes of this season, he is just a guy who other immortals (main characters) go to for council or for sex (female immortals). Plus I don't think I have ever seen a TV show where none of the main characters was present. A couple more episodes after season 5, just to have a closure would have been a much better solution than letting the show go down like this.