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Nlrb hearing officer manual: >> << (Download)
Nlrb hearing officer manual: >> << (Read Online)
nlrb bench book
nlrb manuals
nlrb accretion
nlrb representation case law
nlrb premature extension doctrine
nlrb rules and regulations
an outline of law and procedure in representation cases
nlrb 10(j) manual
amended during the hearing in the discretion of the hearing officer upon such terms as he or she deems just. (b) The petitioner may on its own initiative request the withdrawal of the petition if the investigation discloses that no question of representation exists within the meaning of the statute, because, among other possible
26 Feb 2013 NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. CASEHANDLING MANUAL. PART ONE. UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE PROCEEDINGS. December 2009. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 20402. Frankl v. HTH Corp., No. 10-15984 archived on
Instructional information on NLRB representation (R) case hearings can be found in the Guide for Hearing Officers in NLRB Representation and Section 10(k). Proceedings. Proper preparation for an R-Case hearing includes understanding the procedural guidelines the NLRB uses in conducting these hearings. The Guide
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. CASEHANDLING MANUAL. PART TWO. REPRESENTATION PROCEEDINGS. January 2017. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 20402
0 the "Guide for Hearing Officers in NLRB Representation and Section 10(k). Proceedings." One of the most important responsibilities of field employees is to serve as hearing officers in a representation case or 1 0(k) proceeding. The hearing, officer must ensure that the hearing is conducted in accord with Agency
Hearing Officer?s Guide. Revised August 2000. 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page numbers reflect the Hearing Officer's responsibilities. 2-1. 2.1 .. Accomplishment of .. resolution of other issues 10-3. 11. Things for the Hearing Officer to keep in mind as the.
NLRB Casehandling Manual, Part 3, Compliance Proceedings (July 2017). National Academy of Arbitrators SEW Binder (October 2015). Outline of Law and Procedure in Representation Cases (June 2017). NLRB Guide for Hearing Officers. NLRB Section 10(j) Manual (redacted) (September 2002). NLRB Bench Book 2016.
Issued in looseleaf form with index dividers. September 2003. Provides a checklist of steps to be considered and techniques available for utilization by the hearing officer in preparing for and conducting the hearing, as well as a ready reference to some procedural aspects of the hearing. Item 827-A. Audience.
The handbook is respectfully dedicated to those union representa- tives who Basic Tour Guide: NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. CASEHANDLING MANUAL. PARTS ONE AND TWO. This Manual is the one which will be (or should be) used by give one to your witness, one to the hearing officer, and one to the.