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Discovering Hospitality and Tourism: The World's Greatest Industry (2nd Edition)
by Jack D. Ninemeier
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The hospitality and tourism industry is vast and offers seemingly endless professional opportunities. Written for those considering a career in the field, this book e
London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2008Similarly, you may well be a manager who receives research reports and has to evaluate their results to make sound business decisions based on this information or, equally, you may have to commission research from professional research organisations and will need to provide them with a brief and evaluate their proposed methodology before agreeing a contract with themLogin/Register Share Cancel Font Size A Small A Normal A Large Chapters Front Matter Back Matter Subject Index Chapter 1: The Nature and Relevance of ResearchKey Concepts and Issues1.1 Introduction1.2 The Nature of Research1.3 The Characteristics of Scientific Research1.4 Types of Research1.5 The Main Research Approaches1.6 Research Issues, Questions and ProblemsSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 2: Research Philosophies and Schools of thoughtKey Concepts and Issues2.1 Introduction2.2 The Nature of Knowledge and Reality2.3 Positivism and PhenomenologySummaryFurther ReadingChapter 3: Developing the Research Proposal and PlanKey Concepts and Issues3.1 Introduction3.2 Finding and Refining a Topic3.3 Refining the Research Question(s)3.4 Developing Aims and Objectives3.5 Putting the Research Proposal Together3.6 Ethical ConsiderationsSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 4: Sourcing and Reviewing the LiteratureKey Concepts and Issues4.1 Introduction4.2 Why is a Literature Review Necessary?4.3 What is Literature?4.4 What is a Literature Review?4.5 Sourcing, Searching and Accessing the Literature4.6 Evaluating and Reviewing the Literature4.7 Writing the Literature ReviewSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 5: Developing the Conceptual FrameworkKey Concepts and Issues5.1 Introduction5.2 The Conceptual Framework5.3 Constructs and Concepts5.4 Variables5.5 Theories and Models5.6 Hypotheses5.7 Operationalisation5.8 Measurement and Scales5.9 Establishing Good MeasuresSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 6: Choosing the Empirical Research DesignKey Concepts and Issues6.1 Introduction6.2 Experimental Research6.3 Survey Research6.4 Comparative Research6.5 Case Study Research6.6 Observational Research6.7 Action ResearchSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 7: Collecting the Empirical DataKey Concepts and Issues7.1 Introduction7.2 Questionnaires and Questions7.3 Interviewing7.4 Observation7.5 Projective TechniquesSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 8: SamplingKey Concepts and Issues8.1 Introduction8.2 What is Sampling and Why is It Important?8.3 Quantitative Data Sampling8.4 Qualitative Data SamplingSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 9: Analysing Quantitative DataKey Concepts and Issues9.1 Introduction9.2 General Issues9.3 Descriptive Statistics9.4 Bivariate Analysis9.5 Inferential Statistics9.6 Data Reduction TechniquesSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 10: Analysing Qualitative DataKey Concepts and Issues10.1 Introduction10.2 What Kind of Qualitative Data do You Have?10.3 Basic Principles and Stages in Qualitative Data Analysis10.4 Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques10.5 Justifying Qualitative Data Analysis ChoicesSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 11: Writing up the Research ProjectKey Concepts and Issues11.1 Introduction11.2 Style, Presentation and the Reader11.3 The Contents11.4 References in the Text and BibliographySummaryFurther Reading Copyright View Copyright Page [Page iv] Bob Brotherton 2008First published 2008Reprinted 2011 (twice), 2012Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing AgencyThe intellectual development this engenders is invaluable in its own right but also, beyond this, the business world is rapidly becoming a more complex and dynamic environment within which conventional knowledge and accepted practices become outdated much more frequentlyA less common form calle Register Now test-bank-chemistry-10th-edition-whitten 74 pages test-bank-chemistry-11th-edition-brown Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-chemistry-11th-edition-brown 2.1 Multiple-Choice and Bimodal Questions 1) A certain mass of carbon reacts with 13.6 g of oxygen to form carbon monoxideLondon: Sage.Hussey, JLondon: Routledge.Chapter 10Brotherton, Bdescription The requested resource (/WEB-INF/grails-app/views/error.jsp) is not availableSearch: Advanced LOGIN: Profile Institution Books Researching Hospitality and Tourism: A Student Guide Books Bob Brotherton Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd Publication Year: 2008 Online Publication Date: December 20, 2013 DOI: Print ISBN: 9781412903929 Online ISBN: 9781446280362 Print Purchase Options Subject: Sociology of Leisure, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism Management, Tourism Studies Abstract Hospitality and Tourism is the fourth biggest industry in the worldThe primary objective of financial reporting is to provide relevant information Register Now test-bank-financial-accounting-7th-edition-libby 3 pages solution-manual-hands-on-ethical-hacking-and-network-defense-2nd-edition-simpson Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/solution-manual-hands-on-ethical-hacking-andnetwork-defense-2nd-edition-simpsonHands-on Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, ISBN 1435486099 ChSAGE Books The ultimate social sciences digital library(1999) Experimental research, in B.Brotherton (ed.), The Handbook of Contemporary Hospitality Management Research(1999) Conducting Literature Reviews: From paper to InternetCreate a suite of Web pages to present merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, Register Now solution-manual-php-programming-with-mysql-2nd-gosselin 23 pages test-bank-advanced-financial-accounting-6th-edition-baker Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-advanced-financial-accounting-6th-edition-baker Chapter 2 Test Bank STOCK INVESTMENTS-INVESTOR ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING Multiple Choice Questions LO1 1 When a Eagle Company has less than 50% of the voting stock Register Now test-bank-advanced-financial-accounting-6th-edition-baker 4 pages test-bank-clinical-psychology-8th-edition-trull Harvard ECON 232 - 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I have 8 classes left and need to Macroeconomic latest version This Power Point is due tomorrow but the teacher does not like pictures used to take up space and requires speaker notes grams of oxygen would react with that same mass of carbo Register Now test-bank-chemistry-11th-edition-brown 20 pages test-bank-environment-1st-edition-withgott Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-environment-1st-edition-withgo MULTIPLE CHOICEdoi: 10.4135/9781446280362 Brotherton, Boband Modema, M17390.Lucas, RB(1997) The insidious erosion of ethics, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 May, pNeedham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.Watson, J.L(2000) Research Methods for Business: A skill-building approach, 3rd edition(1995) Measuring quality in restaurant operations: an application of the SERVQUAL instrument, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 14(3/4): 293310(1993) Doing Your Research Project, 2nd editionppProfile Login Sign into your Profile to save and share content across SAGE Knowledge Email address Password Remember me? Forgot your login information? Click here Institutional Login Username Password Remember me? Forgot your login information? Click here Other Login Options Don't have access? View purchasing options Browse Browse by Subject Business & Management Counseling & Psychotherapy Criminology & Criminal Justice Education Geography, Earth & Environmental Science Health & Social Care Media, Communication & Cultural Studies Politics & International Relations Psychology Sociology Browse by Content Type Books Encyclopedias Handbooks Dictionaries Videos Cases Debates Major Works Products SAGE Video Bringing teaching, learning and research to life(1999a) Case study research, in B.Brotherton (ed.), The Handbook of Contemporary Hospitality Management ResearchThanks a322fe9657
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London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2008Similarly, you may well be a manager who receives research reports and has to evaluate their results to make sound business decisions based on this information or, equally, you may have to commission research from professional research organisations and will need to provide them with a brief and evaluate their proposed methodology before agreeing a contract with themLogin/Register Share Cancel Font Size A Small A Normal A Large Chapters Front Matter Back Matter Subject Index Chapter 1: The Nature and Relevance of ResearchKey Concepts and Issues1.1 Introduction1.2 The Nature of Research1.3 The Characteristics of Scientific Research1.4 Types of Research1.5 The Main Research Approaches1.6 Research Issues, Questions and ProblemsSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 2: Research Philosophies and Schools of thoughtKey Concepts and Issues2.1 Introduction2.2 The Nature of Knowledge and Reality2.3 Positivism and PhenomenologySummaryFurther ReadingChapter 3: Developing the Research Proposal and PlanKey Concepts and Issues3.1 Introduction3.2 Finding and Refining a Topic3.3 Refining the Research Question(s)3.4 Developing Aims and Objectives3.5 Putting the Research Proposal Together3.6 Ethical ConsiderationsSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 4: Sourcing and Reviewing the LiteratureKey Concepts and Issues4.1 Introduction4.2 Why is a Literature Review Necessary?4.3 What is Literature?4.4 What is a Literature Review?4.5 Sourcing, Searching and Accessing the Literature4.6 Evaluating and Reviewing the Literature4.7 Writing the Literature ReviewSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 5: Developing the Conceptual FrameworkKey Concepts and Issues5.1 Introduction5.2 The Conceptual Framework5.3 Constructs and Concepts5.4 Variables5.5 Theories and Models5.6 Hypotheses5.7 Operationalisation5.8 Measurement and Scales5.9 Establishing Good MeasuresSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 6: Choosing the Empirical Research DesignKey Concepts and Issues6.1 Introduction6.2 Experimental Research6.3 Survey Research6.4 Comparative Research6.5 Case Study Research6.6 Observational Research6.7 Action ResearchSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 7: Collecting the Empirical DataKey Concepts and Issues7.1 Introduction7.2 Questionnaires and Questions7.3 Interviewing7.4 Observation7.5 Projective TechniquesSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 8: SamplingKey Concepts and Issues8.1 Introduction8.2 What is Sampling and Why is It Important?8.3 Quantitative Data Sampling8.4 Qualitative Data SamplingSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 9: Analysing Quantitative DataKey Concepts and Issues9.1 Introduction9.2 General Issues9.3 Descriptive Statistics9.4 Bivariate Analysis9.5 Inferential Statistics9.6 Data Reduction TechniquesSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 10: Analysing Qualitative DataKey Concepts and Issues10.1 Introduction10.2 What Kind of Qualitative Data do You Have?10.3 Basic Principles and Stages in Qualitative Data Analysis10.4 Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques10.5 Justifying Qualitative Data Analysis ChoicesSummaryFurther ReadingChapter 11: Writing up the Research ProjectKey Concepts and Issues11.1 Introduction11.2 Style, Presentation and the Reader11.3 The Contents11.4 References in the Text and BibliographySummaryFurther Reading Copyright View Copyright Page [Page iv] Bob Brotherton 2008First published 2008Reprinted 2011 (twice), 2012Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing AgencyThe intellectual development this engenders is invaluable in its own right but also, beyond this, the business world is rapidly becoming a more complex and dynamic environment within which conventional knowledge and accepted practices become outdated much more frequentlyA less common form calle Register Now test-bank-chemistry-10th-edition-whitten 74 pages test-bank-chemistry-11th-edition-brown Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-chemistry-11th-edition-brown 2.1 Multiple-Choice and Bimodal Questions 1) A certain mass of carbon reacts with 13.6 g of oxygen to form carbon monoxideLondon: Sage.Hussey, JLondon: Routledge.Chapter 10Brotherton, Bdescription The requested resource (/WEB-INF/grails-app/views/error.jsp) is not availableSearch: Advanced LOGIN: Profile Institution Books Researching Hospitality and Tourism: A Student Guide Books Bob Brotherton Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd Publication Year: 2008 Online Publication Date: December 20, 2013 DOI: Print ISBN: 9781412903929 Online ISBN: 9781446280362 Print Purchase Options Subject: Sociology of Leisure, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism Management, Tourism Studies Abstract Hospitality and Tourism is the fourth biggest industry in the worldThe primary objective of financial reporting is to provide relevant information Register Now test-bank-financial-accounting-7th-edition-libby 3 pages solution-manual-hands-on-ethical-hacking-and-network-defense-2nd-edition-simpson Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/solution-manual-hands-on-ethical-hacking-andnetwork-defense-2nd-edition-simpsonHands-on Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, ISBN 1435486099 ChSAGE Books The ultimate social sciences digital library(1999) Experimental research, in B.Brotherton (ed.), The Handbook of Contemporary Hospitality Management Research(1999) Conducting Literature Reviews: From paper to InternetCreate a suite of Web pages to present merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, Register Now solution-manual-php-programming-with-mysql-2nd-gosselin 23 pages test-bank-advanced-financial-accounting-6th-edition-baker Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-advanced-financial-accounting-6th-edition-baker Chapter 2 Test Bank STOCK INVESTMENTS-INVESTOR ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING Multiple Choice Questions LO1 1 When a Eagle Company has less than 50% of the voting stock Register Now test-bank-advanced-financial-accounting-6th-edition-baker 4 pages test-bank-clinical-psychology-8th-edition-trull Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-clinical-psychology-8th-edition-trull Chapter 2 Historical Overview of Clinical Psychology Chapter Outline 1) Historical roots 2) Diagnosis and assessment a) The beginnings (1850-1899) b) The advent of the moder Register Now test-bank-clinical-psychology-8th-edition-trull 13 pages test-bank-principles-of-general-chemistry-2nd-edition-martin-silberberg Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-principles-of-general-chemistry-2nd-edition-martin-silberberg Chapter 2 The Components of Matter 1Company About Us Scholarships Sitemap Standardized Tests Get Course Hero iOS Android Educators Careers Our Values Our Team Jobs Internship Help Contact Us FAQ Feedback Legal Copyright Policy Honor Code Privacy Policy Terms of Use Connect with Us Blog Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copyright 2017I need 4 articles total for a research paper in my Macroeconomics- My paper is over the external loan debt and interest rates during Obama presidency ( 2009 to my direct email is [emailprotected], how can I work with just one tutor such as yourself for a fixed cost per class? I have 8 classes left and need to Macroeconomic latest version This Power Point is due tomorrow but the teacher does not like pictures used to take up space and requires speaker notes grams of oxygen would react with that same mass of carbo Register Now test-bank-chemistry-11th-edition-brown 20 pages test-bank-environment-1st-edition-withgott Harvard ECON 232 - Spring 2013 Full file at http:/testbank360.eu/test-bank-environment-1st-edition-withgo MULTIPLE CHOICEdoi: 10.4135/9781446280362 Brotherton, Boband Modema, M17390.Lucas, RB(1997) The insidious erosion of ethics, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 May, pNeedham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.Watson, J.L(2000) Research Methods for Business: A skill-building approach, 3rd edition(1995) Measuring quality in restaurant operations: an application of the SERVQUAL instrument, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 14(3/4): 293310(1993) Doing Your Research Project, 2nd editionppProfile Login Sign into your Profile to save and share content across SAGE Knowledge Email address Password Remember me? Forgot your login information? Click here Institutional Login Username Password Remember me? Forgot your login information? Click here Other Login Options Don't have access? View purchasing options Browse Browse by Subject Business & Management Counseling & Psychotherapy Criminology & Criminal Justice Education Geography, Earth & Environmental Science Health & Social Care Media, Communication & Cultural Studies Politics & International Relations Psychology Sociology Browse by Content Type Books Encyclopedias Handbooks Dictionaries Videos Cases Debates Major Works Products SAGE Video Bringing teaching, learning and research to life(1999a) Case study research, in B.Brotherton (ed.), The Handbook of Contemporary Hospitality Management ResearchThanks a322fe9657
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