Thursday 6 July 2017 photo 2/2
Addiction, Substance Abuse and the Workplace: An Approach That Works for Managers, Supervisors and Human Resources
by Nicholas Barry
There is a problem that affects practically every business and workplace at one time or another and employers have a hard time addressing it. Addiction and substance abuse can cause lots of trouble for everyone in the company. Substance abuse is something that most people would rather not have to deal with but doing nothing can be dangerous. Most employers and managers don’t understand the dynamics of addiction or the solution. It appears too complicated to the average person. What managers do lack is specific and useful information about the problem. Secondly they need a trusted procedure to deal with it. The intent of the book is to provide these things in an easy format. In implementing the new strategy, employers learn to act confidently to stop substance abuse from affecting the workplace or anyone’s mental health for that matter. I have heard from HR professionals for many years and they all share similar concerns and ask the same questions. Usually the job of dealing with the effects of addiction and substance abuse is left to the manager or human resource person who has little experience in handling this problem. Additionally, the whole scenario can go terribly wrong if not handled correctly because there is tremendous liability if there is an accident or there could be fear of a human rights complaint. The key to it all is to look at substance abuse as a safety issue in the workplace and employ a straight forward process to deal with it from that perspective. When the process is understood and initiated, everyone knows their role and positive results follow. The average manager needs specific and easily understandable information and a simple step by step procedure. Managers are relieved when they can finally take constructive action. Employers understand how to document and use good communication. They learn a humane procedure that will protect them legally. The employee gets a chance to change. This is a fundamental departure from the normal mode of sending someone to counselling or employee assistance and hoping for the best. The manager’s mind is set at ease because they learn that they don’t have to make the problem theirs and can put responsibility for poor work performance back where it belongs; on the employee. Sometimes a person’s need to please or cover up comes from their own experiences and life history and that can change with some education. Enabling in the workplace is a big problem which is addressed in the book. Employers and managers also need to know what not to do in order to act confidently and to counter control issues from employees. The pros and cons of alcohol and drug testing is explained and the different ways that these tools can be used; bearing in mind that they are only tools. Please, be someone that takes positive action on a seemingly hard situation and read this book. You will be very glad that you did and you may even help someone.
..Sherri Reid, Human Resource Administrator, Autoport Limited.
In recent years, especially in the substance abuse field, clinical supervision ..If you suspect that an employee has a drug or alcohol addiction, here ....without a doubt, a daunting task for anyone in the workplaceThis makes it hard for a person with an addiction to perform his or her work properly, ...
6 Jun 2017 ..YourNurse recently was recognized in the US publication HR Dive.
The effects of alcohol, prescription medication and illicit drug use during and outside of work impaired at work, how employees dealing with substance abuse will be ..A reasonable accommodation is any change in the work ......abuse policy in place along with their other human resource policiesfor Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) as 'injecting drug use or long duration or ....adverse impacts in the workplaceyour leaders and/or human resource department before taking any actionSupervisors should also know the signs and symptoms of drug abuse.
Taking a Comprehensive Approach to Alcohol in the Workplace .....according to a poll by the Society of Human Resource ManagementA comprehensive approach A better approach than firing for most companies can be an ..Your supervisors and managers likely lack the expertise necessary to effectively ..with addiction are all profoundly impacted by the individual's drug useeducation, work scheduling, fatigue management programs, driver .. 07f867cfac
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