8 October 2010

My eyes
Blog post from SoclogJust got back from my eye exam. They did all kind of tests, like the usual; what prescription my eyes might need, if they are healthy and so forth.
This time they dropped sum liquids in my eyes, making them dilate, ergo my pupils getting big. Like, really big. Looks kinda freaky, like I'm high on sumthing. But it's also making all the light lighter and everything is seriously blurry. My hands are really blurry. I can't ready anything like I use to.
So I'm having sum real problems reading and writing on my computer, haha!
Anyways, here are sum pics.
Dilated pupil with flash
Dilated pupil without flash
I promise you that these pics are not photoshoped what so ever.
I got sum contacts too. Turquoise ones! And I got a pair of clear ones for free too. Apparently, I can need glasses, to read stuff at a distance. My left eye is seriously worse the my right one.
Hopefully I will not be getting headaches that often anymore! And I don't have to wear fake glasses, HAHA.
My pupils are really screwed up right now. And they are giving me a serious headache. But still. I have to get over to Rays to practice sum more...
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