20 November 2010

Friday 7:25 PM
Blog post from SoclogOkay, latest news in my life. Uhm...
We had our second youth group with kids yesterday. And this time even more kids where there. And they were all super excited. Haha. Yeah, we had a great time. I preached about sin and salvation, put it out simple and nice. And I think they all understood. After that we played some games, competitions: Bible verse look ups, who can do something the fastest and some Norwegian karaoke. It was awesome. Haha. Lot's of laughs. AND! Big Shocker! The kids requested to have the youthgroup TWO times a week! TWO TIMES! That's how much they like it! I am super happy about this, and I praise God and thank Him for it!
I hope that it will keep on blooming like this.
My birth control pills where about to end, and I had to go to the doctor to get new ones. But, instead of pills, I decided to get an Implanan. Because it is cheaper, and then I don't have to worry about forgetting taking my pill and my body gets all messed up. So, yeah. It was just a smarter choice for me. The thing that scared me the most was the shot for numbing the area off. Scaaary! It was HUGE! And it hurt. And then when they took the little tube out (just about as big as a pencil, maybe a little bit thinner) I refused to look. But after a few seconds I was like "aren't they gonna stick it in yet?!" and look over, and it is already halfway into my arm. Haha. Very fascinating. Didn't feel anything, but it sure looked like I should have felt that. A lot.
Neways, I have a huge bruise now. But it doesn't hurt way too much. Just feels odd. I guess that in three years I'll get used to it.
Oh, and I did not use my b-pills or the implanan as a actual birthcontrol thing. There is no chance I'd get pregnant, cuz I don't have sex. And I'm not ashamed of saying that. Anyways, you prob did not have to know that, but I don't care. But yeah, I got em because I don't want to be in major pain once a month. Seriously. I used to be dying, it was so bad. The only thing I could do was lay and focus on breathing. God, I hate being a girl. Well, no more pain, and that's sweet. Sooo. Yeah. *sigh
Oh. I had ordered some stuff last week. Just small things, some vampire fangs and a necklace with a birdskull on it. Neways, I was expecting the package on like, Tuesday. And I was tracking it on USPS homepage. On Monday the package was scanned in Anchorage. So I was super excited on Tuesday when I went to the post office to pick it up, but it wasn't there!!! So I went home and tracked it on their homepage again, and guess where it was?! DUTCH FREAKING HARBOR!! Do you know how big of a difference it is between Bethel and Dutch Harbor? HUGE!
So I got really mad about that. Stupid USPS... Some douchebag really pissed me off this week. Stuuuupid!
But now I have my fangs and necklace, so I'm all happy about it. Been funny wearing the fangs. Got em just to see how people would react, aaaand because I'm a vampire freak. Neways, people have been reacting funny. Haha. This one kid just kept staring, not really knowing what to think. Hah. And I freaked one of my co-workers out. Love it! Love reactions.
Tomorrow is my auntie's birthday. So that's gonna be awesome, I'm going to make her a Swedish birthday cake! And hopefully i don't have to work tomorrow. Not a full day at least. I would like to go check the Saturday market out...
I'm missing my sister so much. She wrote a message to me on Facebook, and it made me cry. Horrible! I so wish I could meet her now. I wish I could go home to Sweden and just visit them for a couple of weeks. Maah, some day I will.
Speaking of traveling, I'm thinking about Wasthington. In February. Or California, in March. Can't decide which. I want to go to a warm place though. I'm cold. I keep hearing about people going to Hawaii and such.. So unfair. And right now my friend is in Las Vegas. So unfair!
Well, It was payday today. So I am going to shop for Christmas presents this weekend! And I put away a bunch in my savings, so I can go somewhere warm sometime. *sigh
I feel fat. I want to work out. Right.
Bye for now.
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