13 April 2011

Twelfth Proverb and Old Man shoes with a tint of Jazz.
Blog post from SoclogHehey!
Beautiful weather today! Too bad it's so freaking cold out there.... Oh well, I'm pretty happy anyways. I mean, who couldn't be when I'm gonna be in HA-FREAKING-WAII TOMORROW?! Woot woot. I'm gonna be living the good life, being lazy on the beach, babewatching. Yeah, I can't wait. YEAH!
So, did you read the chapter of proverbs for the day? If not, here it is! ->LINK
I would rather be a wise man than a stupid man. Life seems just miserable for stubborn people who don't listen to advice and just badmouth people. yeah, being wise, considering advice and not blurting out the first thing that pops up in your head seems pretty much better. Oh, yes, it sure does!
So, the shoe pair of the day are my jazzy, heavy as brick, shoes. They are cool though. Maybe they kinda look like old man shoes, but heck, with the right outfit, right accessories and right attitude, anyone could pull these babes off.
I got them at a second hand store. They were really cheap, and I thought they were cool, so I gots ems. Simple as that! Ha! Got em like, a year ago or so so.
Well. I am packed and ready for Hawaii. Gonna fix my music and stuff on my laptop, and my movies... And then try to go work out for a while. Fix my nails. Give myself a pedi. And try to sleep. That will probably fail, since I am so excited about tomorrow! GAAAH!!! I CAN'T FREAKING BELIEVE IT!!!!! INSANITY!!! Haha. Loving it.

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