6 April 2011

Blah. Good nights and whatnot.
Blog post from SoclogHello,
I am supertired. Or superexhausted. I finally went working out after like forever. And it felt sooo goood! Oh my gosh, I needed that. But yeah, I am really tired now. And at the same time that my brain just wants to shut down and give up on me I am trying to figure my nearby future out. Yeah. Good luck? What I am doing is applying for schools hoping that one of them will let me in. Up until now I have only been looking into bible schools mainly. Except for this one hair academy. But now I am looking into other things, like osteopath. Firstly I love the word. But then it sounds interesting, understanding the human body and all that. So, I applied, we'll see what they say I guess. I need to write a personal letter to them. Gaaah~ and here I thought I'd written my last personal letter. Such a tedious thing to do, just talking about me and what I want and who I am. Haha. I hate it. I don't feel like there is much of me to talk about. Yeah Heeeey, I'm a happy girl who sees life from the positive side, I like to laugh and draw. I'm shy and I have high expectations on myself! WHOO! Accept me! You know you want me! Blah~
I'm sore.
Iiiiin, 8 DAYS I am going to FREAKING HAWAII BABY!!! YEAH! I can't wait. It's gonna be so awesome. And then after that it's not long for me to go home again. I can't wait for that either.
I miss Sweden so much...
Why do I feel like just giving up and go to sleep for the next six months or so? I am just so sick and tired of things. I feel like just crying my eyes out and screaming at the top of my lungs. Break something. Why? Maybe I am going crazy. There's something ominous about Bethel that is not good for over sensitive people like me. It's like I soak the depression up if I'm not careful. I hate it. I can't wait to get out of here. So nice to go Hawaii next week. Blaaaah.
Funny how a person can laugh and seem so okay on the outside, but on the inside she just wants to melt away from everything? Disappear into a sweet vanity that swallows every thought of pain. Thinking of it just makes my heart heavy though. I don't want to feel like this.
I need to get away from reality. So I'm going to take a shower, say my prayers and go to sleep.
Have a good one - at least better than what mine is at the moment.

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