14 May 2011

Shoes and Shopping Tips
Blog post from SoclogSo, I'm abandoned for a couple of days... Yes. My auntie left for Anchorage today, and she is not coming home until Thursday. What the heck am I to do? Gah. From always having someone around to all of a sudden be alone. Gosh. I think I might cry.... This is what it is going to be like when I move. But like, a million times worse. GAH! I am not thinking about this now... I am going to talk about shoes.
Shoe pair #41
These are by far my absolute favorite shoes right now. I mean come on! They are DR. FREAKING MARTINS! I LOVE THEM!!! They give that exact right attitude that just spices my look up to perfect that perfect, boat-sinking I'ma B image. These boots makes me feel ten feet tall - besides literally - they make me feel invincible.
And they were so not on sale. But my mother gave me some money for them. And I had to look forever to find the perfect pair! I did not want a pair of gold ones, or purple ones, or short ones, or tall ones with zippers. I wanted these! And I'll be damned if I don't get what I want.
A little off the chart shopping tips for all you wonderful little shopping intrigued to get out there and spend flowing streams of money on pretty things that will make you happy...
Do NOT buy anything unless you have absolutely, completely, heartbreakingly, totally, most definitely, like butter melts in the sun and without any hesitation or question fallen in love with what ever you are about to consider buying. DON'T BUY IT.
I do not know how many times I have bought something, used it ONCE and then let it disappear into the back of my closet, and never use it again. Thinking Oooh, I'll come around to it someday, I mean, it's so cute! Cute doesn't mean it's you, or that you have to wear it or ever will, for that matter. Just, remember that - if you don't love it, it's a waste of money. Don't love, don't get it.
Please, my little shopping Padawans - remember this the next time you are hesitating about a shopping decision.
Shoe pair #42
Okay, I got these the first month of living in Bethel. I needed a pair of shoes to look respectable in when applying for a job. You see - I was trying to get hired at the bank, and you have to look extremely neat there. So I cleaned up a lot for that. But I didn't get the job, I got hired at the airport instead, and that was a dirty place... No fancy clothing there! We had to lift stuff... Us poor, weak ticket agents, haha. Not that I complain too much, I enjoy hard work.
Anyways, these may not look like much to the world, but they are awesome. Simple black shoes, and I am not sure what to label these as - ballerinas? Nah. Flat pumps? Maybe. Either way, their simplicity goes with everything. And I like the way they make my feet look ...not as big.
Shoe pair #43
Eeee!!! I GOT THESE THIS PAST WEEK! My grandmother gave them to me. I was complaining about not having any clogs - and she gave my my grandfather's. He never used them, so they are practically new, and they are awesome! I love clogs!!!
SLIP ON; SLIP OFF; SLIP ON; SLIP OFF; SLIP ON; SLIP OFF! Without any further hard work with squeezing, tying, wrapping, jumping, fumbling, jerking, pulling or stomping. They just... SLIP ON!
They may not be the ultimate pair to wear to the ball, but what the heck, they are comfy! Who really gives a damn about what you are wearing when you are out buying that late night snack because it's Tuesday and you are bored?
Well. That was the three shoe pairs of these latest three days.
And it's Friday. And I am lonely. And tired. So I am going to bed.
Hope you learned something from this post! You sure should have.
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