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Surgical hospitalist program management guide: >> << (Download)
Surgical hospitalist program management guide: >> << (Read Online)
1 Oct 2008 Rapid rise of surgical hospitalists. Editor's note: This is the first article in a two-part series that focuses on the emergence of specialty hospitalists. If there's one thing hospitals have learned from the hospitalist movement, it's that necessity is the mother of invention. Just as hospitalist programs changed the
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On-call emergency surgical consultations at University of California, San Francisco were provided in 24-hour shifts by a diverse faculty with varied specialties who had to cover 2 campuses 3 miles apart. This system of care resulted in a number of problems including long wait times, disrupted schedules for elective
The Surgical Hospitalist Program Management Guide: Tools and Strategies for Executives and Physicians [HCPro, John Nelson MD FACP, John Maa MD FACS] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 'This book represents the combined wisdom of many of the early physician and non-physician leaders of
For both new and existing programs, organization leaders need to ensure that the investment is worthwhile, cost-effective, of high quality, and benefits all parties--the hospital, the hospitalist, and the patient."The Hospitalist Program Management Guide," Second Edition, will show you how to: Establish a new or fledgling
This book-and-CD set offers a window into successful surgical hospitalist programs to demonstrate exactly how the experts developed thriving programs with strong return-on-investment (ROI).
10 Nov 2016
Hospitalist medicine is the fastest growing medical specialty in the U.S., and surgical hospitalists are especially poised for rapid growth. Many hospital systems see surgical hospitalists as the most valuable response to the growing crisis of general call coverage and as a critical strategy in their effort to comply with quality
The MIT Press; 2009. • Miller, J.A. et al, Hospitalists: A Guide to Building and Sustaining A Successful. Program. Chicago: Health Administration Press; 2008. • Nelson, J. and J. Maa, The Surgical Hospitalist Program Management Guide: Tools and Strategies for Executives and Physicians. Marblehead, MA: HCPro; 2009.
Hospitalist Program Management Guide 2nd edition, by Kenneth G. Simone, DO, and Jeffrey R Surgical Hospitalist Program Management Guide -. The Surgical Hospitalist Program Management Guide: Tools and Strategies for. Executives and Physicians.