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FAC2602/101/3/2016 Tutorial Letter 101/3/2016 Selected Accounting Standards and Simple Group Structures FAC2602 Semesters 1 & 2 Department of Financial Accounting IMPORTANT INFORMATION: However, in order to support you in your learning process, you will also receive study material in printed format.
MO001+Study+guide+English. 156 pages. 102_2018_3_e.pdf; University of South Africa; Consollidations and Group accounting; FAC 2602 - Spring 2016; FAC2602/102/3/2018 Tutorial Letter 102/3/2018 Selected Accounting Standards and Simple Group Structures FAC2602 Semester 1 and 2 Department of Financial
FAC1601 Workbook PT - SU1.pdf; University of South Africa; Consollidations and Group accounting; ACCOUNTING FAC2602 - Spring 2017; 1 Study unit 1 Study unit 1 Introduction to the preparation of financial statements FAC1502 = assumed knowledge regarding AFS of a sole trader. This work has been dealt with in
This is not an official statement of your results. Apply to UNISA Contact centre for an official academic record. View: Display credits only.. Exam date. Study unit. Description. Mark. Result. 05-05-2006. ACN101M. ACC CONCEPT, PRINC & PROCED. 75. Passed with Distinction. 16-10-2006. ACN102N. ACCOUNTING
Lienkie wrote: I would like to start looking at the study material but still need to register. Is there perhaps someone that can upload Tut101 and the Study guide. Who is joining me this semester? Im joining you. Tut 101 attached. File Attachment: File Name: Fac2602_101_2014_3_e_1.pdf. File Size: 628828
View Test Prep - Study Guide.pdf from ACCOUNTING 0202X at University of South Africa. MO001/4/2017 Selected Accounting Standards and Simple Group Structures FAC2602 Semesters 1 & 2 Department of.
FAC2602 / Learning unit 1. 6. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. After studying this learning unit, you should be able to. • define a business combination. • define a parent. • define a subsidiary. • explain the difference between simple and complex groups. • describe the provisions regarding accounting and disclosure as they relate
FAC2602/102/3/2015 Tutorial Letter 102/3/2015 FAC2602 Selected Accounting Standards and Simple Group Structures Semester 1 and. 4 2 PREPARATION DURING THE SEMESTER and EXAM TECHNIQUE - After you have studied the theory of each learning unit and made sure that you understand the principles
FAC2602 GROUP STATEMENTS · FAC2602 MO001+Study+guide+English · FAC2602 notebook · FAC2602 Pro forma consolodated journal entries · FAC2602 QUESTION 1 Assignment 3 Explanations of values · FAC2602 steps_in_doing_cash_flow_statement · FAC2602 Study guide · FAC2602 Unrealized profit in trading