January 2008
You keep your distance, I can't deny you
I've got the feeling, can't satisfy you
I've got your picture on the wall
I've got the picture, long gone
You keep your wishes, I'll keep my feelings
Do we always gotta cry?
Do we always gotta live inside a lie
Life is just a blast
its Movin really fast
you Better stay on top
or life will kick you in the ass
I don’t even know what
Gå in på www.creaturesinmyhead.com och klicka på "random" tre gånger. Den figur som dyker upp är den varelse som lever i din hjärna.
Palla att min blev så fu
Maybe life is up and down
but my life's been what till now?
I crawled up your butt somehow
and that's when things got turned around
hahaha :) sanne, jag & becca
- leker med sanne <3 Al Pacino ;) hihi ska baka pizza osså.