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Facebook Nu Actief Chat ->->->->
For help with the Messenger app or, visit the Messenger Help Center.Yes. To turn chat sounds back on, click Chat Sounds again.View Full Article Share ArticleWas this information helpful?YesNo. Drie verrassend lekkere recepten voor een glutenvrije sandwich De ultieme movie mashup van 2017 Hoe e-mail marketeers kunnen leren van social media trends . Learn more, including about available controls: Cookies Policy.FacebookJoin or Log Into Facebook Email or PhonePasswordForgot account?Log InDo you want to join Facebook?Sign UpSign UpThis page isn't availableThe link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.Go back to the previous page Go to News Feed Visit our Help CenterEnglish (US)NederlandsFryskPolskiTrkeDeutschFranais (France)EspaolPortugus (Brasil)ItalianoSign UpLog InMessengerFacebook LiteMobileFind FriendsPeoplePagesPlacesGamesLocationsCelebritiesMarketplaceGroupsRecipesSportsLookMomentsInstagramLocalAboutCreate AdCreate PageDevelopersCareersPrivacyCookiesAd ChoicesTermsHelpSettingsActivity Log Facebook 2018. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookies Policy.FacebookJoin or Log Into Facebook Email or PhonePasswordForgot account?Log InDo you want to join Facebook?Sign UpSign UpThis page isn't availableThe link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.Go back to the previous page Go to News Feed Visit our Help CenterEnglish (US)NederlandsFryskPolskiTrkeDeutschFranais (France)EspaolPortugus (Brasil)ItalianoSign UpLog InMessengerFacebook LiteMobileFind FriendsPeoplePagesPlacesGamesLocationsCelebritiesMarketplaceGroupsRecipesSportsLookMomentsInstagramLocalAboutCreate AdCreate PageDevelopersCareersPrivacyCookiesAd ChoicesTermsHelpSettingsActivity Log Facebook 2018. .. .. .. How do I delete a conversation on Facebook?This is about using messages on Facebook. When you turn off chat, messages will automatically go to your inbox for you to read later. Zijn er meer mensen waarbij dit nu zichtbaar is? Zo ja laat het hieronder weten in de reacties. Een woordvoerder laat weten: "Het enige dat ik kan vertellen isdat er een redesign heeft plaatsgevonden.Het is nu duidelijker of iemand op mobiel of web actief is, en zo kun je ook beter inschatten of je chat bericht een push bericht zal worden op mobiel en daardoor sneller wordt gezien of niet." . For help with the Messenger app or, visit the Messenger Help Center.To delete a conversation from Facebook:Click at the top of the page.Open the conversation you want to delete.ClickOptions at the top of the chat window and click Delete Conversation.You can also delete a conversation from your messages inbox: Go to your messages inbox by clicking Messenger in the top left of Facebook.Open the conversation you want to delete.Click in the top right and click Delete.Note: Once you choose to delete a conversation, this can't be undone. Redactie Dutchcowboys De redactie van Dutchcowboys is te bereiken via 404 Not Found.. Basic Settings. Youll also receive them on Messenger.To turn chat on or off on your computer:Click the gear menu at the bottom right of the screen on the chat sidebarSelect Turn On Chat or Turn Off ChatNote: You may still be shown as available if you're active on Messenger.View Full Article Share ArticleWas this information helpful?YesNo. Keep in mind that deleting a conversation from your inbox won't delete it from your friend's inbox. Jump toSections of this pageAccessibility HelpPress alt + / to open this menuRemoveTo help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. .. We wachten nog even op een reactie van Facebook. You'll also receive messages on your Messenger app.Note: You may still be shown as active on chat if you are using chat elsewhere (example: Messenger).View Full Article Share ArticleWas this information helpful?YesNo. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies. Als je het sociale netwerk via een internet-browser bezoekt zie je nu achter de namen van jouw vrienden die online zijn duidelijk staan op welke manier ze online zijn, ofwel mobiel, ofwel via internet.Mogelijk is dit weer iets wat ze aan het testen zijn. How do I turn chat on or off on Facebook?This is about using messages on Facebook. It isn't possible to delete sent or received messages from a friend's inbox.. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookies Policy.FacebookJoin or Log Into Facebook Email or PhonePasswordForgot account?Log InDo you want to join Facebook?Sign UpSign UpThis page isn't availableThe link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.Go back to the previous page Go to News Feed Visit our Help CenterEnglish (US)NederlandsFryskPolskiTrkeDeutschFranais (France)EspaolPortugus (Brasil)ItalianoSign UpLog InMessengerFacebook LiteMobileFind FriendsPeoplePagesPlacesGamesLocationsCelebritiesMarketplaceGroupsRecipesSportsLookMomentsInstagramLocalAboutCreate AdCreate PageDevelopersCareersPrivacyCookiesAd ChoicesTermsHelpSettingsActivity Log Facebook 2018. For help with the Messenger app or, visit the Messenger Help Center.While chat is off, messages from friends automatically go to your inbox for you to read later. Het lijkt erop dat Facebook weer een kleine update aan de chat functionaliteit heeft uitgerold 5a02188284