Wednesday 26 October 2011 photo 1/13
Så här ser boken ut nu ^^ (gjorde detta igår)
Här är ett provsmak av texten som kommer finnas i den:
When the first trains appeared most people thought it was hazardous for ones health to ride. That was because people thought that the eyes got pushed into the skull and you became blind (by the high speed that god definitively didn’t construct humans for). To notice then is that ordinary steam powered trains at that time had a max speed of about 50km/h.
For people of that time it was very fast but for people now days it is not a big deal. Steam and trains was a new technology and people is always a bit suspicious about things they don’t know very much about, just like when the cell phone arrived and everybody believed that if you used it too much your brain got fried. To notice, no such complications have ever showed up at either train passengers or cell phone users.
(Yet! *troll face*)
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