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Leading Financial Sustainability in Theological Institutions: The African Perspective
by Emmanuel O. Bellon
The role of theological institutions in Christian mission is likened to the crucible that shapes the hearts and minds of those leading the charge to reconcile the world to God. Nevertheless, it is also the weakest link in the chain of Christian ministry, and efforts to sustain the unique contribution of institutions have been enigmatic. So why should we be concerned about theological institutions? What if there were no theologians, missiologists, trained pastors, or missionaries in Christian ministry? What if there were no theological institutions? What if the existing theological institutions collapsed, shut down for lack of resources? How effective would the witness of the Christian church be without theological institutions in a world in need of God? Over the centuries, various models for supporting theological training have been tried in institutions, but very few of these have been successful. Time, cost, and quality of education (among others) have been the driving forces behind the changing models, and yet financial sustainability has been elusive. Only informed leadership that draws insights from historical, biblical, and practical wisdom is necessary in achieving this goal. This book is your faithful companion in the quest to achieve financial sustainability in theological institutions.
"This bold and comprehensive work takes an unflinching look at a core issue plaguing African theological institutions--financial sustainability! Emmanuel Bellon's experience and expertise help the reader navigate the complexities of institutional functioning in relation to financial wholeness. Institutions, both in Africa and in other contexts, will find his thorough examination from both a biblical and management perspective refreshing and eye-opening. This is a mandatory read for institutional leaders!"
--Paul Cornelius, Regional Secretary--India, Asia Theological Association
"Bellon is a veteran of the sometimes thankless task of theological leadership in today's Africa, where the burgeoning growth of Christian churches would seem to render theological education an easy task, but never does. Bellon drives home the reality that achieving financial sustainability in the continent's seminaries and theological colleges is no mere economic challenge. Rather, it requires deep theological undergirding, lifelong growth in leadership skills beyond the classroom, broad collaborative instincts, and a measure of outright daring."
--David A. Baer, Director, Theological Education Initiative; Professor of Old Testament, Fundacion Universitaria Seminario Biblico de Colombia
"Bellon as a missiologist and educator brings together the historical, administrative, and strategic conversations on the role of theological education in Africa and beyond. A sobering analysis of the situation is followed by an astute prescription for the future. We need to learn these lessons!"
--Doug McConnell, Professor of Leadership and Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
Emmanuel O. Bellon is a professor of intercultural leadership and director of Vital Sustainability Initiative, a project that supports nineteen theological institutions in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Asia to plan for institutional sustainability. He previously served as Vice Chancellor of International Leadership University (formerly NIST) and provided oversight for four institutions in Africa. He is the author of Transforming Leadership through Values-Based Training (2011).
price: $51.00
bound: 262 pages
publisher: Pickwick Publications, an Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers (May 25, 2017)
lang: English
asin: B071W378PD
filesize: 2429 KB
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