Tuesday 17 April 2012 photo 5/5
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Mark Sheppard (Crowley)
Jag tänkte länka några fanfic's som jag tycker att alla ska läsa. Dock så läser jag bara destiel, så det är bara det som kommer att länkas. :D
- The Mirror (http://cloudy-fic.livejournal.com/52274.html)
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
Word count: 24,500 +
- The Soul Piece - WIP - (http://cloudy-fic.livejournal.com/43318.html)
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: When a human child is born, their soul is shattered into bright gleaming pieces that scatter to the winds. (detta är och förblir den bästa destiel-berättelsen jag någonsin har läst)
Word count: Än så länge är det 34 delar.
- The Day The World Went Away (http://pyjamagurl.livejournal.com/166757.html)
Författare: pyjamagurl
Sammanfattning: After being reunited with Sam and leaving Lisa, Dean is finding that adjusting back into the hunting lifestyle is harder than he thought it would be. When a particular hunt goes badly, he gets knocked out, only to awaken five years in the future. Things are definitely different; Castiel is a hunter, Sam is married and things between Dean and Castiel have gone somewhere Dean really hadn't expected. And somewhere in all of this there is a lesson to be learned.
Word count: 59,658
- Penut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake (http://sparseparsley.livejournal.com/8666.html)
Författare: sparseparsley
Sammanfattning: The good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken. Dean is the bartender looking after Anna on her Hens night. When the groom to be arrives and turns out to be the most stunning man on the planet (is he flirting?) Dean is pretty sure life is out to get him. When that same groom to be is out the front of the bar in the morning with car troubles Dean is fucking positive it is.
Word count: 31 000
- This Is Not Convenient (http://cloudy-fic.livejournal.com/47547.html)
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: If Castiel doesn't find a mate soon, the council will assign him one. And Dean's not about to let that happen.
Word count: 11,330
- hardcorewings.com (http://cloudy-verses.livejournal.com/6108.html#cutid1)
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: AU When Castiel loses his job, he resorts to making wing fetish videos to make cash. Dean really likes them.
- The Law of Conservation of Energy (http://peroxide-fic.livejournal.com/208487.html)
Författare: peroxidepest17
Sammanfattning: The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one state into another. And what is grace, if not energy? In order to win the war in Heaven, Castiel and the Winchesters embark on a cross-country quest to find the scattered shards of Gabriel’s grace in the hopes that its remaining power will be enough to defeat Raphael before he and Crowley can open the door to Purgatory.
Word count: 90,030
- A Wincest Story (http://trinityofone.livejournal.com/182190.html)
Författare: trinityofone
Sammanfattning: When he listened to their former angel pronounce his new official human name over and over, first giddy, then reverent—“Cas Winchester, Cas Winchester"—Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that this was somehow going to come back and bite them in the ass.
Word count: ~3,000
- Tripping (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6193670/1/Tripping)
Författare: Hatteress
Sammanfattning: What do you do when the Universe itself seems to have decided you belong with your very stoic, very angelic, very MALE hunting campanion? Dean is about to find out.
Word count: 51,730
- Thursday's Child - (http://strangenessandcharm.dreamwidth.org/104788.html)
Författare: strangenessandcharm
Sammanfattning: Thursday’s child has far to go. (What would have happened if Zachariah hadn't sent Dean to 2014 and he never called Sam back? Apparantly it involves a lot of angsting, who knew?)
Word count: 114,000
Jag kommer antagligen att uppdatera denna med fler berättelser, so stay tuned! :D
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
Word count: 24,500 +
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: When a human child is born, their soul is shattered into bright gleaming pieces that scatter to the winds. (detta är och förblir den bästa destiel-berättelsen jag någonsin har läst)
Word count: Än så länge är det 34 delar.
Författare: pyjamagurl
Sammanfattning: After being reunited with Sam and leaving Lisa, Dean is finding that adjusting back into the hunting lifestyle is harder than he thought it would be. When a particular hunt goes badly, he gets knocked out, only to awaken five years in the future. Things are definitely different; Castiel is a hunter, Sam is married and things between Dean and Castiel have gone somewhere Dean really hadn't expected. And somewhere in all of this there is a lesson to be learned.
Word count: 59,658
Författare: sparseparsley
Sammanfattning: The good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken. Dean is the bartender looking after Anna on her Hens night. When the groom to be arrives and turns out to be the most stunning man on the planet (is he flirting?) Dean is pretty sure life is out to get him. When that same groom to be is out the front of the bar in the morning with car troubles Dean is fucking positive it is.
Word count: 31 000
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: If Castiel doesn't find a mate soon, the council will assign him one. And Dean's not about to let that happen.
Word count: 11,330
Författare: cloudyjenn
Sammanfattning: AU When Castiel loses his job, he resorts to making wing fetish videos to make cash. Dean really likes them.
Författare: peroxidepest17
Sammanfattning: The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one state into another. And what is grace, if not energy? In order to win the war in Heaven, Castiel and the Winchesters embark on a cross-country quest to find the scattered shards of Gabriel’s grace in the hopes that its remaining power will be enough to defeat Raphael before he and Crowley can open the door to Purgatory.
Word count: 90,030
Författare: trinityofone
Sammanfattning: When he listened to their former angel pronounce his new official human name over and over, first giddy, then reverent—“Cas Winchester, Cas Winchester"—Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that this was somehow going to come back and bite them in the ass.
Word count: ~3,000
Författare: Hatteress
Sammanfattning: What do you do when the Universe itself seems to have decided you belong with your very stoic, very angelic, very MALE hunting campanion? Dean is about to find out.
Word count: 51,730
Författare: strangenessandcharm
Sammanfattning: Thursday’s child has far to go. (What would have happened if Zachariah hadn't sent Dean to 2014 and he never called Sam back? Apparantly it involves a lot of angsting, who knew?)
Word count: 114,000