September 2010
We've really improved our geotag support! Thanks to @Malek, it's now possible to find photos taken in a place you're interested in; near where you live, from a place you've visited, from where you spe
This is a mockup, an idea, for the look of Myphotodiary's frontpage when not logged in. It's only an idea, nothing is decided yet. Please tell us what you think about it and why!
This is a mockup, an idea, for the look of the My diary page. It's only an idea, nothing is decided yet. Please tell us what you think about it and why!
This is a mockup, an idea, for the look of Show, the page where photos are shown. It's only an idea, nothing is decided yet. Keep in mind that it's a simple sketch and misses some elements. Please te
The design company who gave us the red mockups listened to the critique from you guys and made two new ones: Both illustrating the frontpage when not logged in. This is mockup #1 of 2. Note that the