Friday 3 September 2010 photo 1/4
We've really improved our geotag support! Thanks to @Malek, it's now possible to find photos taken in a place you're interested in; near where you live, from a place you've visited, from where you spend your holidays and vacations or perhaps from a place you'd like to visit!
There are photos from almost everywhere. Zoom out and click Show photos and see for yourself! Give it a try by clicking Geotagged photos from the Shortcuts-menu.
If you're browsing through a diary and see a small blue globe below the photo to the right, that means it's been geotagged. Click the icon to see where the photo's from.
The image above describes how to manually tag your own photos. You can also activate automatic geotagging for photos from a device with GPS, such as iPhone or Android phones. To activate automatic geotagging, go to the Diary settings-tab in Preferences (can be found by clicking My diary).
Remember that there's a MyPhotodiary app for both Android (1.6+) and iPhone. They can be found by clicking Sharing in the Shortcuts-menu.
To geotag photos and to activate automatic geotagging is voluntary.
There are photos from almost everywhere. Zoom out and click Show photos and see for yourself! Give it a try by clicking Geotagged photos from the Shortcuts-menu.
If you're browsing through a diary and see a small blue globe below the photo to the right, that means it's been geotagged. Click the icon to see where the photo's from.
The image above describes how to manually tag your own photos. You can also activate automatic geotagging for photos from a device with GPS, such as iPhone or Android phones. To activate automatic geotagging, go to the Diary settings-tab in Preferences (can be found by clicking My diary).
Remember that there's a MyPhotodiary app for both Android (1.6+) and iPhone. They can be found by clicking Sharing in the Shortcuts-menu.
To geotag photos and to activate automatic geotagging is voluntary.