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Free Download The Presidio
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qz761
A San Francisco civilian police detective is forced to work on a series of murders with his former enemy commanding officer while dating his daughter.
At the Presidio, the Army base in San Francisco, a female MP was conducting her rounds when she came across the officer's club and the door had been forced open. She went to investigate and was shot. The individuals who broke in got into their car and drove and what followed was high speed chase that got both the Army MP's and the San Francisco police involved, which ended badly for both. Jay Austin, a San Francisco Police detective, is sent to investigate and he is met by Lt. Colonel Caldwell, who was his commanding officer, when he was an MP on the Presidio. It seems that Austin tried to arrest an Army officer but didn't follow procedures and Caldwell didn't support him. And the murdered MP was Austin's partner. A preliminary investigation casts suspicion on the officer Austin tried to arrest.
There isn't a lot to recommend this film. Sean Connery is an American military officer. Complete with Scottish accent. Meg Ryan is out of place as his daughter, and too old for the role she is given. Mark Harmon is a one dimensional actor and that one dimension isn't enough as a San Francisco police officer. What this basically comes down to is another police buddy picture with a bit of a twist, one is a cop (Harmon) and the other is military police (Connery). It's pretty typical stuff except that a great actor is miscast, an average actress is so far out of place her character should be in another movie, and a lesser actor is in the lead. The screenplay is predictable and the direction is almost absent. And as if that weren't bad enough, the worst chase scene in film history is present. A foot chase with Harmon chasing a suspect. Everything that can be thrown into the scene to slow Harmon down is tossed in right after the suspect passes by. People, flashing barricades, milk crates, luggage, and even a horse are thrown in Harmon's way during the chase that ends so routinely that a monkey could have written it.
This story looks like other drama/action movies. The story take place at the Presidio (military base) and is nothing new (a criminal investigation inside military lines) but Meg Ryan, Sean Connery, Mark Harmon plays it so well that the thin story becomes a minimum. Though it isn't a complete love story and have a little attention to it, Mark Harmon and Meg Ryan does it very well. She has a complex since her father (Sean Connery) probably spent more time doing the army instead of his wife (her mother). She cannot concentrate her mind on one man for long. Of course he (Mark Harmon) falls in love with her after a few love scenes, and at a party he get furious when she wants to dance with another gentleman. They come apart. This is when I noticed that this movie was about love. At home she have a little fight with her father over the problem, and as a solution to this she goes back to Mark Harmon's apartment where she apologize. When the story reach top and they solve the puzzle the end comes very quickly, but as they walk away hand in hand I feel like something else has been solved. The love between father and daughter, and of course between daughter and her lover (Mark H.).
See for yourself Meg Ryan is made to be a father's darling.
The whole movie has the feeling of a clone, of a film assembled out of spare parts from other movies, out at the cinematic junkyard.
The sex scene between Jay and Donna is longer in the Unrated Version. The latter hasn't been released in the States yet but can be found on the German DVD. a5c7b9f00b
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