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Klockan 00:00 Den Första Dec 2008 :D:D:D:D:DDDDDDDD Nu är det jul igen En tomte skriker ut I vinterstadens sken Av iskall blå neon Ett brustet hjärta ler Ett
Kom nyss hem, fått massa sms... här är svaren till dom Alla tjejer: sorry, jag vet jag är snyggast i världen men jag är upptagen Pee: Nej jag vill inte med
Hate me, hate me, tell me what's wrong with me and break me, break me Go on and shatter me Cause lately you've run me into the ground And you can hate me, hate me Call it a victory But you'll see late
MEN TACK!!!! Tog bara 482 timmar och 14 minuter... Faktiskt sant
Fyller 13 idag :D... lite fränt
YESH!!!!! Jag och robin köpte 3 var så att vi har att leva på ifall någon krigare skulle komma med ett svärd och hugga sönder spelet, det är ju lixom livet
Alltså stämmer dethär... Following the jet crash that nearly killed DJ AM and TravisBarker, Barkers +44 bandmate Mark Hoppus has been pondering the futureof their old band Blink
Saknar min gröna ö =/
A drunken night in Dublin ended up in Galway Bay...
And the bells were ringing out, For christmas day.
She can dance to the flute, dance to the fiddle shes like a needle around the waist, as a cow around the middle let her go let her go, you'll find another theres alot of pretty womans at the head of g
Then in comes the landlord so fat and content. Comes round in his Volvo to pick up the rent. Then off with his wad to recline by the pool, He leaves you to rot in this shitty old hole. So buy us a dr
Fyfaan va underbart! När jag var på Irland så drack jag en cider som hette Bulmers, tyckte den var så grymt god men köpte inte med nått hem eftersom jag chansade p&ar
I didnt get up till halv past three, Thats the kind of life for me. The lazy kind of way to be. Well that was my way, of draggin around. You said draggin the days... Well that was my way, of draggin a