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Westworld Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qzlts
Peter Martin and John Blane decide to take a holiday in a high tech amusement park, Westworld. Here they get to play cowboys - saloon brawls, saloon girls and quick draws against the town's gunslinger - with lifelike robots. All is well for the first few days but when the park's central computer malfunctions, the built-in safety features are turned off and the robots begin to attack the guests. The gunslinger in particular seems indestructible and relentlessly pursues his prey.
In a near future, the Delos Company offers the vacation of the future in in the amusement parks Medievalworld, Romanworld and Westworld for U$ 1,000 per day. The vacationers get to experience life in the themed period, doing whatever he or she wants, interacting with the robot inhabitants that populate the parks. Peter Martin and John Blane travel by hovercraft to Westworld and soon Peter duels against a Gunslinger. However, when there is a malfunctioning of the machinery, the robots get out of control, jeopardizing the guests.
This 1973 flick concerns two guys who go to a futuristic theme park to play cowboys. The entire park is populated (with the exception of the paying guests) by robots that resemble humans, animals etc. The paying guest can live out their fantasies by having shootouts, jailbreaks, saloon fights etc. On the other side of the park two other worlds exist, Roman World and Medieval World. The two played by Richard Benjamin and James Brolin do the cowboy bit but when it comes to picking up a couple of saloon prostitutes and taking them to bed then it seems that the film gets a little goofy.
The Richard Benjamin character turns to James Brolin after scoring with the robot and says, `John.....this place is fun!' It would have been more realistic had he said `My god John are we that hard up? We're doing it with robots for crying out loud'! It makes the viewer wonder what kind of weirdo's had chosen Roman World. The bulk of the film stays at the WestWorld location although one guest is shown from time to time at the Medieval camp severely ticking off the computerized nerve system of a knight who is anything but Hymie the good natured robot from the old Get Smart TV series. Yul Brynner is cast as a robot gunslinger that takes a dislike to Richard Benjamin and then becomes a terminator in Tony Lamas and a Stetson.
The film is highly entertaining and Richard Benjamin seems perfect as the guy who needed some excitement in his life and gets it at WestWorld. The sequel was not up to par to this one.
In the year 1983, a futuristic high tech and realistic amusement park resort for rich and wealthy adults called Delos which consists of three lands for guests to stay like Roman World where guests can live out the days of the roman empire, Medieval World where you can relive medieval Europe and Westworld where you can live out being in 1885 in the days of cowboys. Two fellows named Peter Martin (Richard Benjamin) and John Blain (James Brolin) are on their way to Delos on a transporter, this is Peter's first time at Delos while this is the second time for John decide to head to Westworld. They actually live out their fantasies for real with realistic androids who are programmed not to harm the costumers and the guns and weapons are only meant for killing other robots as the guns don't shoot at anything warm blooded but only somethings like robots or machines or objects. The robots are there to help serve costumers even cook for them, help live out sexual fantasies and all that sort of thing especially do bar brawls even do shoot- outs with a pesky gunslinger (Yul Branner). Soon, the technology goes haywire when the robots are infected by an early computer virus and are killing off some of the guests as only John and Peter must try to survive this even with that Gunslinger they fought many times that is after them.
Highly entertaining, edge of your seat and quite original 1973 science fiction thriller western action film written and directed by Michael Crichton the legendary book author and creator of Jurassic Park and this movie predates Jurassic Park years later. The first use of computer digitized images as part of a feature film (not merely monitor graphics) was the Gunslinger's point of view in Westworld. After the process was finally developed enough to produce satisfactory results, it took a mere eight hours to produce each ten seconds of footage for the Gunslinger's pixelated POV. Michael Crichton became inspired to write this film after a trip to Disneyland, where he saw the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and was impressed by the animatronic characters. Thus he wrote the script for the film and decided to direct the movie himself in control of the production, the set for Westworld was also used for Blazing Saddles which would be released a year later. Alan Oppenheimer co- stars in this movie as well as Dick Van Patten, Critchton re-edited the first cut of the movie because he found it long and boring it was. The deleted scenes include: the bank robbery and sales room sequences, hovercraft with passengers flying above the desert in the beginning, additional and longer dialogue scenes, more scenes with robots going crazy and killing guests (including a scene in which a guest is tied down to a rack and killed when his arms are pulled out), a longer chase scene with Gunslinger chasing Peter, and Gunslinger cleaning his face with water after Peter throws acid on him. Crichton's assembly cut also had a different ending, which included a fight between Gunslinger and Peter (deleted because it seemed staged and foolish), and an alternate death scene in which Gunslinger was killed with the same rack used to kill one of the guests.
This movie was critically received and was a hit in theaters thus it spawned a sequel, a failed TV show pilot and a successful HBO series. It influenced many filmmakers like John Carpenter whom Michael Myers's character was influenced by the gunslinger from this movie and James Cameron whom is a fan of this movie was inspired by Westworld for his Terminator character. The film does have great performances, a nice pacing to it with a couple of slow moments, some action was it was quite violent for a PG-rated film and not to mention thrills abound.
I saw this on video when i was 10 and thought it was a great Sci-fi movie as i've been a Sci-fi/fantasy nut all my life and been one of my fave Sci-fi movies. Not to mention it predates Jurassic Park with the theme park gone wrong theme by the same creator.
Westworld is an excellent film, which combines solid entertainment, chilling topicality, and superbly intelligent serio-comic story values. Michael Crichton's original script is as superior as his direction.
It could have been a prototype test for future models.
Or the scientist/mechanic could have been one of the machines that was self-aware and built the robots as was mentioned by the scientists. a5c7b9f00b
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