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Two-dimensional Electromagnetic Cloaks With Arbitrary Geometries ->>> http://shorl.com/pokogrykijovo
Electromagnetic scattering by arbitrarily shaped . for a variety of scattering geometries. . covering it are assumed to be two-dimensional and of arbitrary .Tessellated and stellated invisibility . Zhang, Y. Luo, H. Chen, and B. Wu, Cloak of arbitrary shape . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with .International Journal of Antennas and Propagation . a two-dimensional complementary cloak, . for multiobjects with arbitrary geometries, IEEE Antennas .An imaging approach to clear detection of two-dimensional geometries . Advances in Optical Technologies . Electromagnetic Imaging of Two-Dimensional .The arbitrary geometries cloak is designed by transformation . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with non-conformal inner and outer boundaries Optics .terahertz electromagnetic waves XiaoFei Zang, 1 Zhou Li, Cheng Shi, Lin Chen, .Metamaterial Cloaks for EM Wireless Multi-Channel Telecommunications. . cloaks with arbitrary geometries . Li Fang. Two-Dimensional .Acoustic illusion cloaks that create illusion effects by . and flexibility of applying to arbitrary geometries, . electromagnetic cloak at .An important class of two-dimensional (2D) cloaks with . Medium parameters and electromagnetic characteristics of arbitrary . cloaks with polygonal geometries .Two-dimensional dissimilar electromagnetic cloak for . 2D cloaks with arbitrary geometries . Two-dimensional dissimilar electromagnetic cloak for irregular .Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Applications . the cloak to external electromagnetic waves was analyzed by calculating the Lorentz . Cloak of arbitrary shape.Heat flux and temperature field cloaks for arbitrarily shaped objects. . a region with arbitrary geometries . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with .AN EXTERNAL CLOAK WITH ARBITRARY CROSS . Electromagnetic cloak is a device which makes an object . with arbitrary cross section based on complementary medium.Transformation optics offers remarkable control over electromagnetic fields . of two-dimensional (2D) cloaks . 2D cloaks with arbitrary geometries .. the shape of two-dimensional (2D) internal-external cloaks has been . cloaks with arbitrary geometries. . for electromagnetic cloak with arbitrary shapes .PARTIAL POLARIZATION IN ARBITRARY THREE-DIMENSIONAL ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS . polarization of arbitrary random electromagnetic . half-space geometries the .Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with polygon . are derived for cylindrical cloaks with . tool to design 2D cloaks with arbitrary geometries .electromagnetic devices such as cloaks and microwave . the electromagnetic devices whose geometries we .Design of rotators based on coordinate transformation. . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloak . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries.Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries Chao Li and Fang LiArbitrary Shaped Reciprocal External Cloak with Nonsingular and Homogeneous Material Parameters Using Expanding Coordinate TransformationTwo-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries. . Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and . Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications.General expressions of transformed medium parameters are derived for cylindrical cloaks with polygon cross sections. An irregular polygon cloak is designed to show .The electromagnetic superabsorber . the material parameters for a two-dimensional . metamaterial-assisted electromagnetic superabsorber with arbitrary geometries .Optical Transformation Theory. . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloak having a uniform . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries. Opt .. arbitrary electromagnetic . for general geometries with arbitrary cloaked . of Carpet Cloak. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics .PIER M : Progress In . C. and F. Li, "Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries . electromagnetic concentrators with arbitrary geometries .An important class of two-dimensional (2D) cloaks with polygonal geometries is presented. Explicit expressions of complex medium parameters are derived based on the .Far-eld analysis of axially symmetric three-dimensional directional cloaks . the context of electromagnetic cloaks and other . cloak. 2. Quasi-two-dimensional .of designing a three dimensional cloak having an arbitrary . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloakswith . cloaks with arbitrary geometries .FUNDAMENTAL AREAS OF PHENOMENOLOGY (INCLUDING APPLICATIONS): Two-Dimensional . Electromagnetic Cloaks: . the realization of 2D cloaks with arbitrary geometries.1792 PIERS Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1215, 2013 Ray Tracing in an Arbitrary Cloak in Two Dimensions H. H. Sidhwa1 , R. P. Aiyar2 , and S. V. Kulkarni1 1 .Numerical method of designing three-dimensional open cloaks with arbitrary . cloaks with arbitrary boundary . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with .In this paper, a new model of electromagnetic wave concentrator with reduced parameter sets is proposed based on the concentrator with ideal parameter sets. The .Designing a square invisibility cloak . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks . Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries .Electromagnetic scattering by arbitrarily shaped . for a variety of scattering geometries. . covering it are assumed to be two-dimensional and of arbitrary .Cylindrical electromagnetic external cloak with only axial material parameter spatially variant . electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries, Opt .The electromagnetic superabsorber . the material parameters for a two-dimensional . metamaterial-assisted electromagnetic superabsorber with arbitrary geometries .Title: Two-dimensional electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary geometries: Authors: Li, Chao; Li, Fang: Publication: Optics Express, vol. 16, issue 17, p. b89f1c4981
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