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Root data analysis tutorial: >> << (Download)
Root data analysis tutorial: >> << (Read Online)
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This tutorial is about doing data analysis using ROOT Tree. • We discuss wriVng and reading events to/from tree, where trees are defined in various formats. • We start from simpler examples and slowly add more features that makes data storage and analysis easier. • The programs for the examples discussed here are
6 Jun 2017
The goal of this tutorial session is to learn how to read a tree from a ROOT file, extract some data from it, display a histogram and then fit it. Information about the ROOT classes can be found on the ROOT reference guide, and there is also a web based documentation and the Root primer and other manuals available to
28 Jul 2011 (Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin). DESY Summer Student Tutorial Run some of the tutorials that come with ROOT. $ROOTSYS/tutorials G. Brandt 28.7.2011. An Introduction to ROOT. Page 3. Introduction. ROOT is a Package for Data Analysis. ROOT Provides: 0 Several C++ Libraries. – To store data in
6 Jun 2017
Use these documents in parallel to this tutorial! The ROOT Data Analysis Framework itself is written in and heavily relies on the C++ programming language: some knowledge about C++ is required. Jus take advantage from the immense available literature about C++ if you do not have any idea of what this language is about.
1 Jul 2010 ROOT. C++ based Object Oriented data analysis framework. Developed by physicists at CERN. Uses some known and trusted HEP libraries (with extensions) as well as several home grown tools. A development project for more than a decade, official at CERN since 2002. Used in a variety of HEP
ROOT Basics. Deb Mohapatra. This lecture is based on Fermilab ROOT tutorial and ROOT lecture in CERN summer school It has a C/C++ interpreter (CINT) and C/C++ compiler (ACLIC). • ROOT is used extensively in High Energy Physics for “data analysis". - Reading and writing data files. - Calculations to produce plots,
26 May 2011 Page 1 of 58. Basic Data Analysis Using ROOT. Introduction. This tutorial started as a one-day class I taught in 2001. Over the years, I?ve revised it as different versions of ROOT came out, and in response to comments we?ve received from the students. In 2009, I was asked to expand the class to two full
6 Oct 2013 the ROOT Users Guide [2] and navigate through the Class Reference [3] to find all the details you might be interested in. You can even look at the code itself, since ROOT is a free, open-source product. Use these documents in parallel to this tutorial! The ROOT Data Analysis Framework itself is written in