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as a biofertilizer through the use of modern molecular tools and genomics. This paper reviews and analyzes research findings concerning the biology and agronomic utilization of Azolla, for facilitating its future exploitation not only as model systems for understanding symbiotic interactions but also its more efficient utilization
The nitrogen fixing aquatic pteridophyte Azolla has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen at cheaper and faster rates due to the presence of a symbiotic cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae. Because of this property it has been exploited widely as biofertilizer for rice plants. In addition to this it has several other uses such as
A study on Azolla cultivation and feeding to milch animals was taken up with about 110 farmers in Chitradurga district of Karnataka under NAIP Livelihood project. Feeding of Azolla @ 800 grams (fresh weight) on an average per day, improved the monthly milk yield by at least 10
The Azolla. The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Michaela Sedlackova. Page 2. Overview. What is Azolla ? Composition of Azolla. Being used. Use of energy. (Azolla filiculoides) .
3. 1.2.1. Extent of Azolla cultivation in China. 3. 1.2.2 Methods of Azolla cultivation. 3. 1.2.3. Optimum conditions for cultivation of Azol)a. 4. 1.2.4 Preservation of Azolla. 9. 1.3. Agricultural use of Azolla. 9. 1.3.1 As green manure. 9. 1.3.2 As animal feed. 14. 1.4. Problems in Azolla propagation. 14. BTOGAS TECHNOLOGY. 21.
Azolla, A Low Cost Aquatic Green. Manure for Agricultural Crops. INTRODUCTION. The air we breathe is 79 percent nitrogen. Plants need nitrogen to make the proteins that allow them to harvest sunlight and carry on natural processes. Unfortunately, nitrogen in the air is in an inert N2 form that cannot be used by plants.
Azolla use in Thailand 119. L. Loudhapasitiporn and C. Kanareugsa. Use of Azolla in Brazil 123. M.F. Fiore and K.G. Gutbrod. Use of Azolla in Sri Lanka 131. Utilization of Azolla in agricultural production in Guangdong Province,. China 141. Azolla and its use in rice culture in West Africa 147. Use and importance of
nitrogen/ha/ day; Azolla contains around. 27% crude protein and 10% carbohydrates on a dry weight basis (see Table). As a fish food, however,Azolla is an unknown quantity. The International Rice Research Insti- tute (IRRI) at Los Ba?os, Laguna, Philip- pines is investigating the use of Azolla in rice culture with a research
also attracted the attention of livestock, poultry and fish farmers (Cagauan and Pullin,. 1991). In Asia Azolla has been long used as green manure for crop production and a supplement to diets for pigs and poultry. Some strains of Azolla can fix as much as 2-3 kg of nitrogen/ha/day. Azolla doubles its biomass in 3-10 days,
Azolla use in Thailand 119. L. Loudhapasitiporn and C. Kanareugsa. Use of Azolla in Brazil 123. M.F. Fiore and K.G. Gutbrod. Use of Azolla in Sri Lanka 131. Utilization of Azolla in agricultural production in Guangdong Province,. China 141. Azolla and its use in rice culture in West Africa 147. Use and importance of