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Dambudzo Marechera was born June 4th 1952, in former, colonial Rhodesia and died. August 1987 in Zimbabwe. He was a Zimbabwean novelist, short story writer, playwright, essayist and poet. He won scholarships to St A the University of. Zimbabwe and to New College, Oxford and was expelled from all three institutions
DAMBUDZO MARECHERA AS. SHAMANISTIC 'DOPPELGANGER':. HIS SHAMANISTIC SENSIBILITY IN HIS LIFE AND. WORKS. Marechera: 'I think I am the doppelganger whom, until I appeared,. African literature plays, poetry and journal, do not distort reality, but psychologically hit the nail on the head in diagnosing
24 Aug 2009 LIMINAL POSITIONS: DAMBUDZO MARECHERA'S THE HOUSE OF HUNGER AND BLACK SUNLIGHT · KERRY VINCENT. English Studies in Africa. Volume 42, 1999 - Issue 2. Published online: 30 Jan 2009. Article. Dambudzo Marechera's Black Sunlight: Carnivalesque and the subversion of nationalist
1 Dec 1997 poems and articles expose the corruption in the marrow of our bones. Even the dead are not exempt from this autopsy and inquest -- DAMBUDZO MARECHERA (1987b: 109; emphasis added). Like the authors whom he describes above, Dambudzo Marechera can himself be considered an 'X-ray' writer.
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One night downtownI had this breakdownNot scary like horror Not boring like nervesJust this one-night downtownBreakdown.Not filthy quietLike the death of a whoreNot flesh torn by
14 Dec 1984 But those stitches, those poems . , ,5. The House of Hunger brought early fame to Dambudzo Marechera. It made him the mouthpiece of that lost generation* of young Zimbabweans who found themselves oppressed by the colonial regime, and who were either alienated from their own culture or subjected
14 Jan 2011 Four poems by Dambudzo Marechera. The Bar-Stool Edible Worm. I'm against everything. Against war and those against. War. Against whatever diminishes. Th' individual's blind impulse. Shake the peaches down from. The summer poem, Rake in ripe. Luminosity; dust; taste. Lunchtime News – pass the
DAMBUDZO MARECHERA. THE DOPPELGANGER. From the Stutter to the Gutter: Dambudzo Marechera and “The Volumtuous. Blackening Image". Essay by Jeffery Renard Allen. 65. 75. A Selection from The Beautiful Bureaucrat. Fiction Excerpt by Helen Phillips. Untitled (The Doppelganger). Poem by Heinrich Heine. 64.
Download PDF. Dambudzo Marechera's Amelia Love Poems: Innovative or Overrated? Drew Shaw and John Eppel. ABSTRACT. In this debate concerning Marechera's Amelia love poems, Drew Shaw argues they are innovative, especially in their adaptation of the traditional European sonnet and their exploration of an