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Defeating keto anno 2070 guide: >> << (Download)
Defeating keto anno 2070 guide: >> << (Read Online)
Heya folks, just testing out this blog thingy and working on a strategy for keto. I have used this a few times, and it has always seemed to work. Would be interested to know if anyone else has used a single-island method lik this before. Single Island Fortress Method for Eco's! Introduction. This method, basically, is a island
7 Aug 2016 I'm currently fighting Keto on hard and I've turned all the islands I have into a fortress and have Tycoon engineers so far I hav ea fleet of about 20 ships mostlly vipers and I'm just wondering if anyone has a strategy to beat Keto on hard. Currently the game is in a state of limbo since Keto isn't destroying
10 Apr 2013 Yup, it's possible. I did it :3. I recommend you bring a LOAD of tools, modules and weapons though. You want to build as many houses as you can, only upgrading them to Employees, then make roughly 15 turrets in front of your harbour and spam commando ships. That's it summed up as quickly as
Hi everyone. My current goal in the game is beating Keto on hard using the Eco faction, and I'm currently grinding the tech to do that (I bought
18 May 2013 Hey everyone, as you probably know this week was a prime opportunity to get that pesky Sic Transit Gloria Mundi achievement, because with Banes as president (which almost never happens) we get that very nice 50% bonus to ship attack power. So I went for it last night. I am fairly new to this Anno game
16 Sep 2014
Her flagship is immobile, but defeating it is the only way to end the shark raids and shut down Keto for the rest of your game. Keep in mind: if you attack her, do it well. Keto is able to replenish her Sharks over time, so destroying just a few of her ships and losing all of your ships is just wasting your time. Another thing to keep
15 Sep 2014
Overview After this guide you will be able to build a Tool Workshop, Building Materials, Timber and the necessary goods to grow your city from workers to employees and still have a posstive income. When you reached this your balance will only become more possitive. In this guide I play with the Eco faction Image To reach