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Sitespinner pro tutorial: >> << (Download)
Sitespinner pro tutorial: >> << (Read Online)
SiteSpinner Pro logo. Forms list. How to access form objects. Access the form objects from the main menu Object > Forms. The sub-menu has a list of all the objects available and also a checkbox for the Forms Toolbar, which is shown checked on the right. With the box checked, you should get the following extra toolbar
We suggest you first read the Mobile Introduction tutorial. In this tutorial we consider practical issues in designing for mobiles using SiteSpinner Pro: Why a mobile version of your pages? Separate mobile pages vs combined pages. Cascading Style Sheets (CCS) for formatting. Dual media settings. Project Options > General
SiteSpinner Website Design Software Tutorials. SiteSpinner Pro, SiteSpinner, and WebDwarf each have an extensive How-To Tutorial to make your own website. Use them to learn both the basics and many of the more advanced features and capabilities related to our software to build your own website. SiteSpinner Pro:.
SiteSpinner Pro Tutorials banner. < Tutorials Home. Templates Introduction SiteSpinner includes a number of quality templates. We have designed them to help you get started building your website quickly. There are personal home-page templates, company templates and hobby templates. Open them through the File >
Picture, big Overview of web pages and SiteSpinner Pro's role. Pictures (see Image) Add and modify pictures. Pie shapes Shapes, Curved: Pie Shapes Pixilated images Key Frame: Pixilated images. Place, jump Link to a specific point in a page. Place, links, drop-down Drop-down menu: Place the links. Place, network, add
Page Templates The Templates introduction discusses the built-in templates and how to access them. Here we discuss the use of a template page and how to make new pages based on that. Your template page may well be based on one of the built-in templates, with modification to suit your site. Topics we cover here are:
SiteSpinner Pro Tutorials banner. < Tutorials Home. Your First Project -- Hello World It is traditional to try out a new program with a "Hello World", and we're going to follow the tradition -- here are the steps to making two "Hello World" pages announcing your presence on the Web to the whole world. (If they are watching!)
Get started designing web pages with SiteSpinner Pro.
SiteSpinner Pro Tutorials banner. < Tutorials Home. Pdf files. Sometime you want to provide files on your site that visitors can download. They might be zip files, pdf files or xls files, or indeed any other kind of file you can think of -- and that your host will accept! In this tutorial, we cover: Introduction Linking to a pdf file
24 Sep 2007