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Commands written in PowerShell language. Parameter. Argument to a Cmdlet/Function/Script. Alias Cls,clear. Clear-Host. Variables. $var = "string". Assign variable. $a,$b = 0 or $a,$b = 'a','b'. Assign multiple variables. $a,$b = $b,$a. Flip variables. $var=[int]5. Strongly typed variable. Arrays, Objects. $arr = "a", "b".
Using Windows PowerShell cmdlets. 23. CHAPTER 3. Understanding and using Windows PowerShell providers. 65. CHAPTER 4. Using Windows PowerShell remoting and jobs. 109. CHAPTER 5. Using Windows PowerShell scripts. 137. CHAPTER 6. Working with functions. 179. CHAPTER 7. Creating advanced functions
Symlink and Hardlink Support. ? New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name MySymLinkDir. -Target $pshome. ? New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path C:Temp. -Name MyHardLinkFile.txt -Value $pshomeprofile.ps1. ? New-Item -ItemType Junction. -Path C:TempMyJunctionDir -Value $pshome. ? Get-ChildItem
Customizing the Windows PowerShell Console Don't like the look of your new console? No need to worry, Windows PowerShell comes with plenty of built-in options that allow you to customize the look and feel.
5. Chapter 2: Using PowerShell. This portion of the documentation discusses how to use the Microsoft Dynamics GP. PowerShell module. The following topics are discussed: • Starting PowerShell. • Getting a list of commands. • What to do next. Starting PowerShell. To start the command prompt for the Microsoft Dynamics
{1 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 21 0 0 0 121 227 252 83 122. 130 50 34 67 23 10 50 244 1 0 0}. Or, as Example I-7 shows, you can even use PowerShell for scripting traditional COM objects. Example I-7. Working with COM objects in PowerShell. PS > $firewall = New-Object -com HNetCfg.FwMgr. PS > $firewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.
Regular expression match. -like, -notlike. Wildcard matching. -contains, -notcontains Returns TRUE if the scalar value on its right is contained in the array on its left. 1,2,3,4,5 -contains 3. -in, -notin. Returns TRUE only when test value exactly matches at least one of the reference values. “Windows"-in “Windows","PowerShell"
20 May 2016 What is PowerShell? PowerShell is a powerful language used for scripting and automation for your IT Infrastructure. In this short course, author Matt Hester provides an overview of the most current release, PowerShell 5.0, including how to read the PowerShell language and scripts, get help, and use
The Windows PowerShell™ Command Builder for Microsoft. SharePoint®. 2010, Microsoft SharePoint 2013, SharePoint. Online, and Microsoft Office 365 is an HTML 5 application that is designed to help IT professionals and power users learn how to use Windows PowerShell for administrative tasks. The. Windows
24 Nov 2016 Click on Update Win- dows PowerShell Help. You will notice in the window below a com- mand update-help runs and then usually produces an error. This is normal on the University of Edinburgh Supported Windows Desktop. 3. Read the red error text. Can you determine why the command failed? 5