March 2009
dont fuck with me couzz aim a sSt...fuCk all the blOOd aim a baby hanging a blue rag...aim not a red as a blOODz...all i want 2 say is FUCK YOU BLOOODZ
thats the life of gngste like cenot not now when you will stay or die....meny gangster say YOU MUST DO OR DIE thats the right thing of gangsters...lought now cry later..
insted of crying just drink some beer and some just forget the sadness for a few moments...
even you cen see to a peapol that they are happy but they are still keeping some sadthing,lonlyness inside...
for all the girls that i have in my life you are the one that i love and i give you all that i have...even i know eim not the guy for you..maybe ther is a guy wiating for oyu...all the thing that 
firts of all hope all of are yu are still alive so when i go home we cen have some fun.."pagkagan2ng ibbreak aq ng bf q tang ina nyo umayos kau"
isang asul isang dugo asul paring ang una in english one crip one blood steel crip is in the fuck you bloodz
look ny i was trying to be happy even its hard to accept that you will go and say good bye to me but even you will g and lave me i will wait for you and i will still love you..