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Clarinet Album
by Edvard Grieg
24999 As with all characters, especially those outside the ASCII range, the author, sender and receiver of an encoded ellipsis must be in agreement upon what bytes are being used to represent the character {list beg.end as y} {var x="xlist"[y]} ${y+1} {if type=='rank'} {if x.lastRank>=0} {if y-x.lastRank>0} ${y-x.lastRank} {elseif y-x.lastRank==0} 0 {else} ${x.lastRank-y} {/if} {else} {/if} {/if} {var alia="songAlia"(x)} ${soil(}{if alia} - (${soil(alia)}){/if} {if x.mvid>0} MV {/if} ${dur2time(x.duration/1000)}{if x.ftype==2}{/if} {if canDel} {/if} ${getArtistName(x.artists, '', '/', false, true, true)} {/list} Depending on their context and placement in a sentence, ellipses can indicate an unfinished thought, a leading statement, a slight pause, an echoing voice, or a nervous or awkward silence -Retrieved 2015-10-18According to Robert Bringhurst's Elements of Typographic Style, the details of typesetting ellipses depend on the character and size of the font being set and the typographer's preferenceWhen an ellipsis replaces a fragment omitted from a quotation, the ellipsis is enclosed in parentheses or square brackets ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ ()
{list beg.end as y} {var x="xlist"[y]} {if extData&&extData.limit&&y>=extData.limit} {break} {/if} {var from="getFrom"()} ${y+1}Toppp.100 Precomposed ellipsis Spaced 3periods Mid-line ellipsis Punctuation apostrophe ' brackets [](){} colon : comma , dash ellipsis However, some maintain that the use of brackets is still correct because it clears confusion.[9]doi:10.1177/1461445610392138).[14]
^ "Chicago Style Q&A: How do I insert an ellipsis in my manuscript?"When the suppressed text is at the beginning or at the end of a text, the ellipse does not need to be placed in a parenthesis$ 100: Stehen die Auslassungspunkte am Ende eines Ganzsatzes, so setzt man keinen SatzschlusspunktWhen crossing sentences (when the omitted text contains a period, so that omitting the end of a sentence counts), a four-dot, spaced (except for before the first dot) ellipsis (....) should be usedNormally dots should be used only where the pattern to be followed is clear, the exception being to show the indefinite continuation of an irrational number such as:Annual Meeting of ASIS&T
TopProceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of ASIS&THost: , Process All 0.0208s Memory:2992.83k{list plist as item} {/list} Sometimes, it is useful to display a formula compactly, for example:^ ^ Goldstein, Norm, editor 22c7c4b003
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