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cs 1.6 hns developer cfg
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//SGS SCRIPT alias "w" "wait" alias "w5" "w; w; w; w; w;" alias "w10" "w5; w5" alias "w20" "w10; w10" alias "w40" "w20; w20" alias "+sgs" "alias _special @sgs; @sgs" alias "-sgs" "alias _special" alias "@sgs" "+duck; w; -duck; w; w; +duck; w20; -duck; w10; w5; special" alias "fps" "developer 1; fps_max 250; fps_modem 250" A Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS1.6) Config Script in the Other/Misc category, submitted by MatekHaxior. i have jumped 259 Units Lj and 279 units with CJ with this scr... Nume: RAIN CFG ! »Autor: rainNmakEer# »Info: Acest config este alcatuit din 5 parti ! Dupa downloadare se pune cele 5 parti in fisierul cstrike/ . De fiecare data cand. De fiecare data cand intram in counter-strike , scriem in cons. bind d "+moveright;developer 0;fps_max 100;fps_modem 100" echo 100. 3 min - Uploaded by kAMGG [developer] 2466322/counter. 49 sec - Uploaded by taNuEE1Hi this is Developer and FPS Max Hack. This hack is not by me :) You can use this hack for KZ. 2 min - Uploaded by Xirsql developer : fix "unable to launch the java virtual machine" on Windows 10 - 64 bit. 3 min - Uploaded by Mr.LeokyBest CFG/Config for HIDE'N'SEEK and DEATHRUN | 2017 | LeonV2.cfg. Mr. Leoky. OK hello people this is an website for Counter-Strike 1.6 Cheats-Cfg.This Website is Cs 1.6 HnS ScripT's I allways will give script who work. Ok now ill give one script it was from Girlshare.ro_hns.cfg there Have more cfg's but i create script's more from that Kzh or Trawka cant find it hack or script.Ok now ill give the script. It's my CFG, for HNS mod. It haves : -Anti-Timeout -Anti-Destroy -Gstrafe -Developer -Setari Anti-LAg -Bhop -etc. It's my best config, enjoy ! Code:;=========N. CS 1.6 200fps. Copy these lines to Counterstrike/Cstrike/Userconfig.cfg & Save it developer 0 rate 25000 cl_cmdrate 101 cl_updaterate 101 cl_shadows 0 cl_minmodels 1 max_shells 1 max_smokepuffs 0 fps_max 200 fps_modem 200 mat_dxlevel -70 200 fps bind a "+moveleft;developer 1;fps_modem 200. Acest Developer e creeat de raZor. Este un Developer creeat special pentru modul Hide-N-Seek (hns). Contine: 250Fps Ground Strafe script. Jump Bug.... Report post. Posted December 7, 2012. Cel mai bun CFG e default ;). Numai downloadati dupa net toate cacaturile de cfg-uri si de prostii. Si raZor vezi ca te corectez. Etichete: bhop script cfg scripts developer script gs + strafe script gs script jump bug script jump duck script russian walk script sgs strafe script.. Etichete: booster cfg counter counter strike nvidia e5 cs e5 fps hd hns limit masterserver nconnect nguard ngui nmusic nvidia players strike textures zm. Acest cfg contine: developer; bhop; gs; gs + strafe; sgs / rw; strafe ( fw, bw, sw - right & left ); jump bug. Download: GirlShare | MediaFire. Postată acum 28th May 2012 de George Buruga. Etichete: aSkv4 cfg bhop cfg dev Eddie gs hns raiz0 rev0 rhack riscript rw sgs str strv12 sw v4. Salutare la toti as vrea un cfg hns care are vreo 250 fps si alte treburi in ea de exemplu sa pot da lj,cj mare macar lj 246.Va dau cate un multumesc la fiecare care posteaza aici cfg sau cfg-urile. Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:53 pm, multumesc. Reclama. Enix. Mycula. Membru, skill +2. Membru, skill +2. User avatar. Joined: Tue Aug. Echo " Hii HNS|KNIFE PRO" Echo " Cfg By 360*" bind "ins" "+PlayWAV" bind "del" "ToggleWAV" exec autoexec.cfg By: 360* m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022"... This is a list of console commands that I have used over the years to better my Counter-Strike experience. If there is a command you feel should be in this guide.. developer "0" //GFX r_mmx "1" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" r_decals "300" r_drawviewmodel "1" r_drawentities "1" r_mirroralpha "1" r_wateralpha "1" r_dynamic "1" r_novis "0" gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST gl_picmip "0" gl_playermip "0" gl_max_size "256" gl_spriteblend "1" gl_lightholes "1" gl_dither "1" 12 spalio 2016. CS 1.6 FPS padidinimas,bei informacija - posted in Pamokos: Ka turetumete atnaujinti.. ir palaikyti Jums priimtina grafikos detaliu lygi, turetumete atidaryti savo config.cfg faila(jis guli Local Machine:GamesCounter-Strike1.6cstrike papkeje) ir irasyti. developer "1" - as zaidziu su 0 , bet su 1 padideja fps. Pentru cei care joaca HNS , am sa va pun un dev folositor : bind "w" "+forward;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250" bind "a" "+moveleft;wait;developer 1;fps_max 250;fps_modem 250" bind "s" "+back;wait. Toate acestea le bagati in cstrike/cfg'u vostru , apoi intrati in cs si dati exec nume.cfg However, cs 1.6 forces it on and the cvar is ignored.. cl_needinstanced, 0, 0, 1, boolean, developer, Enabling this will print into the console some infos about the models being loaded(weapon models).. Note: It's a command but it works like a cvar, except that sometimes it doesn't work if you try setting it in your cfg. Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg". unbindall. bind "TAB" "+showscores". bind "ENTER"... alias c cfg_info. clear. echo "HnS cfg by inet pwnZ/Dashie/weeb Loaded". echo "enter _> c into console to see commands". echo "Copy Protect your CFG'S! (Becouse some Server Overrite Cvars)". echo "Hint: You. ->Setari pentru modul HNS [Ajuta la jump-uri] ->Developer script 350 FPS ->GroundStrafe Script [ Bind pe r ] ->Medic bind + Colorated Say Mode [ Bind pe z ] ->Change HUD Mode. [ Bind pe MOUSE3 ] Download link : Click aici! Fisierele trebuiesc adaugate in directorul cs-ului /cstrike iar apoi tastai exec xoxov4.cfg in. [CFG] Cfg de Cs: Kz - posted in CS16 - Arhiva: Autor: EndevourTip( HNS , DR , CS , ZM ) : KZCFG-ul:// Kz by Okapii //. bind w "+forward;developer 1;fps_modem 250;fps_max 250" bind a "+moveleft;developer 1;fps_modem 250;fps_max 250" bind d "+moveright;developer 1;fps_modem 250;fps_max 250". Wklej tam całą zawartość Free Developer v3 zmień nazwę z kopią config na np. devV3. // Wejdz do CS 1.6 i w konsoli wpisz exec devV3.cfg. // pozdr0. :* // Thx for Group steam // nieraz na serwerach jest blokada na cl_sidespeed 300 wiec zmień samodzielnie na 400. cs 1.6 fps. Romania BestPlayerFromRomaniaNoKappa. i wanted to play some hns on 1.6 but i dont know what's happening, why my fps varies from 50-100, i mean.. Hi, try to add this to autoexec.cfg or userconfig.cfg not sure now after update. ati_npatch 0 ati_subdiv 0 gl_polyoffset 4 for ATI or gl_polyoffset 0.1 for Nvidia. Strona 1 z 2 - Zwiększenie FPS na cs 1.6 - napisał w Pytania / Problemy: Witam wczoraj robiłem format komputera i przed formatem komputera miałem po 50-60 fps na. 2. komenda w cfg fps_max "102". developer 1 - przed aktualizacją pełnił funkcje blokady fpsów na steam teraz zastąpił go fps_override Am postat aici ( un config cu setari pentru "high performance, high fps" gasesti si setarile pe care. 1.6->Properties->Seteaza parametrii de pornire(set launch option). Quote. -nomsaa -nofbo. 3. In consola : Quote. fps_max 99. developer 0. CS 1.6 Client And Console Commands... echo "message", echos text to the console - * useful for letting a player know that a script or .cfg file was loaded successfully. edgefriction 2, sets the amount of friction... developer 0, toggles on/off special developer debug console messages - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'. entities, lists. alias "@raz0r" "special; developer 1; fps_modem 1000.1; wait; +jump; wait; -jump". bind space "+raz0r". Developer ^Raz0r. bind "w" "+forward; developer 1; fps_max 1000; fps_modem 1000; cl_sidespeed 1100". bind "a" "+moveleft; developer 1; fps_max 1000; fps_modem 1000; cl_sidespeed 1100". This is a Counter-Strike 1.6 mod where the hiders (Terrorists) must hide from the seekers (Counter-Terrorists) until the round ends. The teams will swap when the Counter-Terrorists win,. See "amx/config/hns.cfg" to look them and to configure the plugin. .: Available languages :. English, French, Romanian. This plugin measures jump techniques in Counter-Strike 1.6. These techniques are:. developer 0; fps_max 101; cl_forwardspeed 400; cl_backspeed 400; cl_sidespeed 400. If player jumped a block jump. Fun Module - Mysql Module. Dont forget first set cvars in cfg and then restart server(map). Code:. c://Archivos de Programas/Valve/cstrike 2) Dentro de la carpeta "cstrike" encontraremos la config.cfg, abrirla con un block de notas haciendo: click derecho => Abrir con => block de notas. Una vez dentro del config.cfg buscamos los siguientes comandos y los modificamos si es que están sino los agregamos: developer 1. Reputacja: 19. Pomocny. #2. 05-24-2015, 12:07. Jeden z lepszych configów do surfa/hns/dr - więcej FPS - lepsze strefy - tyle w temacie. + Hejka. E‑mail Szukaj Odpowiedz Odpowiedz. Odpowiedz. 25. září 2012. Chci se jen zeptat co je to developer 1. Dostal sem za to ban na půl hodiny od anticheat. Vůbec nevim co to je, normalne sem si zapl cfg od kamoše a chtel sem hrat a najednou toto. lil wayne s. Bun cfg de hns cu bhop cel mai bun cfg de cs 1.6 cfg bhop foarte bun; Bhop cel mai bun cfg de cs din lume cfg bune de cs cfg cu bhop. Speed cs 1.6 bhop cfg free cfg de hns foarte bun cfg bhop deathrun bun. Bhop cel mai bun cfg de hns melhor cfg de cs cfg de deathrun bun. Dev cfg de cs 1.6 bun cfg bunny hop. ALIASURI & SCRIPTURI Counter-Strike 1.6. Creati un document text (cu Notepad), copiati codul scriptului/aliasului in document si salvati-l cu extensia -> .cfg cfg ) dupa care pui.. Script Developer - Acest script este pentru cei ce joacă Hidde'N Seek , Kreedz , Deathrun , Deathrace . Counter-Strike: 1.6 : Mouse Acceleration and Settings. If turned on, Counter-Strike will calculate all your mouse movements over the last two frames to find an average and attempt to give you a more fluid feel.. These commands can be adjusted before or during game via the developer's console ([~] key). Скрипты CS 1.6. Скрипты CS 1.6 - у нас собраны самые распространенные скрипты со всего интернета и наш архив продолжает пополняться изо дня в день.. Add this code to userconfig.cfg developer script for. here is a you tube link to a movie i maked when i jumped 257 lj and 275 cj with this developer script. The most consistent settings I can note between any competent CS player are the graphics settings. First, they crank the dial to max for the visual settings — with the exception of resolution; some players like a lower resolution, and then they ch... Mergeti unde aveti voi cs 1.6... va sugerez sa va descarcati nVidia v3 special pentru hns. 2.Deschide-ti cstrike si deschide-ti un. alias RaYg.right "developer 1; fps_max 326; r_drawviewmodel 0; +r; +m; RaY..YAW; w; +duck; RaY.YAW; w. 5.Copiati notepadul in cstrike 6.Intrati in cs si scrieti exec nume.cfg Решил выложить на мой взгляд отличный скрит для ddruna на hns. В нём идёт сам дд и можно использовать как скрипт для стрейфов)) Если понравился ставте спасибки =) alias -mr "-moveright" alias +mr "+moveright" alias -m "-moveright" alias +m "+moveright" alias -ml "-moveleft" alias +ml. Counter Strike 1.6 nVidia E4 este un KIT dedicat jucatorilor care prefera modurile de joc, gen HNS, ZOMBIE, DR, clientul de CS nVidia E4 aduce multe modificati de skinuri si meniuri dar in. CFG : CS , HNS , DR , ZM , Train , Furien , Jb , Default din CommandMenu !. Comanda "developer" este scoasa. Foarte multi din voi jucati Counter-Strike 1.6, iar marea majoritate dintre voi joaca CS 1.6 de pe sisteme foarte vechi, care nu pot avea FPS maxim in CS 1.6. Multi sunt si cei care nu-si. Acea comanda nu arata fps-urile reale, cel mai bine folositi developer 0 cu setarile de mai sus. La aceste setari puteti. В этой теме вы сможете скачать самые популярные скрипты для Counter Strike 1.6. Если вы. После захода в CS для того чтобы наш конфиг, а вместе с ним и скрипт, начали работать откройте консоль и напишите там exec 1.cfg; Если вы.. alias "selectauto" "bind mouse1 +attack;developer 1;echo . . :: FULL. napísal som aj príkazy ako sú fps_max 100, fps_modem 100, developer 0, fps_override 0. Re: HNS problém. Příspěvek od GSHeaDSpY » ned 26. čer 2016 18:18:15 VIP. Ahoj, je to jednoduché. Máš napríklad nejaký config, ktorý ti stále dáva hodnotu. Cesta pre Non-Steam: Counter Strike :arrow: cstrike :arrow: config.cfg Dangerous | HideNSeek, это сообщество которое борится против читеров, а также развивает Хнс на протяжении 5 лет,обучающими видео.Самая лучшая защита в мире от Хнс читов! Написаный мод на Орфее, который работает в 100 раз быстрей любого другого мода,приватные плагины придуманные. Команди за конзолата CS 1.6. developer 0 - За специалните девелопери, активира оправянето на грешки - *При 1 е активиран, при 0 е деактивиран. echo "message" - Активира ехото в конзолата - използва се, за да се разбере дали сте load-нали, както трябва скрипта или .cfg файл Ctrl+A+D+Space Kullanacaksın Sadece Millet 6-7 K Hız Kasıyor Demişsin Onlar Cfg Kullanıorlar Yada Ekran Kartları Cok İyi Ekran Kartına Bağlıdır Fps Ama Nası Kasıyolar Bende Anlamıyorum. Ve Bu Arada Dostum fps_max 999 fps_modem 9999 developer 100 Böyle Yapsan Daha iyi Olur. CFG Xoxo HNS - posted in Config-uri: Autor: XoXo Scripting: XoXo Aranjament: XoXo Version: 4.0 CFG-ul Contine urmatoarele Scripturi + binduri ->JB Script [ Bind pe alt ] ->Bhop Script [ Bind pe SPACE ] ->Setari pentru modul HNS [Ajuta la jump-uri] ->Developer script 350 FPS ->GroundStrafe Script [ Bind. Aliasuri CS - Scripturi CS - posted in CFG-uri: Aliasuri CS si Scripturi Counter-Strike explicateAutor culegator de scripturi si alte bagatele: preamaritul, inegalabilul, fenomenalul, fara numar [x]TaZz[x] Pentru oricare dintre scripturile si aliasurile counter-strike 1.6 prezentate aici, copiezi codul, creezi un nou. Long jump cfg download cel mai bun. Counter strike 1.6 best config. Tu cfg ideal cs 1.6 net_graph, zoom y developer parte 4 final . hns hack 101xd v2.9 for cs 1.6 hd . Guide how to activate developer console in counter strike source. Cs 1.6 hns cfg meagasus devill edition. Fps cfg k sz t se s berak sa cs 1.6 hoz. Cs 1.6 best. A wiec tak , problem który dotknął mnie już na początku mojej kariery z cs'em.. "2.5" texgamma "2.0" s_show "0" s_a3d "0" r_speeds "0" cl_observercrosshair "0" developer "0" fs_lazy_precache "1" r_decals "300" mp_decals "300". to badziej jest dla co skaczą na HNS'ach ale też dodaje FPS'ów to masz. Djokovic cfg is an Counter-Strike 1.6 cfg download. Download Djokovic cs cfg, other Counter-Strike 1.6 configs or view Djokovic cs config in-game settings. Докато си играя в сървура, минават 5 минути и нещо/някой ме киква, не е системата, защото нито използвам developer нито нищо.. Last edited by BlackDevil on Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Коригиран раздел! Внимавай следващия път да. 2 minSorry people, i don't have anymore this hack, because my computer broke down, but do not. Sal TPU As dori si eu un cfg de hns cu care sa dai mai mult long jump(lj) adica sa sari mai mult si sa aiba developer si bhop automat. Multumesc TAGS cfg cs aim no recoil deathrun fps 200 100 500 cheats codes metin2 counter strike 1.6 aim best danza kuduro dau funda experience tutoriale fast pro. sTr82HelL`s ~ Creepy INFINITE MONEY` ;o bind "p" "record hns; w10; stop" alias "w10" "w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w;w" alias "w" "wait" // sTr82HelL`s LAST ~ Creepy BUNNY-HOP ` ;o alias "+ray" "alias _special @ray; @ray" alias "-ray" "alias _special" alias "@ray" "special; developer 1; fps_modem 250;. Toate cfg de care aveti nevoie [/code]name "cL1c" bind v +hook bind c "say /medic" bind w "+forward;developer 1;fps_modem 200;fps_max 200" fps_modem 200 fps_ma. Ovo je forum KGB Hosting-a namenjen unapredjenju komunikacuje i poboljsanju usluge.