Thursday 20 September 2018 photo 2/7
Super Fuzz In Hindi 720p
The policeman Dave Speed is assigned to a mission in an ex-Indian reservation near a military shooting range. Casually, Dave is doing an investigation on the spot. A nuclear missile explodes. The radiation gives him superpowers. Dave is able to move object with the mind force, to discover mysterious crimes and to jump with no problem from a skyscraper. His friends cannot understand those transformations.
Red powder from a nuclear explosion gives a police officer super powers as long as he doesn't see anything red. He is eventually framed for murder and is unsuccessfully executed by many different methods.
Others have covered the plot here. I'll try to give you an idea of why I think you should or should not watch this baby. Like many others here, I first saw this movie on HBO in 1982 as a six or seven year-old. The one-quarter of us in my first-grade class who had HBO at that time all loved this movie. I remember playing Super Fuzz myself and running around the house until I saw the color red - then I'd slow down and fall to the ground or take a dive into our big couch. When we were on first grade recess we used to stand in a circle of three and re-enact the "You try to slap him, but you duck real fast. Now you try to slip him, but you try to slap him and you try to duck..." etc. Meanwhile, Dave Speed (what a true action hero name!) is eating the flowers while the original soundtrack playing in the background resembles the music from the Candyland commercials on TV! Holy friggin' crap, some mad genius wrote this. He's eating the flowers!!!! I loved this movie. And as it was an afternoon staple of the HBO line-up at the time, I must have seen it 15 times. When I was about 13 this movie came on late-night TV after I hadn't seen it for about six years. I remembered this film as a pure gem and stayed up to watch it. But seeing it again at the beginning of my adolescence (and it being around 1988 now) I found it to the worst piece of crap I'd ever wasted my sweet time on. I wished I was back at my grandfather's funeral, it was so painful to sit through. To think that I once enjoyed this film made me almost hate who'd I'd been when I was 7. Now in my late 20s my opinion has softened. I even enjoy this film now. The "super super" early 80's synthesized voices in the background are hokey and fun. The plot is light, enjoyable and not that important. They don't make 'em like this anymore, and you ought to know that going in. A child today seeing this may scoff at the special effects. Effects? I think it was all just camera tricks. I'm not sure how to rate this one from 1 to 10. I'm not even sure if some of the scenes I laugh at were intended to be funny in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way or not. Like the clothing of three "thugs". But if you are a fan of early 80s cheese, and particularly if you were a kid in the early 80s, then check this one out - if you can find it!
It's been at least 20 years since I've seen this movie, and I still can't get it out of my head. I just found out that it's being re-released on DVD February 27, 2007! I pre-ordered this on February 1st and can't wait.
This movie is everything a cult classic dreams to be - quasi-famous actors, cheesy FX, corny music, and not-your-average plot. This is the type of movie that film was made for. If you're tired of the plastic, bar-coded, multi-million dollar, computer-generated, A-list-stars-competing-for-camera-time, over-marketed blockbuster, then this is your movie. It was made for the average Joe.
If you like movies like "Looker", "Beast Master", or "Swamp Thing", then "Super Fuzz" is for you. I'll definitely be having a "Super Fuzz" party when this comes in.