Monday 16 February 2009 photo 2/2
6 little eggs on the run they fuck each other three goes boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so 3 little eggs had sex 1 win and 2 explode goes boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so 2 little eggs in the sun one sleep too long goes boom boom boom dubi dom
the story ends with 1 little egg was blind make suicide with pen bomb boom dubi dom
another story come
ehehehe .. låten e cool jaaa
bilden e random o ja e ganska ful .. men de finns väll typ alltid nån som ser värre ut så .. ^_^
watch out be safe so 3 little eggs had sex 1 win and 2 explode goes boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so 2 little eggs in the sun one sleep too long goes boom boom boom dubi dom
the story ends with 1 little egg was blind make suicide with pen bomb boom dubi dom
another story come
ehehehe .. låten e cool jaaa
Comment the photo
Tue 17 Feb 2009 18:44
Schnygg! <3
Tue 17 Feb 2009 14:33
Tue 17 Feb 2009 12:07
höhö, du är snygg. och jag tycker om dig (H) <3
Mon 16 Feb 2009 22:14
10 comments on this photo