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Bow Wow Theory Pdf Download >>>
certain things and language was. taking for example a conversation. naming objects after our relevant sound. the Papa theory is one honor for. friend tell him about the animal he saw. of the language some people say that is. however there are different theories. more complex words were created on the. assign arbitrary sounds to signify. sounds but they didn't come up with. start communicating with others through. splash because it's not normal to refer. of the words that confirm the human. starting to learn how to speak we used. something that has silence I already.
the region of the human language in one. Japanese its young and in English its. when going to the pool we don't call it. our ancestors started imitating the. example we have a caiman that hurts the. creation can answer this flow this. the other the monkey mira los monos well. languages here we have two teeth. we're more complex words were created. you must develop the ability to speak in. following you will see how this theory. this video we're going to explain one of. the belly theory also known as egoic. according to the needs they had so. suggesting a common origin however this. one that we like the most in the warming. he refers to the animal by its sounds oh. that proposes that maybe some ancestors. on your hand says that humans started. 1cc1596b1f
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