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Ct guided fnac ppt slides: >> << (Download)
Ct guided fnac ppt slides: >> << (Read Online)
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Conclusion CT guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a simple and safe procedure with high diagnostic It has also been demonstrated in literature that CT-guided FNAC is an accurate and sensitive Usually two specimens are kept as dried specimens and three to four slides will be fixed immediately in 95 %.
Key words: Lymph nodes, biopsy;. (FNAC) of deep-seated lymph nodes. US; CT. Material and Methods: Image-guided FNACs were performed on 242 pa- tients of . glass slides. In each case a minimum of 1–3 passes were made and at least 4–5 smears were obtained, air-dried or alcohol fixed. May-Grunwald-Giemsa.
recurrence of a tumour by CT, the prompt use of. CT-guided FNAC is an effective way to diagno- se these tumours so that appropriate treatments can be initiated [52]. Other FNAC Procedure. Locations. FNAC can be performed almost anywhere, pro- vided the aforementioned conditions are met. As a first-line
The purpose of this present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of CT-guided FNAC in the diagnosis of pulmonary mass lesions (both benign and malignant) and to determine the complication rate of this procedure.
Study objective: To evaluate the immediate cytologic assessment during CT-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology Abbreviations: FNA="fine"-needle aspiration; FNAC="fine"-needle aspiration cytology; MTC= malignant tumor cells;. SPN= solitary fixed on slides using a spray preparationwith polyethylene glycol base.
E-mail: Background: Ultrasonography and computed tomography guided fine needle aspiration cytology has an The procedure's low complication rate is an additional advantage which allows FNAC to be of USG and CT-guided FNAC in the diagnosis of intra- abdominal and intra-thoracic
Conclusions: CT-guided FNAC was an accurate and safe procedure for SPNs. Keywords: Bronchogenic carcinoma, computed tomography, fine needle aspiration cytology. Go to:
CT guided FNAC. Safety was measured in terms of complication rates, efficacy in the terms of sensitivity and specificity; and feasibility in terms of the duration of post procedure hospital stay complications of CT-guided FNAC at our center. METHODS. Between sex, presence of emphysema at presentation and the exact
27 Feb 2015 Introduction Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a type of minimally-invasive tissue sampling Ultrasound guided biopsy is one form of imaged guided biopsy, . in deeper planes Pitfalls • Failure to recognize the lesion • Failure to direct the needle properly or visualize it • Failure to prepare the slides properly
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