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Corduroy wale guide: >> << (Download)
Corduroy wale guide: >> << (Read Online)
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1 Nov 2009 I'm curious, do you prefer wide or narrow wale corduroy trousers? What is more traditional in America v. Britain (if applicable)? I've read that wide-wale is more "casual" whereas narrow-wale is more "modern," is this true? I can't seem to find any wide-wale ones online anyhow, as Cordings, Brooks Brothers,
I thought I knew corduroy. I thought it was thick, canvas-y, no drape.. But these have blown my mind. They are silky, like velvet almost, super soft but not slippery. The wale is pretty thin and the styling is a tad more formal, four pockets instead of five, with a clasp at the top instead of a button. These things are
As a fabric, corduroy is considered a durable cloth. Corduroy is found in the construction of trousers, jackets and shirts. The width of the cord is commonly referred to as the size of the "wale" (i.e. the number of ridges per inch).
Wales are what the individual cords in corduroy pants are called. They are made by weaving extra sets of fibers into the base fabric to create the vertical ridges. There are three types of wales, standard, dyed, and pincord. Each one has its own distinctive characteristics to help men tell them apart.
As a fabric corduroy is sturdy and soft. Its visible pattern puts it on the casual end of fabrics, and it can be considered slightly more formal than denim. Corduroy is described by the number of wales per inch. The more wales per inch the smaller the wales have to be, so a 16-wale corduroy has a much finer and less visible
10 Oct 2016 Corduroy is generally measured by what's referred to as the 'Wale' of the cord, which is the number of ridges found in the item per inch. The term comes from the actual name of those ribs or cords that are called 'Wales.' The lower the wale number, the thicker the wales will be. The wale count is a rather
12 Oct 2017 Now: put the kettle on, knock yourself up a nice cup of tea (use the good mug), and settle in for our handy guide to corduroy: The lines - or cords, I guess - of corduroy are called 'wale' from the Anglo-Saxon word walu which meant 'to mark with stripes' as in the raised welts produced by the stroke of a
2 Oct 2014 Corduroy is a traditional heritage material that can bring a touch of country chic and outdoors ruggedness to any ensemble, which in our eyes makes it a modern must-own. From wide wale to needlecord, we break down the different types of corduroy available on the market while identifying the key pieces
23 Sep 2013 Which is all suitably agricultural, given the rustic origins of corduroy as the "poor man's velvet," worn by huntsmen.) Anyway, the number of wales to the inch can vary from 16 in a needle cord (like the shot of Dustin Hoffman, above) to 8 in a wide-wale corduroy. Generally, the finer the cord, the slimmer the