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Itunes smart playlist album rating guide: >> << (Download)
Itunes smart playlist album rating guide: >> << (Read Online)
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30 Jul 2014 This playlist requires some preparation on your part—namely that your favorite songs are stamped with a four or five-star rating. Set up a smart playlist where the Rating is greater than three stars but the Last Played date is more than six months ago (you may have to vary this depending on the size of your
30 Oct 2012 I don't think there's a way to do this with a smart playlist. But you can use AppleScript to find your five-star songs, and create a playlist with them. You'll have to manually run the script every so often, to update the playlist. property playlistName : "Favorite Songs" tell application "iTunes" if not (exists playlist
I've been trying to find a way to do this for years, but it's not possible with the tools currently available in iTunes. I've looked for a third
6 Sep 2016 The star rating feature in iTunes (and other software media players) is a great tool for organizing your music library. This can enable you to view your songs by star ranking order, select specific star rated songs to sync with your iPhone (or other Apple device), or even create Smart Playlists that update
27 May 2016 When iTunes 12.2 was released, the app changed some song ratings to album ratings. This means that if you have smart playlists that look for, say, five-star songs, iTunes will add all the tracks from the album with the five-star rating to those playlists. After iTunes 12.2 was released, this happened
11 Aug 2015 tell application "iTunes" repeat with theSong in selection set album rating of theSong to 0 end repeat end tell. You may need to run it more than once as it may fail as the selection changes while songs are being removed from the smart playlist. After a successful execution, all manual album ratings will be
For manual ratings switch to the songs view, enable album artwork for all albums and make the artwork column wide enough to show album rating. You can only . A common reason why users don't like the automatic ratings is that it causes songs to be put into the Favourite Songs Smart Playlist . If I leave
27 May 2016 In iTunes, you can rate songs and albums separately
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