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Luna plus guide job: >> << (Download)
Luna plus guide job: >> << (Read Online)
Job Skills · Job Skills June 13, 2017. Did you know you are able to freely learn skills in LUNA?!Each time the character levels up, it will gain SP and Gold. You may use the SP and Gold to upgrade your character's Read more
13 Dec 2013 This is a compilation of the information I've collected from playing LUNA Online in other servers regarding the Fighter class to help people create their own Fighter build. Fighter is one of the 3 job you can become in LUNA Online. They focus on close-range combat and mob-training. There are many classes
24 Apr 2014
13 Jun 2017 Once the character reach the certain level, can search for person in charge to change job. The job expertise and skills will change after changing the job; Build more personal experiences to create the better self! Warrior Warrior attacks in close distance; focuses to enhance physical attack power, physical
Job Change NPCs Luna Plus. Fighter Level 20. Wiff in Alker Harbor Level 40. Wiff in Alker Harbor Level 75. Phalanx - Wiff in Alker Harbor Knight - Heromech in Red Orc Outpost Gladiator - Rien in Gate of Alker (Humans Only) Rune Knight - Celerian in Alker Harbor (Elves Only) Level 105. All - Cindamook in Nera Village
11 Apr 2012 When a character reaches the level required for the next tier, he or she can change to any job listed in that tier, provided that racial requirements are met (human or elf). Once a job change is finalized, it can never be undone. Upgrading job classes increases the amount of skills available for the character to
Luna Online has a total of 60 classes that branch out from four base jobs[Fighter, Rogue, Mage, Majin Apprentice(Only in Luna Plus)]. Players select their class during . With the correct stat and skill build, they can survive even the deadliest attacks and protect their party with all they have. Paladins are the best Tanks in the
15 Jul 2011 Luna Online Plus Mage Jobs Guide by oblette. Here's my little special guide to assist you fellow mages out there who need assistance in planning out your mage & do not fully understand hybriding techniques (in order to make effective jobs). OBLETTE is currently working on trying to figure out a way to
11 Nov 2012 DESTROYER JOB GUIDE Okay First of all you must follow this path: Human Fighter > Warrior > Mercenary > Knight > Destroyer 1. Warrior : Wiff in Alker Harbor. 2. Mercenary : Wiff in Alker Harbor. 3. Knight : Heromech in Red Orc Outpost. 4. Destroyer : Sage in Naila Village. IMPORTANT! Put all the stats to
ENTRAPPER JOB GUILE Hye allone more guideand then all rogue jobs has their own guides this is an entrapper guide,its good to make ur main char since u can hunt rare items easily w/o even needing to be in a party,and u can enjoy the loot urself The Path i suggest u to take is: Rogue (Elf)-level 1-19 Ruffian-level