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Diagnostic Imaging. M.F. Reiser. H. Hricak. M. Knauth. Henrik S. Thomsen. Judith A. W. Webb. Editors. Contrast Media. Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology uses the abbrevi- ation UCA, which consequently will be used here (Claudon et al. 2012). UCA are blood-pool agents,
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15 Nov 2017 Download Esur guidelines on contrast media 8.1: Read Online Esur guidelines on contrast media 8.1: 6 Dec 2012 ESUR - European Society of Urogenital
20 Apr 2016 The PRINTED VERSION 9.0 of the contrast media guidlelines can be ordered through the ESUR Head Office esursecretary(at) To read the ELECTRONIC VERSION of 9.0, please CLICK HERE. Or click on the cover below. Thank you to Henrik Thomsen and his team for allowing us to use their online
Consider an alternative test not requiring an iodine-based contrast agent. Use a different iodine-based agent for previous reactors to contrast medium. Consider the use of premedication. Clinical evidence of the effectiveness of premedication is limited. If used, a suitable premedication regime is prednisolone 30 mg (or
CONTRAST MEDIA. 92 n Radiology: Volume 269: Number 1—October 2013 contrast Medium–induced nephrotoxicity risk assessment guidelines on contrast media, ver- sion 8.0. European Society of Urogenital. Radiology Web site. guidelines/en/index.php. Published 2012.