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Posting Facebook Photos ->->->->
Also when you comment on other peoples public posts, your comment is public as well. Business & Workplace Regulations. Posts with the audience of Only Me will appear in your News Feed but not your friends' feeds. Just look for the '360 Photo' icon in your status field within News Feed. You will be able to add a caption, and youre done. Getting Started 1 Choose a place or moment that inspires you Place yourself at the center of the experience and use '360 Photo' through the Facebook app to take a full 360 degree panorama. For example, if you use our services to provide a real-time public comment to a television show, that may appear on the show or elsewhere on Facebook.What information is public?Information you share that is always public: Some of the information you give us when you fill out your profile is public, such as your age range, language and country. Accounting & Bookkeeping. To post a single photo, click "add photo/video" in the menu above the status publisher box, then click "upload photo/video" and "choose file" to navigate through your computer's hard drive and click "choose" once you have highlighted the image you want to upload. Managing Employees. View Full Article Share ArticleWas this information helpful?YesNo. (Optional) Tag (or identify people) photos after theyre uploaded. Additionally, anyone who gets tagged in a post may see it, along with their friends. .. However, if you're using an unsupported camera, or if you'd like to edit your photos and add metadata later in the process read our guide here. Follow Us Facebook How To Fix Buy Do More About Us Advertise Privacy Policy Careers Contact Terms of Use . .. Business Technology & Customer Support. When you make a change to the audience selector tool in one place, the change updates the tool everywhere it appears. .. After you've shared a post, you have the option to change who it's shared with. What is public information?Something thats public can be seen by anyone. The following restrictions apply: Must not be resized Must cover between 100 and 345 degrees field of view horizontally Photo spheres (e.g. Use one of our Photoshop templates to create 360 photos that engage and surprise your followers! . You're in! Thanks for signing up. Do 360 photos use up a lot of data? Viewing a 360 photo generally uses the same amount of data as viewing a collection of regular photos when connected to WiFi. So if you're only posting two to five images, this is a fine option. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookies Policy.FacebookJoin or Log Into Facebook Email or PhonePasswordForgot account?Log InDo you want to join Facebook?Sign UpSign UpThis page isn't availableThe link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.Go back to the previous page Go to News Feed Visit our Help CenterEnglish (US)NederlandsFryskPolskiTrkeDeutschFranais (France)EspaolPortugus (Brasil)ItalianoSign UpLog InMessengerFacebook LiteMobileFind FriendsPeoplePagesPlacesGamesLocationsCelebritiesMarketplaceGroupsRecipesSportsLookMomentsInstagramLocalAboutCreate AdCreate PageDevelopersCareersPrivacyCookiesAd ChoicesTermsHelpSettingsActivity Log Facebook 2018. Your panorama will stitch together within seconds and then you can share the photo to your Timeline. Running a Business. iPad mini 2, 3, 4 iPad Air and iPad Air 2 iPad Pro Facebook will make a best effort attempt to convert Samsung Galaxy panoramas. Follow Us Facebook How To Fix Buy Do More About Us Advertise Privacy Policy Careers Contact Terms of Use 5a02188284