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Pecan spray guide university of georgia: >> << (Download)
Pecan spray guide university of georgia: >> << (Read Online)
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southeastern pecan growers handbook
UGA Extension Bulletin 841 • 2015 Commercial Pecan Spray Guide. 1. COMMERCIAL PECAN INSECT CONTROL (BEARING TREES). Will Hudson, Extension Entomologist. ORCHARD SURVEY PROCEDURES. Insect and mite infestation levels should be estimated at least weekly based on thorough orchard sampling.
UGA Extension Bulletin 841 • 2017 Commercial Pecan Spray Guide. 1. 154. PEST. PESTICIDE. MOA. AMOUNT PER. ACRE. REI/PHI. (Hours or Days) TIMING AND REMARKS. Phylloxera chlorpyrifos 4E. Lorsban, Chlorphos. 1B. 2 pt. 24 H/. –. Treat trees with a recent history of heavy infestation and surrounding trees.
This publication provides guidance for insect, disease, and weed control in commercial pecan orchards for 2017. Status and Revision History Published on Dec 11, 2013. Published with Minor Revisions on Apr 01, 2015. Published with Minor Revisions on Mar 07, 2016. Published with Minor Revisions on Jan 30, 2017.
Feb 11, 2016 I am an Associate Professor and Extension Horticulture Specialist for pecans at the University of Georgia. My research and extension programs focus on practical cultural management strategies that help to enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of pecan production in Georgia.
Feb 1, 2017 UGA Pecan Specialists Dr. Lenny Wells and Jason Brock gave their first of the season program for us in Thomasville yesterday. Dr. Wells updated us on hedging, spacing, and storm damaged trees. Mr. Brock talked to us about our fungicides and resistance issues. Dr. Wells announced the newest pecan
Jan 30, 2017 I am an Associate Professor and Extension Horticulture Specialist for pecans at the University of Georgia. My research and extension programs focus on practical cultural management strategies that help to enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of pecan production in Georgia.
Feb 16, 2017 2017-Pecan-Spray-Guide Click here. The optimum temperature range for scab infection is 59-77 degrees F and a leaf wetness of about 12 hours. Pecan spray suggestion guide from 2016: 1. Absolute. 2. Tebuconazole+Topsin M+Phosphite. 3. Absolute+Phosphite. 4. Elast/Tin. 5. Absolute. 6. Elast/Tin. 7.
Thousands of acres of pecan trees were planted in southwest Georgia. Most of these trees were initially planted as real estate investments rather than for nut production. Thousands of acres were sold in five and ten acre units, primarily in Dougherty and Mitchell Counties, which are still today the hub of Georgia's pecan
Athenaeum Home · UGA Extension · UGA Extension Publications; View Item. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Commercial pecan spray guide 2014. Thumbnail. View/Open. 2014-Pecan-Spray-Guide.pdf (818.4Kb). Date. 2013-11. Author. Brenneman, Tim B. Brock
Commercial Pecan Spray Guide. 2014. Compiled by: Tim Brenneman, Department of Plant Pathology. Jason Brock, Department of Plant Pathology. A. Stanley Culpepper, Extension Agronomist-Weed Science. Will Hudson, Extension Entomologist. Lenny Wells, Extension Horticulturist. Wayne Mitchem, Extension