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Voskown vasp manual: >> << (Download)
Voskown vasp manual: >> << (Read Online)
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Usually VASP uses the standard interpolation for the correlation part of the exchange correlation functional. If VOSKOWN is set to 1 the interpolation formula
Next: VOSKOWN-tag Up: The INCAR File Previous: LREAL-tag (and ROPT-tag) The tags AM (AM05) and PS (PBEsol) are only supported by VASP.5.X. The
Usually VASP uses the standard interpolation for the correlation part of the exchange correlation functional. If VOSKOWN is set to 1 the interpolation formula
spin polarized PW91 calculations, set VOSKOWN="1" in the INCAR file for the PBE potentials, you do not need to specify VOSKOWN="1" in the INCAR file,.
VASP the GUIDE. written by Georg Kresse, Martijn Marsman, and Jurgen Furthmuller Computational Materials Physics, Faculty of Physics, Universitat Wien,
20 Mar 2017 VOSKOWN = 0 | 1. Default: VOSKOWN = 0. Description: Determines whether Vosko-Wilk-Nusair interpolation is used or not.
VOSKOWN = 1. LORBIT = 11. Or copy the files from: ?vw/4_1_Ni. INCAR. Spin polarized calculation (collinear). Initial magnetic moment: 1 µB. Interpolation of the
In the manual, VOSKOWN = 1 is recommended for PW91. Is it also recommended for PBE? I found a VASP document online which states that
From Manual it looks like I should use GGA tag in INCAR only in So in case of "LEXCH = 91" in POTCAR should I put VOSKOWN = 1 in
Vienna, March 29, 1999. This document can be retrived from: tex2html_wrap_inline4343 vasp/ Please check section 1 for new