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Omagh high school prospectus guidelines: >> << (Download)
Omagh high school prospectus guidelines: >> << (Read Online)
Our Mission Statement. Omagh High School / Prospectus 2015. 2. Omagh High School is committed to the success of all its pupils. We aim to encourage in our pupils: • a curious mind. • a love of learning. • an industrious attitude to their work and study. • a respect for others. • a respect for self. • high personal moral standards
We encourage pupils to aspire to the highest moral standards and promote the ideals of a caring and compassionate community. Our school accepts and is welcoming of children from all backgrounds. In February 2013 the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) conducted an inspection of Omagh High School. Following
Omagh High School. Prospectus 2016. We care about education high personal moral standards based on a Christian understanding of the world. • the acquisition of skills necessary for future progress. Central to this is the employment and . with Department of Education guidelines. A copy is available on request. Any.
4th September 2017, School starts for all pupils. Year 8 Young Enterprise Event. 5th September 2017, Years 8 and 11 CAT Testing. 7th September 2017, Friends of Omagh High School (PTA) AGM 7.30 pm. School Assembly Hall. 21st September 2017, GCSE Geography Field Trip. 28th September 2017, Friends of Omagh
Welcome to Omagh High School DSC_0389. We are an all ability school and have high expectations of all the boys and girls in our care. Our aim is to nurture and develop the individual talents of each pupil in order that they enter society as a well-rounded individual, able to contribute positively to the community in which
The school day begins at 9.00 a.m, ends at 3.25 p.m and is divided into 9 teaching periods. Registration, 9.00 – 9.15. Period 1, 9.15 – 9.50. Period 2, 9.50 – 10.25. Break, 10.25 – 10.40. Period 3, 10.40 – 11.15. Period 4, 11.15 – 11.50. Period 5, 11.50 – 12.25. Period 6, 12.25 – 13.00. Lunch – Years 8, 9, 10 & 11 remain on
School has to be an ordered community where certain norms of discipline have to be set down and observed. This is necessary not merely to provide a proper environment for learning, but also to secure an essential part of the educational process.
Pupils who opt to return to Omagh High School for post–16 studies can choose a combination of AS/A2 courses and/or BTEC qualifications from the following range of subjects in collaboration with Omagh Academy and South West College, Omagh: These entry requirements are available from the school office.
As the pupils progress through the school, their very wide range of additional needs is met within an ethos of high expectation and caring guidance and support." (ETI Omagh High School Inspection Report, February 2013). In Omagh High A more detailed list of support strategies is available in the school prospectus.
Student Testimonial. ,. ,. Omagh High School 14 Crevenagh Road Omagh Co.Tyrone BT79 0EQ. Tel: 028 8224 2656. Fax: 028 8225 1568. E-mail: · 028 8224 2656.