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Wufi bio
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WUFI Bio Logo Under specific hygrothermal (temperature and humidity) conditions, various surfaces in buildings can experience mold growth. In addition to obvious aesthetic and sanitary issues, mold growth is also a significant health risk. Mold spores are known to cause various illnesses in humans. To prevent mold. Material data base (in all WUFI programs), Chinese, English, Finnish, Polish, French, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Japanese, German, English, Japanese. WUFI® Graph, German, English, German, English. WUFI® Bio, German, English, Italian, Japanese, German, English. WUFI® Corr. WUFI® Plus/Passive Free. The WUFI®-wiki provides additional demo movies, guides and tutorials, and information on the theoretical background for WUFI® Plus Free and WUFI® Passive Free. Step 5: WUFI Bio tells you if your assembly will grow mold. Once you've done all the modeling, you can take your results to the add-on program, WUFI Bio, to see if your assembly will be wet enough to grow mold. The graph below shows a material that doesn't dry out and ends up being a good mold factory. 0. 0. 5. 5. 10. 10. 15. 15. 20. 20. 25. 25. 30. 30. Temperature [°C]. Temperature [°C]. Germination. Mycelial growth. Page 8. Test station for mould fungi. Page 9. LIMs for different building products. Substrate Groups. II biological adverse recycable materials. I biological recycable materials. 0 optimum cultures medium. Given that Mold needs specific food, moisture, temperature and light conditions to grow to what extent (apart from setting Lim Class 0, 1 etc.) does WUFI bio take into consideration the materials at the particular point being examined in a construction build up? For instance will it give a red if there is a timber. WUFI® Plus got a small update to version 3.1.1. You can find the changes and bugfixes on the WUFI® homepage. Furthermore all physical background and used models are described. Most questions are answered in the FAQ section but you can add your own suggestions in the discussion section. Please post all your. The greatest challenges facing straw bale building in Japan, and many other countries with high humidity and precipitation, are moisture and the susceptibility of straw to microbial decay. WUFI-Bio, developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, is a computer program that assesses the risk of mold growth in. 1 min - Uploaded by BuiltEnvironmentIITThis is a very short video tutorial of WUFI, a tool for 1-D hygrothermal (heat + moisture. Methods in Molecular Biology 230: 343–359. Google Scholar, Medline. World Health Organization (WHO) (2009). WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Dampness and Mould. Geneva: WHO. Google Scholar. WUFI-Bio 3.0 (2011). Rel.3.0.085. Sedlbauer, Krus, Zillig. Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics. Available at:. WUFI Bio uses a traffic light icon for the assessment of mold growth risks. In the example (below), the assessment was done for a retrofitted flat, in which only the old windows were replaced by new ones, without additionally adding thermal insulation to the building envelope. Mold growth represents a potential health hazard. Step 5: WUFI Bio tells you if your assembly will grow mold. Once you've done all the modeling, you can take your results to the add-on program, WUFI Bio, to see if your assembly will be wet enough to grow mold. The graph below shows a material that doesn't dry out and ends up being a good mold factory. The greatest challenges facing straw bale building in Japan, and many other countries with high humidity and precipitation, are moisture and the susceptibility of straw to microbial decay. WUFI-Bio, developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, is a computer program that assesses the risk of. Download citation | An Evaluation of WUF... | The greatest challenges facing straw bale building in Japan, and many other countries with high humidity and precipitation, are moisture and the susceptibility of straw to microbial decay. WUFI-Bio, developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, is a... 2. Contents: Mold problems in practice. Example Case. Evaluation with WUFI®-Bio. Evaluation with WUFI®-VTT. Common traffic light classification. Mold risk evaluation. The predicted RH may be compared to these isopleths and used as input to mould prediction models such as WUFI-bio, (WUFI, 2005). Such an approach has been used to examine mould growth in UK dwellings (Altamirano Medina et al, 2008). The concentrations of other pollutants, such as formaldehyde and carbon. ... Yes No No Biohygrothermal modelc Yes Slight growth Yes Yes Yes Yes No WUFI-Bio VTT originald Yes No Yes Yes (wood) Yes Yes Yes Latenite VTT updatede Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Latenite MRD modelf Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yesg Yes WUFI add-on Spore germination time [days], substrate group II 30 LIM Bau. [7]: WUFI-Bio 3.0. Rel.3.0.085. Sedlbauer, Krus, Willig. Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics. http://www.hoki.ibp.fhg.de/wufi/downloads [07/08/2013]. [8]: Moon HJ. Assessing mold risk in buildings uncertainty. 2005. PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology. [9]: Vereecken E, Vanoirbeek K, Roels S. Towards a more. The Biohygrothermal model 'WUFI bio' (Sedlbauer, 2001), predicts the formation of mould based on the comparison of 'favourable' relative humidities, temperatures and substrates for mould growth and transient environmental conditions that occur in buildings. In the model, the spore itself is treated as an additional layer on. The purpose of this study was to dimension a number of walls that meet climate conditions, which are done by dynamic humidity calculation in WUFI Pro 5.1 with adapted climate data and real climate data and then mold analysis in WUFI Bio. The aim of the bachelor thesis work was that the results from this. Crosstown is Boston project dedicated to the appreciation and advancement of Fine Art, Design and Music, trading and promoting Modern Masters and emerging artists prints, painting, sculpture, ephemera and music recordings at its gallery and on-line on the Internet. 31. 21.08.2015. MEASURED CLIMATE IN NORTH WALL. WITH CLAY PLASTER WUFI-BIO. (Substrat category I). Source: Monitored data of. STROHPOLIS north wall in the straw bale (5cm deep from outside) time [h] (8760/anno). M yceliu m g ro w th. [mm. ] Critical moisture content moisture content spore. WUFI-Bio and acquired initial spore relative humidity to obtain the germination time given by the germination isopleth for substrate I. 2.10. Relationship between the biohygrothermal model and the VTT model. The mould growth in millimeters per day is a reasonable unit to describe the length of the mycel at the beginning of. the substrate group I. Figure 4 shows the germination and growth rate isopleths. For both locations the. LIM-curve is exceeded. Note however, that these isopleths are defined for steady-state conditions. The mould growth obtained with the biohygrothermal model is defined by using the. „WUFI-Bio‟-software (WUFI, 2005). Download WUFI-Bio for free. WUFI-Bio - The postprocessor WUFI-Bio allows to assess the risk of mould growth, based on measured or computed local climate conditions. WUFI Exempel 2 – WUFI Bio. Slutsatser. • Gå igenom alla materialparametrar ordentligt. • Är det rimliga värden? • Fuktegenskaper slår igenom på resultaten. • Säkerhetsmarginal på resultaten.. – Klimatdata visar inte alltid värsta året! • Använd WUFI 2D för icke-homogena väggar. • Tips på vidare läsning:. Study Report SR361 The selection and hygro-thermal modelling of new New Zealand dwellings (pilot). 25. Other post-processors are available for WUFI, which include: • The MRD model from Lund University, which performs a similar function to. WUFI Bio, and is also being further developed, with a view to incorporating. See Tweets about #wufi on Twitter. See what people are saying and join the conversation. Uppsatser om WUFI BIO. Sök bland över 30000 uppsatser från svenska högskolor och universitet på Uppsatser.se - startsida för uppsatser, stipendier & examensarbeten.
WUFI-Bio is chosen as failure model for the first phase. It will add the fourth essential input parameter (nutrients) and create the output parameters for depicting mould germination. The consideration of details like façade penetrations, horizontal barriers (windowsills) or influences of second water-bearing layer are another. Mold Gro. WUFI 5.1. Bio. WUF transient am needed by. For a fun water cont water cont the critical temperatur spore germ respective the moist correspond calculated. quickly loo across the. Procedure. This is a graph simi critical wa water cont the graph growth risk light indic in/year: an indicates th may be poss is required for. à l'interface du pare-vapeur. ANALYSE WUFI. TENEUR EN EAU TOTALE. Max: 3,2 kg/m2. TENEUR EN EAU ISOLANT. Max: 13 M.%. TENEUR EN EAU OSB. Max: 17,5 M.%. RISQUE D'ACCUMULATION. DE VAPEUR D'EAU DANS LA. PAROI? NON. ANALYSE WUFI BIO. RISQUE DE FORMATION. DE CHAMPIGNONS? ... transfer in specific parts of buildings simulated in WUFI Pro 1D; assessment of biological activity (e.g. mould) in building materials with the use of WUFI Bio; energy calculations in buildings with respect to combined heat, air and moisture transport (HAM) simulated in WUFI Plus; structural element analyses. WUFI Bioは無料でダウンロードできます( ダウンロードの方法はこちら をご覧下さい). 注1. WUFI Bioはもともと、室内表面におけるカビの危険性を知ることを目的として作られたソフトです。よって、温度と湿度の他にカビの発育に影響を与える要因(光、pH値、胞子の有無など)は室内表面での一般的な状態を前提として作られてい. Dadurch lassen sich die instationären hygrothermischen Bedingungen an neuralgischen Punkten der Gebäudehülle recht genau bestimmen. 3.3 Biohygrothermisches Modell WUFI -Bio Zahlreiche Schäden an Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäuden sind direkt oder indirekt auf die Einwirkung von Feuchte zurückzuführen. Bei der. In order to estimate the sensitivity of the proposed numerical fungal growth model, fungal growth on the surface of building materials was analyzed for four types of building materials, and the prediction results were compared with the results of WUFI-Bio. Keywords: Fungi, Reaction diffusion model, Heat and moisture transfer. Här hittar du examensarbeten och uppsatser om wufi bio. Välj uppsats så finner du länken till universitetet eller högskolan där du kan ladda ned hela uppsatsen. MRD-model, m-model and WUFI-Bio. The hygrothermal results showed that the cathedral roof has more fluctuating conditions compared to the attic. The relative humidity there is generally lower throughout the year, except during winter. The mould model results were inconsistent in their assessments,. WUFI Practical: Evaluation of mould growth using WUFI Bio – Joseph Little. 12:30. Pres. #10: Further evaluation - Project case – Christian Bludau. 1:00. Lunch Break. 2:00. Pres. #11: Hygrothermal Simulation Case Study: Heavy structures – Joseph Little. 2.30. WUFI Pro Practice Session (bring personal. WUFI-Bio 3.0 2011). Derfor er det behov for nye studier og mer data, som også inkluderer vann i væskeform, for å kunne forbedre disse modellene slik at de bedre kan predikere utvikling av svertesopp utendørs (Vereecken et al. 2015). Utendørstester gir mest realistiske resultater når det gjelder vekst av svertesopp på. Dear John, The WUFI- Experts (Dr.Martin Krus) of the Fraunhofer Institute indeed took WUFI-Bio for predicting mold growth. Therefore they classified straw in substrate class 1 (mold growth threshold). The substrat class 1 gives an isopleth of humidity an temperature for mold sprout and growth. For pure. If you own a license you probably go this news letter. Now it runs REM-rate report, site/source energy reports, PHIUS+ 2015 report, as well as Manual J. I've owned a Passive license for a few months now, so I now also have access to WUFI-BIO, CORR, Mould Index VTT... Thought I try it for a year before. AK-konsult Indoor Air AB Vi löser fukt- och miljöproblem i byggnader. Postadress Folke Bernadottes väg 445 256 57 Ramlösa Tel 042-20 19 00 Fax 042-20 19 30. E-post info@akkonsult.com Webb www.akkonsult.com Org nr 556394-3249. SBUF. Stomskydd – utvärdering med. Wufi 5.1 och Wufi Bio 3. Ordernr: 21192. Utilizing the WUFI Bio biohygrothermal model, the mold index is determined for this point for both BamCore and conventional 2x6 wall systems and a comparison made. Performance simulations were conducted for twelve cities representing five of the six. North American climate zones. Thermal simulations utilized average. WUFI-Bio 3.0 (2011) will be made. For the latter three models, substrate category. I (Sedlbauer, 2001) is assumed, which includes biologically recyclable and biologi- cally degradable raw building materials. For transient conditions, Sedlbauer's iso- pleth system is applied as suggested in Moon's germination graph method. 16. huhtikuu 2015. Author(s): Sami Saari. Title of thesis: Moisture and heat simulation by WUFI Pro 4.2.0 and WUFI 2D. In the beginning the structure being observed was modeled in the WUFI Pro- gram. The initial and.... http://www.wufi-wiki.com/mediawiki/index.php5/Details:LongWaveExchange. Hakupäivä 14.4.2015. Sedlbauer / Künzel ASHRAE Annual Meeting 2003. Further Information www.building-physics.com. Diss Sedlbauer. Biohygrothermal model. WUFI-Bio (only in German). Biohygrothermal model. WUFI-Bio (only in German) based on the moisture retention curve of the spore and the critical relative humidity found in the germination LIM-curve. 2.5 Mould index in WUFI-Bio. Since the mould growth in millimeters as determined by the isopleth system and by the biohygrothermal model is not a reasonable unit, Krus et al. [9] developed a conversion. 11:15 a.m. WUFI-Bio – An Extension of the WUFI Program to Predict the. Potential for Mold Development in Construction Assemblies (Ned. Lyon, Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.) 12:00 p.m. Lunch. Monday Afternoon. Session Chair: Marion Armstrong. 1:30 p.m. Illustrating Humidity (Roger Morse, Morse Zehnter Associates).
... though recent versions of the program (WUFI Pro 5.2 and above) can also account for air leakage, according to Achilles Karagiozis, Ph.D., director of building science at Owens Corning and a developer of WUFI and other hygrothermal modeling tools. The WUFI Bio plug-in can also help assess the risk of. Wufi: Calcul dynamique comportement. Hygrométrique de la paroi. WUFI Pro. WUFI 2D. WUFI Bio. Delphin. MOIST. MATCH. Méthode dynamique. Flux d'humidité : outils. 95. In depth article with case studies on alternative condensation & moisture assessment methodologies, analysing the difference between the Glaser and WuFi. time throughout entire calculation period (temperature, relative humidity, water content) WUFI Bio – calculates risk of mould growth at any chosen point in assembly. WUFI-Bio (WUFIBIO.exe). In order to assess the risk of mould growth under transient ambient conditions, a novel biohygrothermal method has been developed which is based on comparing the measured or simulated transient ambient conditions with the growth conditions needed by the fungi usually. An assessment of possible mould growth risk must use more sophisticated criteria, such as the. WUFI-Bio model (can be downloaded from the WUFI homepage). Please note that both mould growth models are not applicable to exterior surfaces as on these the environmental conditions imposed by the exterior climate (such. temperature and humidity variations. The critical water content layer is between the Tyvek building wrap and the Glass Fibre Insulation, where there is a distinct change in moisture content. This area is analysed more in detail with WUFI Bio. Chart Interpretation: Mould spores are endemic in the environment. In order to assess the risk of mold growth under transient ambient conditions, we employ a novel biohygrothermal method developed by K. Sedlbauer, M. Krus, and K. Breuer and integrated in the WUFI Hygrothermal Model as WUFI-BIO. Mould Growth Prediction with a New Biohygrothermal Method and its Application in. For a more detailed assessment of the mould growth risk on interior surfaces based on WUFI calculation results, the analysis tool WUFI-Bio can be used which has been updated to be compatible with the WUFI 4.0 data format: http://www.hoki.ibp.fhg.de/wufi/downloads_e.html#wufibio. The Light version of. The WUFI Bio software is freely available through the internet and is already being used as a post-processing model for various building simulation systems. The growth model is not yet validated for cultural heritage materials but further research is planned for identifying the growth conditions for micro-organisms on. and WUFI Bio. These programs utilize a biohygrothermal model, which incorporates the LIM system and isopleths for mold growth on specific materials, as well as transient climatic conditions (i.e. temperature and RH), to deter- mine the water balance within fungal spores in order to estimate the potential for mold growth [47,. anledning att vidare utreda vilka värden på fukt och temperatur som kommer att råda över de närmaste åren. Detta bland annat för att senare kunna korrigera beräkningsmodellen efter verkligheten. Nyckelord. Badhus, simhall, fukt, fuktproblem, fuktskador, väggkonstruktion, mögel, WUFI, WUFI Bio. WUFI Bio tells you if your assembly will grow mold. The graph below shows a material that doesn't dry out and ends up being a good mold factory. Note the red light at top left. 5 Easy Steps to Understanding WUFI - Memento Style. See More. WUFI shows the water content of the materials over time. The graph below shows. göra en samlad bedömning av resultaten som inte nödvändigtvis kan styrkas med enskilda numeriska data. Vilka parametrar som används för att godkänna eller underkänna en konstruktion måste tydligt definieras. Dessa kan t ex vara. • Biologisk modell (M-modellen, WUFI-Bio,Dos- respons modell). • Tidpunkter då RF är. POST- • WUFI-Bio compares measured/PROCESS/ simulated transient ambient and fungiANALYZE growth conditionsMOLD Check color of signal light • • mold growth > 7.87 in/yrGROWTH -CRITICAL • 7.87 in/yr > mold growth yrWATERCONTENT • mold growth < 1.96 in/yr© 2011 Steven Winter. 19. Nov. 2015. Für »WUFI Plus« steht das Add-on »WUFI Bio« zur Verfügung, welches das Risiko anhand der gegebenen, hygrothermischen Verhältnisse berechnet und mit Hilfe einer Ampel bewertet: bei »grün« ist das Risiko sehr gering, »gelb« bedeutet ein erhöhtes Risiko, das heißt Schimmelpilzwachstum kann nicht. WUFI®-2D Program for the computation of two-dimensional heat and moisture transfer, e.g. in inhomogeneous building components, connection details, geometric thermal bridges, rising damp. WUFI -Bio Transient prognosis model to assess the risk of mould growth on and in building components. WUFI®-Plus In order to estimate the sensitivity of the proposed numerical fungal growth model, fungal growth on the surface of building materials was analyzed for four types of building materials, and the prediction results were compared with the results of WUFI-Bio and the fungal index proposed by Abe. In the three prediction models,. We've completed our initial moisture analysis of the wall assembly represented in the file. “blankedforprivacy_permitset4.11.11.pdf" which was provided to us. The analysis was done using WUFI Pro 5.1 and WUFI Bio. Bear in mind that this software calculates coupled heat and moisture diffusion and. regulations (EnEV) • Calculations for protection against condensing moisture • 2D and 3D thermal bridge calculations • Transient simulation calculations WUFI, WUFI 2D, WUFI Bio • Mold fungi evaluations and analyses and remediation planning • Energy performance assessment of existing buildings • Issue of the Energy. Simulering av varmetransport i vindusrammer med hulrom ved bruk av FLUENT. Doktoravhandling ved NTNU av Arild Gustavsen. Hent avhandlingen her. Simulering av luftstrømning i skrå isolerte kalde tak med FLUENT. Verifisering av målte data for fuktinnhold i kompakte tak ved bruk av WUFI 1D, WUFI 2D og WUFI BIO. Wufi: Dynamische berekening hygrothermisch gedrag van de wand. WUFI Pro. WUFI 2D. WUFI Bio. Delphin. MOIST. MATCH. Dynamische methode. Vochtigheidsstromen: tools. 75. Model for Mould Prediction WUFI-Bio. Page 6. 6 intelligent building 2005. Model for Mould Prediction WUFI-Bio. Page 7. 7 intelligent building 2005. Whole Building Hygrothermal Model WUFI-Plus so far: hygrothermal behaviour inside building parts now: Modelling the hygrothermal behaviour inside the room coupling of. membrane is closed to keep moisture inside. • When critical water content is reached, germination is complete. • Other models just say when a specific RH and temp are reached then there is risk, this goes further to model hygrothermal behavior or spore and ascertain where germination (growth occurs). WUFI BIO Post-Proc. 19. Okt. 2009. Anschließend erfolgte die hygrothermische Berechnung der Wandkonstruktionen mit dem in WUFI 4.0 enthaltenen Klimadatensatz von Holzkirchen. Die erhaltenen Zeitkurven der relativen Luftfeuchte und Lufttemperatur dienten als Eingabewerte in WUFI-BIO 2.0 zur Berechnung des Risikos eines. Le post-processeur WUFI-Bio permet d'évaluer le risque de développement de moisissures, sur la base mesurées ou calculées des conditions climatiques locales. Afin d'évaluer le risque de développement de moisissures dans des conditions transitoires ambiantes, une nouvelle méthode a été. WUFI modelled. We've longitudinally modelled our materials using Fraunhofer's complex WUFI programme using real climate data in a range of construction systems. Looking at coupled heat and moisture transfers we compared our products with conventional systems to prove how safe and efficient our systems are over. ciężaru objętościowego materiału (20% wilgotności masowej) nie została przekroczona. Uzyskane wyniki zostały potwierdzone poprzez obliczenia za pomocą programu WUFI-Bio, które nie wykazały zagrożeń biologicznych w żadnej z przegród. Zróżnicowana budowa przegród, w szczególności zamienne zastosowanie. 22. 45. REM-Aufnahmen Schimmelpilzsporen. 46. Vorhersagemodell WUFI-Bio. Hygrothermisches Raumklimamodell WUFI-Plus. Bisher: reine Bauteilberechnung. Jetzt: Berechnung der hygroth. Verhältnisse im Raum. Kopplung zwischen Wärme und Feuchte. 55. Anwendungsbeispiel. 3-Zimmerwohnung mit. exterior walls - respect the outdoor situation to achieve energy efficiency and hygrothermal performance; interior walls and ceilings - moisture and thermal buffering. Optimisation process using simulation tools. energy simulation (EnergyPlus); hygrothermal simulation tools (WUFI Plus); biohygrothermal modelling (WUFI Bio). regarding cultural heritage materials (WUFI Bio-upgrade). Results show a general tendency of historic and art materials to be prone to mould attack already at lower temperatures. References. [1] Hofbauer Wolfgang, Breuer Klaus, Tschaikner Angelika, Krus Martin, Sedlbauer Klaus and. Schoch Torsten:. This was achieved with the use of the simulation program WUFI-bio. In 2016 the results of research will be implemented in a European Approval ETB.A EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) has been published to determine CO2 consumption of Strawbale architecture. The association is very active on different levels,. Eine Auswertung mit WUFI BIO für die Variante ZC 250 mm Backstein mit Holzfa- serdämmung 40 mm ergibt ein Schimmelwachstum von 50-200 mm/Jahr über 25 Jahren. Abb. 6: Relative Feuchte der Variante Backstein ZC mit 250 mm Backsteindicke und Innendämmung. Holzfaser mit einer Dicke von 40 und 140 mm. WUFI Bioもバージョンアップし、日本語が選択できます。 最新のWUFI Bioは次のリンクからダウンロードできます。 http://www.hoki.ibp.fraunhofer.de/download/Install_WUFIBio.zip. 古いWUFIバージョン(Ver4.x)をお持ちの方は、IBPのWUFIサイト(www.wufi-pro.com )内にあるOnline shopからWUFI Pro5.3へのバージョン. Damp simulations were done with the program Wufi and the results were then analysed by comparison to RF-curves in combination with risk assessments of the growth of mould with “Wufi Bio".The overall conclusion shows that leakage due to torrential rain poses a great strain on building exterior systems. A solutions damp. Fraunhoffer institute for WUFI Bio. • Tends to over-estimate risk, actual measurements suggest no mould up to about 2000. • Even so, we may need to be careful for G0b and E0b. • Building regs RH based mould risk, only valid near 20C. • Suggests a problem for G0b,. E0b,G1b and F1b. • Some parts have high RH but. WUFI Plus was selected for a whole building hygrothermal simulation. The results from the hygrothermal simulation were used for the assessment of mould growth risk using a biohygrothermal calculation model, WUFI-Bio. The simulation results show the clear correlation between the mould growth rates and the hygric. Download WUFI-Bio + keygen crack. Review this Software. Name *. Email *. Website. Comment. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: href="" title="">. Moisture fields. Moisture fluxes. Yes. No. Coupled Transport Equations. Moisture Modeling Using WUFI. Reference: H.M. Künzel, A. Karagiozis, and A. Holm, WUFI Fundamentals. Graphic by HOK. PROCESS. • Frost Damage (Primarily for Masonry). • Fungi Growth (Using WUFI-BIO). Failure Criterion 6 & 7. FeatureCAM is a CAD/CAM program that automates machining and minimizes programming times Wufi post processor download Free download postprocessor heidenhain Files at Software There are post-processor specific The postprocessor WUFI-Bio allows to assess the risk Postprocessor, free. Clima-Win (Rtex, RT2012); Izuba : Pléiades et Comfie (Rtex, RT2012, Simulation thermique dynamique, HQE, ACV); Logiciel PHPP (Habitat passif); U-Norm (Calcul de ponts thermiques); Wufi 2d (Transferts hygrothermodynamiques); Wufi Bio (Analyses des risques de moisissures); Fisa DPE (Diagnostic de performances.