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README for hyperref bundle, 2018/02/06 TABLE OF CONTENTS ===== 1 Introduction 2 Download 3 Installation 4 Additional Packages 5 New Features 6 Package
How do I solve it? Option pdfauthor has.Open your pdf file in Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Type The hyperref option pdfusetitle might be worth mentioning,
README for hyperref bundle, 2009/10/09 TABLE OF CONTENTS ===== 1 Introduction 2 Download 3 Installation 4 Additional Packages 5 New Features 6 Package
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Spacing before and after section titles; How to disable hyphenation in all section and subsection titles? Convert any number to corresponding word
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documentclass [german,pagesize,BCOR=0mm,titlepage,toc=bib,headinclude,headsepline]{book} tableofcontents usepackage [pdfusetitle,pdftex,colorlinks]{hyperref}
Dardis C, Woolf EC and Scheck AC. A tool for reproducible research: From data analysis (in R) to a typeset laboratory notebook (as .pdf) using the text editor Emacs
Dardis C, Woolf EC and Scheck AC. A tool for reproducible research: From data analysis (in R) to a typeset laboratory notebook (as .pdf) using the text editor Emacs
44 Responses to UBC thesis under LyX; manuscript-based thesis under LaTeX. VR says: April 18, 2010 at 2:07 am. unicode="true", pdfusetitle, bookmarks="true",
1553 lines (1235 with data), 35.6 kB #LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see lyxformat 474 begin_document begin_header textclass
The hyperref option pdfusetitle might be worth mentioning, it tries to determine author and title automatically from the author and title macros.