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However, if I just unmount the external, its state remains "Active" until the idle time set in SpindownHD has elapsed (and the system preference for putting drives to sleep when possible is checked), when its state goes first to "idle," then to "standby," & finally to "sleep," at which point the drive actually spins. Learn more about the Mac OS X application, SpindownHD ( by Apple, in the iBoostUp software database. Find updates, downloads and more. SpindownHD is used by 6,261 users of Mac Informer. This particular product is not fit to be reviewed by our informers. Share your experience: Write a review about this program. Read more. DOWNLOAD · 6,261 people · Apple Inc. Info updated on: Dec 21, 2017. After installing CHUD (included in the Developer Tools), I found in a tiny utility called SpindownHD, located in /Developer -> Applications -> Performance Tools -> CHUD -> Hardware Tools folder. This useful program allows you to adjust hard disks' sleep and polling intervals, plus to see the status of the. okay, i'm stumped, how do you manually spin down hard drives in Jaguar? i have two drives that are used frequently, setting "spin down HD when... The tools come with a variety of hardware utilities, including a utility called SpindownHD. With this utility you can see the status of your disks, as well as an option for setting the idle time after which the drive will go to sleep. You can increase this time to maintain drives in a ready state for longer, or you can. Spin down HD to save power. In reply to Hen3ry • Sep 24, 2015. Hen3ry wrote: Jacques Cornell wrote: balancedphoto2 wrote: Apple told me the mid-2012 model Macbook Pro cannot take more than 8GB this true? Anyone have success stories on upgrading to 12 or 16gb ram on their non-retnia display Macbook pro. StorageStatus keeps you informed of when your internal and external drives spin up and spin down, when devices have been connected and disconnected, and how long drives have been active or sleeping. It's designed to be a modern replacement for Apple's SpindownHD utility, making it useful for. So I've recently built my own Fileserver NAS to store my files etc. However what I was trying to decide was the back and forth question of do I leave the hard drives spinning constantly or should I have them spin down. I currently have it set to 30 mins so that the main drive will stayed spinned up since it. You should use a tool called SpindownHD in a tool collection called CHUD (Computer Hardware Understanding Developer Tools) to control disk idle and sleep modes. SpindownHD isn't a complete solution, but you can use it to extend spin-down times. Without it, Xcode sometimes crashes when it accesses a disk that is. Hello, I've noticed that even though I eject my external HDD (but leave it connected) when not in use, that it just keeps spinning. I know that there used to be an Apple program called SpinDownHD where you could dictate how long before any certain drive spun down. Is there a way to do this in Yosemite/El. Good day to all! I was wondering how would I be able to spin down the hard drives connected to my bananapi media/file server to save power and reduce wear. MacOSXHints points to the Developer Tools and an application called SpindownHD which sets the timer via the Mac GUI. This works successfully although the “device scan" listing doesn't show any drives in 10.5 (for me anyway). Using this tip from MacOSXHints I'd like to create an AppleScript to modify. Spindownhd Apple. Daily Special · download. Daily Special is. selling "hot deals" is an. products available at the Apple store. displays these. DateJan 12, 2011. LicenseFreeware. Price:Free. Platform Macintosh. Category. To spin down HD or not to spin down. Message #1 - Posted 2001/01/22 - Eric Falk. Instead of putting my computer to sleep at night, I have the monitor to turn off and the HD to spin down after a while (why I do this instead of sleep, I forget, but I'm sure I have a good reason). Anyway, sometimes something happens that. sudo fdisk -l. Bash. Copy. raspberry pi hdd standy spin down- hd-idle. ShareTweetShare. We check the current power mode status. In case it returns the status unknown, it is impossible to set the hard drive to a standby mode. Your HDD does not support spin down/hd-idle. sudo hdparm -C /dev/sda. Bash. _mäuschen13.08.0823:54. /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/CHUD/Hardware Tools/ Hilfreich?0. gorgont14.08.0800:04. _mäuschen. /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/CHUD/Hardware Tools/ und für jemand der die Developer Tools nicht installiert. ... traps, 532 Source code editor, Xcode, 122 Spam filtering, 38 Sparse disk images, 1574–1575 Sparse file, 1392 specfs (special files), 1403 Speculative execution, 168 SpeechRecognition, 106, 121 SpeechSynthesis, 101 SPICE, 17 Spider Systems, 17–18 Spier, Michael J., 1024 Spin, 130,. SpindownHD Monitors power state of hard drives. simg4 A command-line tool that simulates the G4 (7400/7410) processor. You can use this cycle-accurate simulator to run through a trace file generated by amber. simg4_plus A command-line tool that simulates the G4 (7450) processor. You can use this cycle-accurate. Note: If you have installed Tiger's Developer Tools software,you can accomplish these same changes via a utility called SpindownHD (located in /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/CHUD/HardwareTools). SEE: • “Root Access"and “Preferences Files,"in Chapter 4, for more on root access and using Property List. ... die anderen aber permanent laufen. Kennt jemand ein Tool für Mavericks, mit dem sich das Spin-Down-Verhalten der Platten individuell einstellen lässt? Ich glaube, früher gab es mal ein Tool von Apple namens "SpindownHD", aber das scheint für aktuelle OSX-Versionen nicht mehr verfügbar zu sein. Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:54 pm Post subject: Howto spin down HD when idle? Reply with quote. Hi all! My PC is pretty much running all day long, even when I'm not working on it. So I figured my HDs would have a longer life if they were spinned down after eg 30 minutes of inactivity. The problem is that I don't really. В составе XCODE существует утилита SpindownHD (/Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/CHUD/Hardware Tools/ ), которая позволяет не только мониторить текущее состояние жестких дисков, но и устанавливать время, через которое жесткие диски должны уснуть. I have an external Media Server running XP-MCE2005, with 5 Maxtor HD's in a Raid5 array (Broadcome Raidcore Card). It is mainly used in the afternoon/n. Installation. Install the hdparm package. For use with SCSI devices, install the sdparm package. Usage. Disk info. To get information about hard disks, run the following: # hdparm -I /dev/sda. Benchmarking. hdparm can be used for Benchmarking#hdparm. Power management configuration. Modern hard. Hey all,I just buit my 4 x 1.5TB drives Freenas server. They are in RAID and I was wondering if I should set the disks to spin down after 1hr or 5 hrs or whatever...The point is I don't know if I shou... Inscrit : 11 Sep 2004. Lieu : Villefranche s/Saone (France) Membre no 23 459. J'ai eu la désagréable surprise de ne pas pouvoir me servir de SpindownHD sous LEOPARD. La fenêtre reste vide, aucune disque n'y apparait (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) C'est normal çà ??? Go to the top of the page. -I have drive set to not mount when turning on computer but it still spins up at login but does not show the icon and after one minute as expected SpindownHD shows the drive in sleep. -I set a stop watch to see how long it would take from Spindown HD showing sleep to Active and it was 15min 45 seconds. spin down hd controls - is there an application that can spin down hard drives individually ? For example, I'd like to set the timeout to 10 minutes on 5 of the 6 drives i. rz, Thanks. I'll take a look at SpindownHD utility. This is tinkering on my part, you know, getting the new MBP just like I want it. Edit 1: That utility is with the X-Code. That used to be an option on install, but with Lion is that automatically installed? If so, where? Edit 2: Found it, download at the App Store. /dev/sda5: UUID="bT5cQa-7ru7-3ro2-lrhK-68HJ-AUB2-uo3SSQ" TYPE="LVM2_member" /dev/sda1: UUID="aa40b0f1-0f1b-4f87-924e-d49f8f155526" TYPE="ext2" /dev/mapper/deb1-root: UUID="b22b1dec-3ef2-4f9e-b5e9-097dc94d1c6a" TYPE="ext3" /dev/mapper/deb1-swap_1:. externes Raid schläft ein 25.08.2007, 15:24. Moin, moin... Ich hab an nem macbook pro per Sonnet SATA express34 Karte ein externes Gehäuse (Taurus eSata) mit 2 HDDs als Raid 0 hängen. Performance ist fein. Nur gehen die 2 Pladden immer wieder gerne recht schnell schlafen. Wenn ich also mal ne kleine Pause in. Introduction. hd-idle is a utility program for spinning-down external disks after a period of idle time. Since most external IDE disk enclosures don't support setting the IDE idle timer, a program like hd-idle is required to spin down idle disks automatically. A word of caution: hard disks don't like spinning up too often. Laptop. Linux e spin down HD. 12/06/2013, 19:19. Tempo ho letto che nel kernel di linux esiste un bug riguardo l'aggressività del risparmio energetico e un lavoro eccessivo delle testine dell'hard disk... Vedendo sulle preferenze di xfce4-power-manager, ho trovato l'opzione - Rallenta dischi rigidi. Non ho ben capito se è collegato. On Windows machines hard drives automatically sleep and spin down when they are not in use. This theoretically extends the life of your USB or SATA hard drive. On Linux systems you often have to configure power saving parameters for your hard drive manually. For the little Raspberry Pi and its relatives. Search Spindownhd. Visit & Look Up Quick Results Now On! Or... you find out that Apple provide some tools called CHUD, which include, a utility that allows you to specify how long to wait before spinning down the HDD. In a normal system where your booting off the spinning rust, the 20 minute default makes sense since there's a second or so. ... (Computer Hardware Understanding Developer) tools – apparently OK for polling. However: as some of the KEXTs from that period are incompatible with modern versions of the OS, I don't know whether it's sane to use this app for sleep settings (for all disks). 2012-10-26 screenshot of old SpindownHD. Since you are familiar with Linux, stick to the smartctl command-line utility of smartmontools. You can spin down disks with the -s switch. From the man page: -s NAME[,VALUE], --set=NAME[,VALUE] standby,now - [ATA only] Places the drive in the STANDBY mode. This usually spins down the drive. Tags spin down 3gp, Mp4, HD Mp4 video, Download spin down 3gp Video, Download spin down Mp4 Video Download, Download spin down HD mp4 Video, spin down Video Songs, spin down Movie Video Song, spin down bollywood movie video, 3gp spin down video Download, mp4 spin down hindi movie songs. That should allow me to control how long my external hard drive spins: But it looks like it's not compatible with my OSX (Mountain Lion)! :mad: I'm not looking for another App that might do the same as SpindownHD. I want to spot the external drive from spinning. 2012-10-26 screenshot di vecchio "diskutil – Un insieme di utilità come fsck, fdisk, tune2fs e hdparm combinati". "È anche ansible accedere alle funzioni di utilità disco dalla row di command di Mac OS X con i comandi di. Download grátis scope image dynamic pro - scope image. Você pode baixar ComSpy2 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. O software está dentro de Internet & Rede, na subcategoria Ferramentas de Você pode baixar ProjectCenter da nossa biblioteca de programas de tais como Think & Do. With some drives you need to force them to spin down hd-idle, just a heads up. Unfortunately my mbp has over a terabyte of stuff on it to back up so rpi would just be too slow to do a full backup even once. Reply2 replies. Flagged. Show more repliesLoading... Show more replies in this threadLoading. Eine Frage zu 'SpindownHD' habe ich noch… Damit es greift, muss das Programm doch die ganze Zeit aktiv sein, oder? Ich frage deshalb, weil ich den Rechner am WE in den Ruhezustand geschickt hatte, ohne 'SpindownHD' vorher zu beenden. Als ich den Mini dann (nach ein paar Stunden) wieder in. Sin embargo: como algunos de los KEXTs de ese período son incompatibles con las versiones más modernas del sistema operativo, no sé si es sano para el uso de esta aplicación para la configuración de suspensión (para todos los discos). 2012-10-26 screenshot of old Respondido el 26 de Octubre,. 10. Sept. 2006. SpinDownHD ist Teil der CHUD-Tools, welche du hier in aktueller Version runterladen kannst. So, ich habe meine externe Festplatte jetzt mit dem Programm in den Sleep-Modus versetzt, indem ich die Zeit bis zum Schlafenlegen auf 1 Minute gesetzt habe. Wenn ich mein Ohr aber auf das Gehäuse lege,. 13. Okt. 2010. Hallo, ich habe seit ein paar Tagen folgendes Problem: Die interne Festplatte (250GB/7200/Hitachi) von meinem MacBook Pro (15" late 2008) geht nicht mehr in den Ruhezustand. Überprüft habe ich diese Tatsache mit SpindownHD von den CHUD Tools. Laut Aktivitätsanzeige wird alle paar sekunden. inoltre se hai istallato i developer tools puoi usare questa applicazione che trovi nella path: /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/CHUD/Hardware Tools/ per settare che l HD dopo un minuto si spenga e non dopo 10 (non sono mai arrivato a che si spenga dopo 10 minuti da solo). cmd-ctl-shift-0, Spin down HD (when possible) on machines running OS 9. cmd-`, cycle through current application's windows (Mac OS X 10.2 only?) cmd-~, cycle through current application's windows (reverse order) (Mac OS X 10.2 only?) opt-"Empty Trash", Emptry trash without locked file or contents summary alert. In Linux, you can use the hdparm -Y /dev/sdX; In Windows, there is an app called RevoSleep; BSD has the atacontrol and camcontrol utilities to send ATA commands; SpindownHD was a utility with Apple's CHUD tools, but it's last release was in 2006. Unfortunately, at current for macOS, there is nothing. (SOLVED) HD EXTERNO não desliga ao desmontar no Ubuntu 16.04. keywords: external hd, xenial, ubuntu 16.04, won't shutdown, doesn't shutdown, unmount, won't spin down, hd externo não desliga. Em algumas situações o HD externo não desliga ao desmontar no Xenial (o Ubuntu 16.04 ainda está. Skidmarks GT Processor performance benchmark (integer, floating-point, and vector benchmarks). SpindownHD Utility for displaying the sleep/active status of attached drives. acid Analyzes traces generated by amber (only the TT6E format). amber Traces all threads of execution in a process, recording every instruction and. Apple s spindownhd utility that is provided with the xcode package will allow you to fine tune drive sleep times. Spindownhd this gives you most of the benefit of energy saver without the save delay. the only drawback is that the hard drive sleep setting applies to all. 2.prevent os x from automounting the volumes at boot to do. you can all check if the drive go to sleep with CHUD Tools, http://download.cnet...18_4-25386.html go to and see if your drive going to sleep in my case if there isn't a cd in the drive i can see in the app whenever the drive go into idle state it will do the disk checking, once having cd inside,. */10 * * * * sudo bash /home/pi/script/spinDownHD >> /var/log/crontab.log 2>&1. But the user pi hasn't permission to create a file in /var/log folder, no log file is created, how can I achieve my goal? Link. Leslie Satenstein February 24, 2014, 8:52 pm. Re Vishu February 19, 2013 at 12:32 am (message 6) If not, nothing happens. f14 dim display (cubes/g4 iMacs/others?) f15 brighten display (cubes/g4 iMacs/others?) cmd-ctl-shift-0 Spin down HD (when possible) on machines running OS 9 cmd-` cycle through current application's windows (Mac OS X 10.2 only?) cmd-~ cycle through current application's. So now I know that because I managed to spin down HD vent to 1100 rpm I can be still safe from any overheating. Yes I said it!! I found fix and made my crazy fan go down! I used smcFanControll app and a comand line in Terminal. It works as magic! I am happy there was no need for some service guy. Spin Up Spin Down 3gp Video Download Spin Up Spin Down HD Mp4 video Download Download Spin Up Spin Down Mp4 Video Spin Up Spin Down Video Songs Spin Up Spin Down Movie Video Song Spin Up Spin Down bollywood movie video 3gp Spin Up Spin Down video Download Spin Up Spin Down hindi movie.